Except as hereinafter provided by specific changes, the International Property Maintenance Code, 2012 Edition, is hereby adopted by reference. One copy of this document is filed in the office of the Building Inspector and the City Clerk's office of the City of Seward for use of and examination by the public.
The International Property Maintenance Code, 2012 Edition, is amended and changed in the following respects:
Chapter 1, Scope and Administration; Section 101, General. In 101.1, Title, insert: "City of Seward, Nebraska."
Section 111, Means of Appeal is repealed (see Article XIV).
Section 301.3.1 Whenever there has been damage to the nonstructural building elements of a closed or vacated residence, see Section 108.2, the owner of any such property is required to secure, and keep secure, any such structure that is in noncompliance with this code. Any such structure that has had its windows, skylights, and door frames covered to secure the building due to damage of such windows, skylights and door frames may only be allowed to cover the damaged openings for period of 30 days after receiving the "Notice and Orders" to correct from the Building Official. After such time, the owner shall then be required to make permanent corrections to the openings. If after such time the repairs are not corrected through the time frame stated above, the Building Official is authorized to order the structure to be corrected through any available public agency or by contract or arrangement by private persons, and the costs thereof shall be charged against such real estate upon which the structure is located, and shall file a lien upon such real estate, and may be collected by any other legal resource.
Section 301.3.2 Whenever there has been damage to the nonstructural building elements of a closed or vacated residence, see Section 108.2, the owner of any such property is required to secure, and keep secure, any such structure that is in noncompliance with this code. The owner of such property is required to acquire a building permit to correct violations, and comply with any "Notice and Orders" that may have been issued, within six months of such notice and order. Violations shall include but not be limited to: doors, windows, siding, roofing, and building openings. If after such time the repairs are not corrected within the time frame stated above, the Building Official is authorized to order the structure to be corrected through any available public agency or by contract or arrangement by private persons, and the costs thereof shall be charged against such real estate upon which the structure is located, and shall file a lien upon such real estate, and may be collected by any other legal resource.