[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 10 § A, 7-12-2007; Ord. No. 24-05, 6-26-2024]
Purpose. The purpose of special use permits is to provide the County with a procedure for determining the appropriateness of a proposed use not authorized as a matter of right by the regulations of the district in which the use is proposed to be located. The appropriateness of the use shall be determined in consideration of surrounding uses, activities and conditions of the site and of surrounding areas. Based upon this determination, the BZA may decide to permit, reject or permit conditionally the use for which the special use permit is sought.
Issuance. The BZA may authorize, under prescribed conditions, the construction or undertaking of any special use that is expressly permitted as a special use in a particular zoning district; however, the BZA reserves full authority to deny any request for a special use, to impose conditions on the use or to revoke approval at any time, upon a finding that the permitted special use will or has become unsuitable and incompatible in its location as a result of any nuisance or activity generated by the use.
Status Of Special Permitted Uses.
The designation of a use in a zoning district as a special use does not constitute an authorization or assurance that such use will be approved.
Approval of special use permit shall be deemed to authorize only the particular use for which the permit is issued.
No use authorized by a special use permit shall be enlarged, extended, increased in intensity or relocated unless an application is made for a new special use permit in accordance with the procedures set forth in these regulations.
Development of the use shall not be carried out until the applicant has secured all the permits and approvals required by these regulations, or any permits required by regional, State or Federal agencies.
Application For Special Use Permit.
An application for a special use permit may be submitted by the property owner or by the property owner's authorized representative.
Application will be made on forms as provided by the Zoning Officer in his/her discretion and shall include but not be limited to the submittal documents identified below:
List of owners of the land in the application. Mortgagors holding an interest in the property are to be identified and signatory if required by their interest.
List of property owners within one thousand (1,000) feet of the subject property prepared by a title company.
Topographical site plan, indicating contours at a minimum of two (2) foot elevation change intervals where necessary to develop site gradient characteristics.
Construction site plan(s) and specifications indicating proposed improvements and describing them sufficiently to provide the information required in this Section.
Stormwater management site plan.
Such other supporting documents as required by the Zoning Officer in order to provide an understanding of the conditions related to proposed use.
Application will be accompanied by fees in an amount established by the Commission by separate order, charged to and collected from the applicant prior to acceptance of the application.
The Planning Board shall consider the applications under the standards contained in this Section, as applicable to the requested special use, and decide whether to recommend approval to the BZA. The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing on the application and make a recommendation to the BZA.
Prior to the Planning Board making its recommendation regarding an application, the Planning Board shall conduct a public hearing. Notice of such public hearing shall be published in at least one (1) newspaper having general circulation within the County, posted at least fifteen (15) days in advance thereof in one (1) or more public area in the County, by the applicant sending regular mail to all owners of any real property located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the subject parcel of land, and by the applicant posting on the subject parcel signage as provided by the Zoning Officer, each method at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the hearing.
After receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Board, the BZA shall consider the application. The BZA shall conduct a public hearing on the application. Notice of such public hearing shall be published in at least one (1) newspaper having general circulation within the County, posted with the County Clerk's office, by the applicant sending regular mail to all owners of any real property located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the subject parcel of land, and by the applicant posting on the subject parcel signage as provided by the Zoning Officer, each method at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the hearing.
