[Code 1992, § 13.08; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Applications for water connections shall be made at the office of the Utility Commission on forms provided for that purpose. The application shall state the name of the owner; location of the property, designated by correct house number; the name of the licensed plumber installing the fixtures, exceptional features, if any, to be disclosed clearly; and the address of the owner in case notice has to be given for discontinuance of service for nonpayment. All applications shall be signed by the owner or his duly authorized agent. Applications shall be accompanied by the fee schedule on file in the office of the Utility Commission.
[Code 1992, § 13.09; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Utility Commission responsibility. The Utility Commission shall furnish all fittings, with and including the curb box, at a cost to the property owner as approved by the Public Service Commission, but the City reserves the right at all times to specify the kind of pipe and material to be used, and to approve all work done up to and including the shutoff cock at the meter upon the premises supplied. Such service and connection, up to and including the curb box, shall remain the property of the City at all times, and the applicant shall acquire no interest, right or title to the same by virtue of the fact that he has paid the installation costs and a fee giving him the privilege to receive water through such pipe, subject to all conditions set forth in this article.
Trenches. No water service shall be laid through any trench having cinders, rubbish or any other material which may cause injury to or deterioration of the service pipe, unless adequate means of protection are provided by sand filling or such insulation as may be approved by the utility. Service pipes passing through curb or retaining walls shall be adequately safeguarded by the provision of a channel space or pipe casing not less than twice the diameter of the service pipe, and the space between the service pipe and the channel or pipe casing shall be filled and lightly caulked with oakum, mastic cement or other resilient material and made impervious to moisture.
Backfilling. In backfilling the pipe trench, the service pipe shall be protected against injury by carefully hand tamping the ground filling, free from hard lumps, rocks, stones or other injurious material, around and at least six inches over the pipe.
[Code 1992, § 13.10; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
The service pipe from the main to the curb box shall be maintained and kept in repair at the expense of the Utility Commission. However, the consumer shall maintain the service pipe from the curb box to the property, and the City shall not make allowance for the loss of water which has passed through the meter and has been wasted by leakage or defective pipes and fixtures.
[Code 1992, § 13.11; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
In case of leakage in the service pipe between the curb box and the property, notice shall be given to the owner or occupant to make necessary repairs, and, if repairs are not commenced within 24 hours after notice, the water will be shut off until repairs are made. In the case of minor leaks, work must be commenced within three working days of notice. If not made within a reasonable time thereafter, the City will repair the leakage at the expense of the property owner, and an additional charge will be made for turning on water after repairs have been made. The City shall not be liable in damages due to failure to locate a stop box promptly and shut off water in case of a leak on a consumer's premises.
[Code 1992, § 13.12; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
A record of the location of each service shall be made and kept by the utility.
[Code 1992, § 13.13; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
In no case may water be turned on by any person other than an employee of the Utility Commission authorized to do this work, with the exception of a licensed plumber who may do so only after being specially authorized to do so by an officer of the Utility Commission and after having arranged for means whereby consumption of water may be determined by so doing.
[Code 1992, § 13.15; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Authorized employees of the Utility Commission shall have the right of access during reasonable hours to premises supplied with water service for the purpose of inspection or for enforcement of the rules and regulations of the Utility Commission as provided in this article. Whenever, in the opinion of the Director of Utilities, the right of access is unduly obstructed, the Director shall cause notice to be given to the property owner that a frostproof box of an approved design will be located outside the building at a cost to the property owner of labor, material and expenses plus 10% to cover overhead charges. If installed, the cost shall be billed to the owner of the premises served, unless otherwise provided, and if such costs are not paid, they shall be collected in the manner provided by law. In lieu of the above provisions, the Director of Utilities may, in his discretion, notify the owner of the premises served that service will be discontinued unless access is given at a reasonable time.
[Code 1992, § 13.41; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Conditions required for furnishing. Water service may be furnished to applicants living outside City limits only when such service can be furnished without adversely affecting the service inside the City and then only upon the approval of the Utility Commission and City Council.
Water mains; laying. Water mains laid outside the City limits shall be under the supervision and specifications of the Utility Commission.
Connection charge. If such main is laid at the instigation of the Utility Commission and principally for its own use as a transmission main, property owners abutting on such main who desire service shall pay a connection charge negotiated between the parties, but no less than the actual prorated cost.
Costs of main installation. If a water main is laid or extended at the request of a property owner, and is not a transmission or feeder main, the entire cost of installation shall be borne by the property owner desiring the service.
Privately funded water mains; connection costs. When new customers desire connection to a water main funded and constructed by other than the Utility Commission, the new customer shall make a contribution, and refunds shall be made to existing customers so that the contributions of all will be equalized. The Utility Commission will keep a separate record of each such water main extension.
Further extensions of water mains; costs. Where a further extension of a water main is desired, the estimated cost of the new extension will be advanced to the Utility Commission by the new customer to be benefited (adjustments to be made with each customer when the exact cost is determined). The customer shall also be charged, in addition to the cost of the special construction requirement to serve them, one connection charge equal to the average investment in the main extension to which this new main is attached. This latter connection charge will be refunded by the Utility Commission as provided in Subsection (e) of this section.
Ownership of mains of supplied property. The applicant agrees that the ownership of the water main laying within the property so affected shall become the property of the Utility Commission upon acceptance of the improvement without any compensation except that if the main benefits property which has not previously borne a portion of the cost, this property shall be assessed at the time of connection and the proceeds therefrom shall be refunded to the other property owners pro rata as provided in this section.
[Code 1992, § 13.42; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
The following regulations govern water service outside the City:
The applicant shall fully comply with all rules and regulations prescribed for the installation, maintenance and use of the water supply.
The rates for suburban water service shall be in accordance with PSC regulations.
The applicant shall pay within the prescribed period the charges for water used as indicated or computed on a meter basis. The first bill is payable in advance and will be considered a deposit to guarantee future bills. Subsequent payments will be based upon the meter reading for the previous quarter; the initial bill or advance deposit will be fixed by the Director of Utilities based upon the estimated normal consumption of the type of customer being connected and will be retained by the Utility Commission until the property involved is annexed to the City or the service is permanently disconnected. In such cases the advance payment less any unpaid water bill will be refunded.
The urban rules and regulations except as modified specifically for suburban use or as specifically applicable to urban service shall be applicable in the suburban territory served.