[Code 1974 § 5-80; Code 1985 § 26-1; Code 2005 § 90-1]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation who carries on the business of buying brass, copper, iron, aluminum, or other metal, rubber, leather, belting, furniture, utensils, glassware or crockery, plumbing fixtures, electric fixtures, burlap, bags or any material, tools, guns, knives, watches and clocks, machinery, supplies and equipment used in drilling, completing, operating or repairing oil or gas wells or mines, commonly known as "junk dealers" and "secondhand dealers" to purchase any such articles or any other article whatsoever from any minor without first having obtained in writing the consent of the parents or guardian of such minor to make such purchase. Such written consent shall be dated the day the purchase is made and shall be itemized so as to show each particular article or thing purchased. Such "junk dealers" and "secondhand dealers" shall, on Saturday of each week, make a written report of all such purchases to the sheriff of the county and shall transmit with such report the written consents to make such purchases heretofore referred to. Such reports and written consents shall be kept as a permanent record in the sheriff's office and shall be open to public inspection.
[Code 2005 § 90-2]
Any person, firm or corporation failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of § 6-46 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $200.
[Code 1974 §§ 5-67, 5-82; Code 1985 §§ 26-2, 26-38; Code 2005 § 90-3]
A junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker shall not accept collateral or buy merchandise from a person unable to supply verification of identity by photo I.D. by a state-issued identification card, driver license or federal government-issued identification card or by readable fingerprint of right or left index finger on the back of the pawn or buy transaction copy to be retained for the junk dealer's, secondhand dealer's or pawnbroker's record.
Any suspicion or circumstance sufficient to put any ordinary prudent person upon his guard shall be sufficient notice to that person to whom property shall be offered for gift, sale or pledge, to prohibit him from accepting the property; and any knowledge, notice or information as to a conviction of the person offering such property of any pertinent property offense shall prevent such sale, gift or pledge from being made. The failure to exercise the precautions prescribed in this subsection and the accepting of a gift, sale or pledge of property prohibited in this subsection, which shall be stolen, or shall be in the possession of one not entitled thereto, or which shall be disposed of by one not entitled to, or competent to sell, pledge or give the property away, shall be unlawful.
A junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker shall report to the chief of police any person who offers to sell any merchandise under such circumstances as to put him on inquiry as to the true and lawful owner of such merchandise and the lawful right to make such sale or delivery.
[Code 1974 § 5-83; Code 1985 § 26-3; Code 2005 § 90-4]
Any junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker who shall be guilty of the violation of any of the provisions of this article applicable thereto, or who shall permit an employee in the course of such employment, to be guilty of the violation of any provision hereof, shall, in addition to any other penalty, have his license or permit revoked; provided that such revocation shall be effected by the Board of Commissioners on proof of such conviction and after notice and a hearing.