Company officers will see that run reports are properly filled out and filed for each emergency call. All reports will be filled out promptly, and run cards will be typed and filed before each tour of duty ends.
Reports of special importance or nature similar to the following shall be preceded by an immediate telephone call to the Chief:
Unusual occurrence at a fire or elsewhere.
Loss of life or serious injuries to members or civilians at a fire or elsewhere.
Accidents to apparatus, or placing of an apparatus out of service.
Structural or occupancy hazards imminently dangerous to life or property.
Company officers will see that an accident report is properly filled out by or for any member who is injured during the member's tour of duty or at an emergency. The report will be completed before the tour of duty ends and attached to the witness and incident report.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Company officers will fill out the time sheet for their tour of duty. They will fill it out properly, using the proper columns and explaining, when necessary, in the remarks area or on the back of the sheet.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Reports are public record. They may not be withheld, delayed or altered. Only fact, not opinions, should be put on reports.
Information releases. All information, with the exception of information (facts) written on run reports, shall be released through the Fire Chief or an officer designated by the Fire Chief. This includes all information pertaining to Fire Department operations, investigations, policies, inspections, etc.