Standards. The burden of persuasion shall rest with the applicant to clearly establish to the satisfaction of the BZA that the proposed special use will meet the following criteria. The BZA shall not approve a special use unless it finds that the application and evidence presented clearly indicate that the proposed special use:
The proposed use is consistent with the goals and objective of these regulations and the Comprehensive Plan;
The proposed special use is not materially detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience and welfare, or results in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity;
The proposed use is compatible with and preserves the character and integrity of the surrounding area and includes improvements or modifications either on-site or within the public rights-of-way to mitigate development related adverse to impacts, such as traffic, noise, odors, visual nuisances, or other similar adverse effects to surrounding area. These improvements or modifications may include, but shall not be limited to the placement or orientation of buildings or structures, parking areas, buffer yards, and the addition of landscaping, walls, or both, to ameliorate such impacts;
The proposed use does not generate pedestrian and vehicular traffic which will be hazardous to the existing and anticipated traffic in the area;
Will contribute to and promote the community welfare at the specific location;
The size and character of any construction required as part of the proposed use, in relationship to similar aspects of the surrounding area, is proportional and appropriate for the area;
The aesthetic character of any construction required as part of the proposed use or any aspect of the use, in relationship to similar aspects of the surrounding area, is consistent and appropriate for the area;
Will not cause substantial injury to the value of neighboring property.
Upon final consideration of an application, if the motion to approve the proposed order granting the special use permit fails, then the Zoning Officer shall prepare a proposed record of decision of disapproval, to be presented for consideration by the BZA at its next regular meeting or such later date as may be determined by the BZA. The BZA may take such time as it determines necessary before adopting a proposed record of decision of disapproval.
Conditions And Restrictions. In approving a special use permit application, the BZA may impose conditions and restrictions as necessary to assure that the standards of this Section are complied with and intent, goals and objectives of this Order are carried out. Exercise of the rights granted pursuant to the issued permit shall constitute acceptance of all conditions and restrictions imposed by the BZA. Any future enlargement or alteration in the use of the structure or site must be approved by the BZA upon receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Board as an amendment to the special use permit before a building permit for the enlargement or alteration may be issued. Failure to comply with any of these conditions or restrictions shall constitute a violation of these regulations.
Designated Special Uses. The uses which are subject to a special use permit are as contained in the Use Table of Section 400.260, Appendix A.
Editor's Note: Former Section 400.620, Standards For Consideration Of Special Use Permits By The Planning Board, Section 400.630, Procedures Of Public Hearing Process, and Section 400.640, Issuance Of A Special Use Permit were repealed 6-26-2024 by Ord. No. 24-05. Prior history includes Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 10 § B, Ord. No. 19-05, and Ord. No. 23-01.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 10 § E, 7-12-2007; Ord. No. 23-01, 3-8-2023]
Vesting Of Rights And Transferability Of Permits.
The mere issuance of a special use permit gives no vested rights to the permit holder.
A right to continue a special use shall vest only if the project is constructed and the use is actually begun. Such right shall be subject to expiration and revocation under the terms of this Section.
A special use permit may be conveyed with the land only if a right to continue the use has vested. The transfer of a permit in which no right has vested shall be invalid. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to alter the expiration date of permits or the authority of the BZA to revoke a permit.
A permit cannot be assigned or transferred to a different parcel of land.
A permit holder may apply to the Planning Board for a determination of whether a right to continue the use has vested under the terms of this Section.
Lapse Of Permits. A special use permit in which no vested right has been established, shall lapse and become void unless the applicant applies for any building permit incident to the proposed use within two (2) years of the date of approval by the BZA. Upon the written request of the property owner and for good cause shown, the BZA may grant one (1) extension of not more than one (1) year. An application for extension will be considered only if it is submitted, in writing, prior to the expiration of the initial period.
Expiration Of Permits. The BZA may impose durational limits as a condition of the special use permit. A permit may be renewed upon application to the BZA, subject to the same procedures, standards, and conditions as an original application.
Revocation Of Special Use Permits. Any special use permit granted under the authority of this Section is subject to revocation for any or all of the following reasons:
Non-compliance with any special conditions imposed at the time of approval of the special use permit.
Violation of any provisions of the ordinances pertaining to the use of the land, construction or uses of buildings or structures or activities conducted on the premises by the permit holder, agents of the permit holder, or tenants.
Violation of any other applicable provisions of the ordinances or any State or Federal law or regulation by the permit holder, agents of the permit holder, or tenants, provided that such violations relate to the conduct or activity authorized by the special use permit or the qualifications of such persons to engage in the permitted use.
