Dedication requirement. In order that adequate open spaces and sites
for public uses may be properly located and reserved and in order
that the cost of providing public areas, such as but not limited to
parks, recreation areas and public schools, may be equitably apportioned
on the basis of additional need created by the subdivision development,
each subdivider shall be required to reserve land, dedicate land or
fees in lieu of land for park or other public uses. Each subdivider
of land in the Village of Fredonia and extraterritorial plat jurisdiction
area shall, at the discretion and direction of the Village Board,
upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, either dedicate
open space lands designated on the Village Comprehensive Plan, Official
Map, or plan component, or reserve such open space lands and pay a
public site fee, or, where no open space lands are directly involved,
pay a public site fee. The Planning Commission shall, at the time
of reviewing the preliminary plat or certified survey map, recommend
to the Village Board the land dedication option, fees in lieu of land
option, or reservation of additional land option and record such selection
in the minutes of the meeting at which the preliminary plat is presented
for approval. The Village Board shall have the sole authority to determine
which sites shall be acceptable for dedication. Drainageways, stormwater
detention/retention areas, etc., shall not be counted as part of the
parkland dedication requirement.