For the purpose of this chapter, the City of Plattsburgh is hereby divided into the following classes of districts:
Residential Historic
Low-Density Residential
General Residential
General Business
Highway Business
Central Business
Overlay District - Parking
Overlay District - Waterfront
Recreational and Related Uses
Recreational and Related Uses
Recreational and Related Uses
The boundaries of these zoning districts are hereby established on a set of City Tax Maps entitled, "Zoning Maps of the City of Plattsburgh," which maps are kept on file and will be available for public viewing in the Building Inspector's office, and such maps are hereby declared to be a part of this chapter. For informational purposes, a zoning boundary map of the City of Plattsburgh, at an approximate scale of one inch equals 1,800 feet, has been prepared and is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Unless shown to the contrary on the Zoning Maps, the boundary lines of districts are the center lines of streets and alleys or such lines extended, railroad right-of-way lines, the center lines of creeks and waterways, lot lines and the corporate limit line as it existed at the time of the enactment of this chapter. Where a district boundary line, as appearing on the Zoning Maps, divides a lot or land in single ownership as existing at the time of enactment, the use of the lot shall be divided to conform to each zoning district as shown on the Zoning Map.
Except as provided in this chapter, no building or part thereof or other structure shall be erected, altered, added to or enlarged nor shall any land, building, structure or premises be used, designed or intended to be used for any purpose other than as for the uses hereinafter listed as permitted, accessory and special uses established in the district in which such building, land or premises is located.
Any land hereafter annexed to or consolidated with the City of Plattsburgh shall be classified by an amendment to this chapter as part of the annexation or consolidation of such land.