Revocation is necessary to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare.
Procedure For Revocation.
Revocation proceedings may be initiated by the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Board, or BZA.
Unless the permit holder and the landowner agree, in writing, that the permit may be revoked, the BZA shall hold a public hearing to consider the revocation of the special use permit.
The County shall give the permit holder and landowner notice of the scheduled revocation hearing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date scheduled for such hearing by certified mail, return receipt requested. If such notice cannot be delivered or is not accepted, notice may be given by publishing a notice of hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the County and by posting a notice of hearing on the property at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date scheduled for the hearing.
The public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with rules of procedure established by the BZA. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the BZA may render its decision or take the matter under advisement.
No special use permit shall be revoked unless a majority of the BZA is satisfied by a preponderance of the evidence that grounds for revocation exist. Any motion for the revocation of a special use permit shall clearly state the grounds for revocation.
[Res. No. 07-06, Zoning Order Art. 10 § F, 7-12-2007]
In granting a special use, the County may impose conditions, safeguards and restrictions upon the premises as it considers necessary to reduce or minimize any potential injurious effect of such special uses upon other property in the neighborhood, and to carry out the general purpose and intent of these regulations. The following additional conditions shall be requirements for the consideration of the following special uses described:
Special Needs Residential Uses.
Use of dwellings in locations not otherwise authorized by this Zoning Order may be permitted for specified periods of time by a SUP. This SUP is intended to be used for cases wherein the proposed occupant(s) of the temporary dwelling are physically or mentally incapacitated such that they and require the care and/or supervision of the person making application for the Special Use Permit.
A special need must be described in the application for this special use and the relationship of the care provider indicated. Documentation of the need, such as medical opinion and information, shall be as required by the Planning Board or as a condition as determined by the BZA.
Special needs residential uses shall not include any arrangement of fees for care services or use of the dwelling.
Adult Entertainment Uses.
Adult entertainment establishments, as defined by this Zoning Order, shall be subject to the following conditions:
The application for the SUP must specify the exact use proposed, such as adult bookstore, adult theater, modeling studio, or entertainment facility, including a description of the activities planned as part of the use, and a description of the degree of nudity as these relate to the definitions used in this Zoning Order.
The County may require any additional conditions that are deemed necessary for compliance with these regulations.
No adult entertainment establishment shall be located closer than two thousand six hundred forty (2,640) feet to any church, school, public building, residence, or residential district, or closer than five thousand two hundred eighty (5,280) feet from another adult entertainment establishment. Measurement shall be made from the main public entrance of such establishment by the most direct public street to the nearest lot line of the parcel in question, or direct walking path, whichever is closer.
All access to and from the adult entertainment establishment parcel shall be provided from a major thoroughfare road.
The lot on which the use is located shall be screened by a solid wall, a minimum of six (6) feet in height along side and rear lot lines, providing a complete visual barrier.
The building in which the establishment is located, and the off-street parking serving the establishment, shall be set back at least twenty-five (25) feet from the front lot property line and at least ten (10) feet from all side and rear property lines, or the set back distance stipulated in the underlying zoning district, whichever is more restrictive.
The building in which the adult entertainment establishment is located shall be designed in such a fashion that all openings, entries and windows prevent views into such establishments from any street or other public area. Further, no merchandise or pictures of products or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in window areas or any area where such merchandise or pictures can be viewed from the street or public area.
No adult entertainment activity shall take place outside the building containing the adult entertainment establishment.
No portable signs shall be allowed, and signs shall inform only of the establishment's name and address and shall not depict specific sexual activities or anatomical area. There shall be permitted one (1) on-premise sign and one (1) building sign, the combined face area of which shall be no larger than one (1) square foot of signage for each lineal foot of building facade that faces the street.
