Where required for submission, an applicant shall submit a community impact statement.
Submission format. All community impact statements shall consist of written and graphic materials which clearly present the required information addressing the following areas:
Population impact. An analysis of the number of people expected to be added to the municipal population as a result of the proposed development, including those attracted to the Township for the number of projected jobs in nonresidential development, according to the following age cohorts: children, adults and other information about age cohorts.
Schools impact. An analysis of the anticipated number of public school students projected to be added and the ability of the existing public school facilities to absorb the additional population projected 10 years into the future. The analysis shall provide data on school facility capacity and existing enrollment, cumulative projections of new students, impacts on facilities, support staff and added costs to the school district. Should expanded or new school facilities or increased teaching staff be required, the projected cost for such additions shall be specified.
Community facilities impact. An analysis of the existing community facilities and infrastructure available to serve the proposed development and its impact on the adequacy of existing public water facilities, public sewerage facilities, recreational facilities, library facilities, and senior services. Should such facilities be determined inadequate to serve the proposed development, the remedies, either expected or proposed by the applicant, shall be indicated along with the estimated costs for such additional facilities.
Services impact. An analysis of the existing services provided by the municipality to serve the proposed development and the impact of the development upon services, including police protection, fire protection, emergency services, solid waste disposal and street maintenance services.
Traffic impact. An analysis of the existing road network available to serve the proposed development, as well as the proposed road network within the development itself and the surrounding road network which will be affected by the proposed development, including the capacity of the existing and proposed roadways; the anticipated traffic volumes as a result of the proposed development; the physical structure of both road networks; and any problem areas in the road network affected by the development, including unsafe intersections and vertical or horizontal alignments.
Fiscal impact. An analysis of the revenues expected to be generated from the development compared to the anticipated costs which the proposed development is expected to generate. Revenues and costs shall be shown for the municipality, the municipal school system and the municipal library system.
Waiver. The Board may grant a waiver from this requirement or any section thereof.
Where required for submission, an applicant shall submit an environmental impact statement.
Every environmental impact statement shall contain the following:
Key map showing the location of the project and how it relates to the surrounding region affected thereby.
Description of the project specifying, in the form of maps, drawings, graphs or similar visual aids, and also by narrative, what is to be done and how it is to be done during and after construction of the project, including information and technical data adequate to permit a careful assessment of the environmental impact of the project.
An inventory of the existing environmental conditions at the project site and in the surrounding region affected thereby which shall describe the following:
Physical characteristics:
Air quality.
Hydrology, including maps and descriptions of streams, water bodies and floodplains and a discussion of water quality.
Soils and their properties, including capabilities and limitations.
Topography and slope.
Fish and aquatic organisms.
Wild animals.
Man-made conditions and structures:
Sanitary and storm sewer systems, including planned construction.
Noise characteristics and levels.
Traffic volume.
Land use, including maps and descriptions of zoning and Master Plan delineation of the project area.
Community character:
History, including maps and descriptions of sites of historic and archaeological significance.
Maps and descriptions of sites reserved or planned for recreational purposes or as wildlife refuges.
Air and water quality: Air quality and water quality shall be described with reference to the standards promulgated by the Department of Environmental Protection of the State of New Jersey, and soils shall be described with reference to criteria contained in the Northeast Jersey Soil Conservation District Standards and Specifications.
A listing of all licenses, permits or other approvals required by municipal, county or state law, the status of each, and proof that the applicant has contacted officials of any federal, state, county or municipal agency affected by the proposed project.
An assessment of the probable impact of the project upon all of the topics listed in Subsection B(3) above.
A listing and evaluation of adverse environmental impacts which cannot be avoided, with particular emphasis upon air or water pollution, increase in noise during and after construction, damage to plant, tree and wildlife systems, damage to natural resources, displacement of people and businesses, increase in sedimentation and siltation, flooding, potential stormwater runoff damage both on and off site, increase in municipal services, and health, safety and well-being of the public. Off-site impact shall also be set forth and evaluated.
A thorough description of the steps to be taken to minimize adverse environmental impact before, during and after construction of the project, both at the project site and in the surrounding region affected thereby, such description to be accompanied by necessary maps, schedules and other explanatory data as may be needed to clarify and explain the actions to be taken.
Identification and description of any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources which would be involved in the proposed action.
A statement of alternatives to the proposed project which might avoid some or all of the adverse environmental effects, including a no-action alternative, with an objective evaluation of each alternative, including the no-action alternative.
A reference list of available, pertinent, published information relating to the project, the project site, and the surrounding region affected thereby.
Waiver. The Board may grant a waiver from this requirement or any section thereof.