[R.O. 2004 § 245.010; Ord. No. 14-03 § 1, 1-23-2014]
The City of Weldon Spring has the authority, pursuant to Sections 71.780, 79.450 and 79.460, RSMo., to regulate and suppress nuisances which are or may be injurious to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City under its Police powers.
[R.O. 2004 § 245.020; Ord. No. 14-03 § 2, 1-23-2014]
The Board of Aldermen believe that panhandling and offensive vagrancy should be regulated in order to protect the residents and businesses of the City from intimidation by panhandlers and offensive vagrants whose disorderly conduct constitute a nuisance.
[R.O. 2004 § 245.030; Ord. No. 14-03 §§ 3 — 4, 1-23-2014]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Approaching someone in an aggressive and/or persistent manner.
A person wandering idly about and refusing to relocate from a right-of-way, public or business or residential property and acting in a disorderly manner after being advised to leave the premises. May also include activity causing distraction for drivers along roadways and inhibiting the flow of traffic thus creating a safety hazard.
Accosting another person seeking something of value.
[R.O. 2004 § 245.040; Ord. No. 14-03 §§ 5 — 7, 1-23-2014]
Any person perceived to be panhandling shall first be advised to refrain from being aggressive and/or persistent.
Any person perceived to be an offensive vagrant shall first be advised to relocate and refrain from acting in a disorderly manner.
Any person perceived to be truly homeless or destitute shall be assisted to a charitable facility to the extent feasible.
[R.O. 2004 § 245.050; Ord. No. 14-03 § 8, 1-23-2014]
Any person determined to be in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of an ordinance violation and upon conviction shall be punishable as set forth in Section 100.220 of this Code.