No flashing lights and traveling lights are permitted outside the building. Lighting of parking areas that serve an adult entertainment establishment shall provide an average light level of one (1.0) foot-candles at a height of six (6) feet, over the entire parking area, but in no point shall the light level exceed three (3.0) foot-candles. No increase in light levels or visible glare from lighting shall be permitted at the lot line.
The hours of operation shall be nominally the normal daylight working hours. No use shall be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday. No use on Sundays, New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day shall be permitted.
Any adult entertainment activity that is not in compliance with the definitions and the conditions of this Zoning Order shall be prohibited under any conditions.
Purpose. It is the intent and purpose of these requirements to qualify, supplement, or define the allowable uses of billboards in each of the Zoning Districts as defined in the Article regarding Signage in this Zoning Order.
Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures of all regulating authorities shall be provided to the County in the application for a SUP, or prior to issuance of the permit and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
Included in the SUP will be a provision that the permanent structures required for the billboard use will be removed and the land restored to it's original condition within a twelve (12) month period after the loss of permitting by the Federal, State agencies, or the County, or the discontinuation of the use.
A drawing showing all other billboards and principle freestanding signs: within two thousand six hundred forty (2,640) feet, in each direction, on each side of the highway on which the billboard is located.
Communication Towers.
Towers that are less than thirty-five (35) feet in height shall be allowed as a permitted use, in areas as designated in this Zoning Order.
Towers in other areas and those greater than thirty-five (35) feet in height may be allowed by Special Use Permit, subject to the following requirements:
A study comparing all potential tower location sites within an approximate one-half (1/2) mile radius of the proposed application area is required.
A photo simulation of the proposed facility as viewed from the adjacent residential properties and public rights-of-way.
Evidence of a lease for the use of the property by the applicant for this special use.
A survey of the property on which the tower is to be located, including all easements for all services provided to the tower site.
Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures of all regulating authorities shall be provided to the County in the application, or prior to issuance of the permit and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
A signed statement indicating the applicant's intention to share space on the tower with other communication service providers, and a copy of notification sent to other providers notifying them of the proposed request and inquiring of their interest to co-locate.
A site plan indicating the setback distance of the proposed tower. The setback from any property line shall not be less than two-thirds (2/3) of the height of the tower, including antennas, unless a professional engineer certifies the fall zone will be within the setback area proposed. In no case, however, shall the setback of a tower be less than the setback requirement of the zoning district at the location for the tower use. The setback distance for towers on a roof or structure other than a tower shall be measured from the base of the tower to the edge of the roof or structure and shall not be greater than two-thirds (2/3) the height of the tower.
The construction or site plan shall indicate the location and specifications of any illumination devices. Towers shall not be lighted except as required by the current regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The use of high intensity flashing lights is prohibited, unless specifically required by FAA regulations. Towers shall be designed and sited so as to avoid, whenever possible, application of FAA lighting and painting requirements. Security lighting around the base of the tower may be installed, provided that all ground level lighting is directed inward and downward and does not interfere with lighting levels on adjacent property.
Metal construction materials of a tower shall have a galvanized finish or be painted gray or light blue, unless other standards are required by the FAA.
If antennas are installed on a tower structure other than a tower, the antennas shall be screened, constructed and/or colored to match the structure to which they are attached. Antennas mounted on the side of a building or structure shall match the color of the background against which they are mounted.
The tower shall be enclosed in a type of security fence not less than six (6) feet in height around the base of the tower and fully enclose the accessory equipment. In addition, the fence shall be constructed to prevent climbing access to the interior of the tower enclosure.
Included in the SUP will be a provision that the use will be removed and the land restored to it's original condition within a twenty-four (24) month period after the loss of permitting by the Federal or State agencies, or the County, or the discontinuation of the use.
Composting Industry Uses.
Composting uses are those whose operations shall include only yard wastes which are defined as leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden vegetation and woody materials that have reduced to a size that can be composted. Applications for a special use for composting sites may include a request to set aside an area for processing on a site of woody materials, such as trees, stumps and branches, into firewood or wood chip mulch.
