This article is entitled "A Local Law Changing the Term of Office
of the Town of Tusten Town Clerk From a Two-Year Term of Office to
a Four-Year Term of Office, Commencing with the Next Biennial Town
Election, for the Term Beginning on January 1, 2002."
The Town Board of the Town of Tusten, after due deliberation,
has determined that a four-year term rather than the current two-year
term of office for the elective office of Town Clerk would be in the
administrative and financial interest of Town government.
The Town Board does hereby change the term of office of the
Town of Tusten Town Clerk from a two-year term of office to a four-year
term of office, commencing with the next biennial Town election, for
the term beginning on January 1, 2002.
This article shall be subject to a mandatory referendum and
shall be submitted to the voters of the Town of Tusten at the next
biennial election, to wit November 6, 2001, to approve or disapprove
this article.