[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
This Part is enacted pursuant to authority granted in the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, Act 177 of 1996 (53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.), as amended.
[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
By enactment hereof, the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Honey Brook hereby approves entering into the Upper West Branch Brandywine Creek Watershed Cost-Sharing and Cooperation Agreement ("agreement"), in substantially the form attached to this Part, and authorizes and directs the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute, and the Secretary of the Township to attest, such agreement.[1]
Editor's Note: The agreement is on file in the Township offices.
[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
The initial term of the agreement shall be for the MS4 permitting period running from approximately March 10, 2018, through March 9, 2023, and shall only continue for additional permitting periods thereafter if agreed to, in writing, by both municipalities.
[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
The Township of Honey Brook and the Borough of Honey Brook (the "municipalities"), as municipalities within the Upper West Branch Brandywine Creek Watershed, have negotiated an agreement whereby and whereunder the municipalities desire to coordinate and cost-share the implementation requirements of the Christina Basin TMDL, per the MS4 permitting regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on behalf of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, within the Upper West Branch Brandywine Creek Watershed.
[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
The Township shall contribute 20% of the cost of all cooperative activities undertaken pursuant to the agreement, in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.
[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
Each municipality shall appoint its municipal engineer and one other member to serve on a steering committee which shall make recommendations to the governing bodies of the municipalities. Additional terms on the organizational structure for the steering committee are set forth in paragraphs 5 through 10 of the agreement.[1]
Editor's Note: The agreement is on file in the Township offices.
[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
All property shall be acquired, managed or disposed of directly by the municipalities, in accordance with the terms of the agreement. No acquisition of real property or real estate is authorized.
[Ord 189-2017, 9/13/2017]
No new entity has been created by the agreement, and therefore no employees are required. The utilization of municipal consultants to be compensated directly by their respective municipalities is contemplated in the agreement.