The lot on which the use is located shall be screened by a solid barrier, a minimum of six (6) feet in height along side and rear lot lines, providing a complete visual barrier. Fencing may also be required to minimize the impact of wind blown debris leaving the property.
Provisions for dust reduction and containment both on- and off-site are required to be fully described as part of the application process.
The hours of operation shall be nominally the normal daylight working hours. No use shall be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday. No use on Sundays, New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day shall be permitted.
Included in the SUP will be a provision that the use will be removed and the land restored to it's original condition within a twenty-four (24) month period after the loss of permitting by the Federal or State agencies, or the County, or the discontinuation of the use.
Concentrated Animal Feeding Uses.
All proposed Concentrated Feeding Operations that are designed to accommodate Class I and Class II concentrations of animal units shall be subject to Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR), Division of Environmental Quality standards, review and approval.
All wastes from a concentrated animal feeding operation shall be subject to all other Federal, State and local requirements, including the provisions of the Clean Water Act which are applicable. In addition, any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order shall be satisfied prior to acceptance of the application for permitting. This may include controls that demonstrate compliance with the Clean Water Act, such that there is no discharge of waste directly or as a component of storm water runoff from the property, or include controls such that there is no discharge of wastes, directly or indirectly, into subsurface waters.
Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures of all regulating authorities shall be provided to the County in the application, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
Procedures for the handling of wastes and storm water management shall be subject to requirements of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR), under the Missouri Clean Water Act shall be requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order may also be required and shall be satisfied prior to acceptance of the application for permitting.
The lot on which the use is located shall be screened by a fence adequate to prevent any animal or wind blown debris from leaving the subject property.
Separation requirements of the MoDNR, and any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order may also be required.
Included in the SUP will be a provision that the use will be removed and the land restored to it's original condition within a twenty-four-month period after the loss of permitting by the Federal or State agencies, or the County, or the discontinuation of the use.
Landfill Uses.
[Ord. No. 23-05, 4-26-2023]
Sanitary landfill shall be subject to Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) review and approval. Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures shall be provided to the County in the application, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
All water runoff from a sanitary landfill shall be subject to all other Federal, State and local requirements which are applicable. In addition, any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order shall be satisfied prior to acceptance of the application for permitting.
Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures of all regulating authorities shall be provided to the County in the application, or prior to issuance of the permit and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
Specific procedures for the handling of storm water management, as required by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) as part of the compliance with the Clean Water Act and the American Public Works Association Standards shall apply. Any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order may also be required and shall be satisfied prior to acceptance of the application for permitting. This may include controls that demonstrate compliance with the Clean Water Act, such that there is no discharge of runoff water directly into surface or subsurface waters.
Separation requirements from adjacent land uses shall be, in addition to those of DNR, at least one (1) mile from any municipality, and any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order. Perimeter setbacks may be greater than the standard setbacks in the underlying zoning district.
Restrictions limiting access to the site to specific routes using County roads will be required. The application shall include a schematic site plan of the routes within a three (3) mile radius of the subject property and intended to be access routes for the proposed use.
The lot on which the use is located shall be screened by a fence of woven wire construction, a minimum of ten (10) feet in height along all lot lines as a means to prevent wind blown debris from leaving the subject property. Openings in the fence shall be nominally two (2) inches square. Construction materials shall be galvanized metals.
The hours of operation shall be nominally the normal daylight working hours. No use shall be permitted between the hours of 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M., Monday through Saturday. No use on Sundays, New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day shall be permitted.
Provisions for dust reduction and containment both on- and off-site are required to be fully described as part of the application process. Use of the site shall include provisions to control dust caused by the proposed use. As a minimum, water spray dust control shall be required during operation hours such that dust leaving the property shall be limited to short durations, and to the satisfaction of the County.
