[Code 1985 § 24-367; Code 2005 § 30-1]
It shall be unlawful for any person except an authorized person to proceed to or to remain at a disaster area for the purpose of being a bystander, spectator, sightseer, or souvenir hunter; or for any such person to take or remove from the disaster area, or disturb or move, any material objects, equipment or thing, either directly or indirectly relating or pertaining to the disaster.
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle other than one on official business to follow any emergency vehicle or to purposely drive to any location on or near a highway where a disaster area exists.
For the purpose of and when used in this section, the term "disaster area" means the scene or location of a natural or military disaster, an explosion, an aircraft accident, a fire, a railroad accident and a major traffic accident. The term "authorized person" shall include all state, county and municipal police and fire personnel; hospital and ambulance crews; national guard and civil defense personnel ordered into the disaster area by proper authority; federal, civil, and military personnel on official business; persons who enter the disaster area to maintain or restore facilities for the provision of water, electricity, communications, or transportation to the public; and such other officials as have a valid reason to enter such disaster area.
The purpose of this section is to prevent sightseers, thrill seekers, souvenir hunters, and other unauthorized persons from hampering the work of rescue operations in a disaster area.