[Added 5-11-2017 by Ord. No. 8-2017[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided that it become effective 6-1-2017.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained within Article V of this Code Chapter 212:
Any person who is enlisted or actively serving in any branch of the United States Armed Forces and is deployed on active service during time of war shall be eligible to apply for a military discount in the amount of 15% of the annual sewer user charge, which shall be subject to proof of active service and which shall be prorated to apply from the date of approval of the request and thereafter only during the time of active service deployment during time of war.
Application shall be made by the enlisted individual, his or her spouse, or a member of the military personnel's immediate family and shall be submitted on forms provided by the Somers Point Tax Collector, accompanied by proof of active deployment and proof of ownership of the property by the service person to which sewer service is being provided at the time of and during the deployment or proof that the service person is the lessee of a property who was named as the responsible party on the Somers Point sewer bill prior to and during the time of deployment.
An application for the military user charge discount shall be filed for each calendar year, and any person receiving the discount shall inform the Somers Point Tax Collector promptly upon the end of deployment.
An application received during any calendar year shall be prorated from the effective date of approval through to the end of the calendar year, and any notice of termination of deployment shall likewise be prorated commencing upon the date of the end of deployment.
There shall be no retroactive application accepted or retroactive discount given. The discount shall be applied in the form of a credit on future sewer bills commencing upon the effective date of approval by the Tax Collector.
In order to be eligible, all sewer billings, real estate taxes or other payments or assessments due to the City for which the service person lessee or owner is responsible shall be current and shall continue to be current during deployment in order to continue to be eligible for the discount.