A reclamation plan for returning the subject property to its original condition shall be required with the application. The plan shall be binding to the extent that it shall indicate the intent of the reclamation. This initial reclamation plan shall be revised in advance of the time that such reclamation efforts would begin. At such time, the revised and final plan shall be submitted to the BZA for approval. It shall be reviewed as part of a public hearing process, under the same procedures as the original application.
The reclamation plan shall include a schedule of the beginning, duration and completion of the reclamation effort. This schedule may also be revised as part of the submittal of a final reclamation plan.
The BZA may require a bond or other method of financial assurance acceptable to the County in the amount that will guarantee the reclamation of the site within a period of time to be specified and approved by the BZA. Such surety shall be properly executed prior to any grading or construction, and shall be released in segments upon written approval of the County.
Uses For The Rehabilitation Of Patients.
Residential or out-patient facilities for the treatment of substance abuse may be permitted as a special use in districts designated in the Zoning Order, provided that:
Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures of all regulating authorities, including State certification requirements of the Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse of the Department of Mental Health, shall be provided to the County in the application or prior to the issuance of the permit, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
The facility shall be subject to all regulatory Building Codes currently adopted for use by the County, the requirements of this Zoning Order, the Subdivision Regulations and other non-discriminatory regulations in effect in the County.
The design of the facility shall be in compliance with aspects of the Zoning Order regarding the surrounding community and with other physical structures in the surrounding neighborhood as determined by the Planning Board or BZA.
The facility shall be located no closer than one thousand (1,000) feet from another, similar facility, and no closer than three hundred (300) feet form any residentially zoned district.
Surface, Non-Metalic Mining Uses.
Surface quarry uses shall be subject to Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) review and approval. Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures shall be provided to the County in the application, or prior to issuance of the permit, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
Such uses shall also be subject to all other State and Federal requirements, including the Department of Labor, Mine Safety standards and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco standards regarding explosives usage. Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures shall be provided to the County in the application, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures of all regulating authorities shall be provided to the County in the application, or prior to issuance of the permit, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
The proposed operation shall not contribute to soil erosion by water, wind, or vibration, nor shall it adversely affect soil fertility, drainage and lateral support of any abutting land.
All water runoff from a mining use shall be subject to all other Federal, State and local requirements which are applicable. In addition, any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order shall be satisfied prior to issuance of the permit.
Specific procedures for the handling of storm water management, as required by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) as part of the compliance with the Clean Water Act and the American Public Works Association Standards shall apply. Any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order may also be required and shall be satisfied prior to issuance of the permit. This may include controls such that there is no discharge of runoff water directly into surface or subsurface waters.
Separation requirements of this use from adjacent land uses shall be those of the above regulatory agencies and any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order. Perimeter setbacks may be greater than the standard setbacks in the underlying zoning district.
Separation requirements of this use shall be a minimum of one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet from any existing residence and one hundred (100) feet from the property lines of the parcel proposed as the site for this use.
Explosive use separations shall be a minimum of one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet from any existing residence and one hundred (100) feet from the property lines of the parcel proposed as the site for this use.
All areas quarried or mined shall not endanger the lateral support of abutting or adjoining properties. A minimum setback of one hundred (100) horizontal feet from any road right-of-way, measured on the surface, must be maintained free of any quarrying or mining activity, either surface or subsurface.
Restrictions limiting access to the site to specific routes using County roads will be required. The application shall include a schematic site plan of the routes within a three (3) mile radius of the subject property and intended to be access routes for the proposed use.
When any open excavation will have a depth of three (3) feet or more and create a slope of more than thirty degrees (30°), creating a hazard, there shall be a substantial fence with suitable gates where necessary, effectively blocking access to the area in which such excavation is located. Such fence shall be located fifty (50) feet or more from the edge of the excavation. The fence shall be of woven wire construction, a minimum of six (6) feet in height. Openings in the fence shall be nominally two (2) inches square. Construction materials shall be galvanized metals.
The hours of operation shall be nominally the normal daylight working hours. No use shall be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday. No use on Sundays, New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas shall be permitted.
Use of the site shall include provisions to control dust caused by the proposed use. As a minimum, water spray dust control shall be required during operation hours such that dust leaving the property shall be limited to short durations, and to the satisfaction of the County.
A reclamation plan for returning the subject property to it's original condition shall be required with the application. The plan shall be binding to the extent that it shall indicate the intent of the reclamation. This initial reclamation plan shall be revised in advance of the time that such reclamation efforts would begin. At such time, the revised and final plan shall be submitted to the BZA for approval. It shall be reviewed as part of a public hearing process, under the same procedures as the original application.
The reclamation plan shall include a schedule of the beginning, duration and completion of the reclamation effort. This schedule may also be revised as part of the submittal of a final reclamation plan.
The BZA, if it deems necessary, may impose a requirement for a bond to be provided by the applicant to assure the completion of the reclamation effort.
No building, equipment, quarry products or other materials shall be erected or stored within one hundred (100) feet of any property or roadway right-of-way line. All equipment and materials for packaging shall be located in designated areas and provided with visual screening from the adjacent properties.
Along all property lines which separate this use from residential property, screening shall be provided in the form of earthen berms or trees of adequate height, spacing and density to provide visual barriers against viewing the operations of the use.
The slope of material in any excavation shall not exceed the normal angle of repose or forty-five degrees (45°), whichever is less.
The BZA may require a bond or other method of financial assurance acceptable to the County in the amount that will guarantee the reclamation of the site within a period of time to be specified and approved by the BZA. Such surety shall be properly executed prior to any grading or construction, and shall be released in segments upon written approval of the County.
A copy of the annual survey of mining operations, as required to be filed by State law with the State, shall also be filed with the Board of Zoning.
Sub-Surface Metalic Or Non-Metalic Mining Uses.
Sub-surface quarry uses shall be subject to Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) review and approval. Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures shall be provided to the County in the application, or prior to issuance of the permit, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
Such uses shall also be subject to all other State and Federal requirements, including the Department of Labor, Mine Safety standards and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco standards regarding explosives usage. Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures shall be provided to the County in the application, or prior to the issuance of the permit, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
Documentation of all necessary approval and permitting procedures of all regulating authorities shall be provided to the County in the application, or prior to the issuance of the permit, and shall be revised when reissued by such authorities.
All water runoff from a sub-surface mining use shall be subject to all other Federal, State and local requirements which are applicable. In addition, any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order shall be satisfied prior to acceptance of the application for permitting.
Specific procedures for the handling of storm water management, as required by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR) as part of the compliance with the Clean Water Act and the American Public Works Association standards shall apply. Any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order may also be required and shall be satisfied prior to acceptance of the application for permitting. This may include controls such that there is no discharge of runoff water directly into surface or subsurface waters.
Separation requirements of this use from adjacent land uses shall be those of the above regulatory agencies and any requirements considered necessary by the Planning Board or BZA for the enforcement of this Zoning Order. Perimeter setbacks may be greater than the standard setbacks in the underlying zoning district.
Separation requirements of the active components of this use shall be a minimum of six hundred (600) feet horizontally from the vertical extension downward of the foundation line of any existing residence and one hundred (100) feet from the property lines, when extended vertically downward, of the parcel proposed as the site for this use.
Explosive use separations shall be a minimum of six hundred (600) feet from any existing residence and one hundred (100) feet from the property lines of the parcel proposed as the site for this use as described for operations above.
Restrictions limiting access to the site to specific routes as designated by the County when using County roads will be required. The application shall include a schematic site plan of the routes within a three (3) mile radius of the subject property and intended to be access routes for the proposed use.
When any open excavation will have a depth of three (3) feet or more and create a slope of more than thirty degrees (30°), there shall be a substantial fence with suitable gates where necessary, effectively blocking access to the area in which such excavation is located. The fence shall be of woven wire construction, a minimum of six (6) feet in height. Openings in the fence shall be nominally two (2) inches square. Construction materials shall be galvanized metals or other non-weathering materials.
The hours of operation shall be nominally the normal daylight working hours. No use of surface areas and no underground blasting operations shall be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday. No use on Sundays, New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas of surface areas shall be permitted.
Use of the site shall include provisions to control dust caused by the proposed use. As a minimum, water spray dust control shall be required during operation hours such that dust leaving the property shall be limited to short durations, and to the satisfaction of the County.
Any State or Federal requirements for reclamation of underground mining uses shall apply, and a reclamation plan for returning the subject property to it's original condition shall be required with the application. The plan shall be binding to the extent that it shall indicate the intent of the reclamation. This initial reclamation plan shall be revised in advance of the time that such reclamation efforts would begin. At such time, the revised and final plan shall be submitted to the BZA for approval. It shall be reviewed as part of a public hearing process, under the same procedures as the original application. Any guarantees, bonding or insurance requirements as determined by the County shall apply to the use.
The reclamation plan shall include a schedule of the beginning, duration and completion of the reclamation effort. This schedule may also be revised as part of the submittal of a final reclamation plan.
The BZA, if it deems necessary, may impose a requirement for a bond to be provided by the applicant to assure the completion of the reclamation effort.
All areas quarried or mined shall not endanger the structural support of abutting or adjoining properties. A minimum setback of one hundred (100) horizontal feet from any road, utility, private or public right-of-way, measured on the surface, and on a horizontal line from the use to the vertical extension of the right-of-way line must be maintained free of any quarrying or mining activity, either surface or subsurface.
No building, equipment, quarry products or other materials shall be erected or stored within one hundred (100) feet of any property or roadway right-of-way line. All equipment and packaging materials shall be stored in a designated area and provided with visual screening acceptable to the County.
Along all property lines which separate this use from residential property, screening shall be provided in the form of earthen berms or trees of adequate height and spacing to provide visual barriers against viewing the operations of the use.
The proposed operation shall not contribute to soil erosion by water, wind, or vibration, nor shall it adversely affect soil fertility, drainage and lateral support of any abutting land.
The slope of material in any excavation shall not exceed the normal angle of repose or forty-five degrees (45°), whichever is less.
The BZA may require a bond or other method of financial assurance acceptable to the County in the amount that will guarantee the reclamation of the site within a period of time to be specified and approved by the BZA. Such surety shall be properly executed prior to any grading or construction, and shall be released in segments upon written approval of the County.
A copy of the annual survey of mining operations, as required to be filed by State law with the State, shall also be filed with the Board of Zoning
Toxic Product Industries.
Uses involving the storage, processing, manufacturing or destruction of toxic substances, including and not limited to chemicals, tires, fuels, animal waste, pharmaceuticals and radioactive materials, shall be required to provide documentation as required by the Planning Board or BZA fully describing:
An operational plan of how the products will be stored, processed, manufactured or destroyed on the premises has been submitted. Such plan shall be demonstrated to be acceptable to all agencies and departments of government who have regulatory authority over such products or processes prior to issuance of the Special Use Permit.
An operational plan for protection of the public, surrounding environment and subsurface environment from any accidental or unexpected release or distribution of products that are part of the operations of the proposed use. Such plan shall be demonstrated to be acceptable to all agencies and departments of government who have regulatory authority over such products or processes prior to issuance of the Special Use Permit.
The types, description and manufacturer's safety data information for each of hazardous products to be present on the site at any point in time.
An operational plan to correct any and all harm to the public welfare, surrounding environment or subsurface environment arising from any aspect of the special use on the property, as determined by the County.
Evidence of any bonding or insurance required by other authorities, regulatory bodies, the Planning Board or the BZA regarding the special use. All bonding and insurance will be in place and active prior to issuance of the permit.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (A)(12), regarding Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS), was repealed 4-26-2023 by Ord. No. 23-06. See now Section 400.391, Mind Energy Conversion Overlay District (WECOD).