Destruction of property. No person shall willfully injure or intentionally deface or destroy or unlawfully remove, take or meddle with any property of any kind or nature within the Village and belonging to the Village or its departments, the school district or to any private person, without the consent of the owner or proper authority.
Parental liability. Pursuant to § 895.035, Wis. Stats., the parents of an unemancipated minor shall be liable for the damage to property caused by the willful, malicious or wanton act of such child; such liability shall not exceed $2,500.
Penalty provisions.
Any person 17 years of age or over who violates this section is subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code, restitution to the injured party and the costs of prosecution.
Any person 14 years of age through 16 years of age shall be subject to a forfeiture not to exceed $25 and any other applicable penalty provided by § 938.343, Wis. Stats., as that section may exist or be amended or changed.
Victim remedies. Any person or entity injured by a violation of this section by a minor child shall be advised of the rights and remedies available under § 895.035, Wis. Stats.
No person shall throw any object, glass, refuse or waste, filth or other litter upon the streets, alleys, highways, public parks or other property of the Village of Grantsburg, upon property within the Village owned by the school district or upon any private property not owned by the person or upon the surface of any body of water within the Village.
Litter from conduct of commercial enterprise.
Scope. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to all sales, promotions and other commercial ventures that result in litter being deposited on any street, alley or other public way.
Litter to be cleaned up. Any person, firm, corporation or association carrying on an enterprise that results in litter being deposited on any street, alley or other public way shall clean up the same within 12 hours of the time the same is deposited. If any such litter is subject to being blown about, it shall be picked up immediately. If any such litter is likely to attract animals or vermin, such litter shall be picked up immediately.
Litter picked up at litterer's expense. If any person, firm, corporation or association fails to pick up any litter as required by Subsection B(2) within the time specified, the Village shall arrange to have the same picked up by Village crews or by private enterprise. The entire expense of picking up such litter, together with an additional charge of 20% for administrative expenses, shall be charged to the person, firm, corporation or association that did the littering. If such sum is not promptly paid, steps shall be taken, with the advice of the Village Attorney's office, to collect the same. This charge shall be in addition to any forfeiture or other penalty for violation of this section.
Depositing of materials prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or cause or permit to be deposited, placed or parked any vegetation, grass, leaves, foliage, earth, sand, gravel, water, snow, ice, debris, waste material, foreign substance, construction materials, equipment or object upon any street, sidewalk or public property without authorization of the Village Board or Director of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of this Code of Ordinances or upon any private property without the consent of the owner or lessee of the property. Any person who deposits or causes or permits to be deposited, placed or parked any such materials, equipment or objects upon any street, sidewalk or property shall be responsible to properly mark or barricade the area so as to prevent a safety hazard.
Improper placement of recyclables. Persons shall only place recyclable objects or materials in Village-owned or Village-operated recycling containers which are specifically designated for that type of material.
Scattering prohibited. It shall be unlawful to deliver any handbills or advertising material to any premises in the Village of Grantsburg except by being handed to the recipient, placed on the porch, stoop or entranceway of the building or firmly affixed to a building so as to prevent any such articles from being blown about, becoming scattered or in any way causing litter.
Papers in public places prohibited. It shall be unlawful to leave any handbills, advertising material or newspapers unattended in any street, alley, public building or other public place, provided that this shall not prohibit the sale of newspapers in vending machines.
No person shall leave or permit to remain outside of any dwelling, building or other structure or within any unoccupied or abandoned building, dwelling or other structure under his control in a place accessible to children any abandoned, unattended or discarded icebox, refrigerator or other container which has an airtight door or lid, snap lock or other locking device which may not be released from the inside without first removing said door or lid, snap lock or other locking device from said icebox, refrigerator or container, unless such container is displayed for sale on the premises of the owner or his agent and is securely locked or fastened.
Definitions. For the purposes of this section, certain words and terms are defined as follows:
A place in which public or institutional records are systematically preserved.
Any public library, library of an educational or historical organization or society or museum, and specifically the public libraries within the Village of Grantsburg and school libraries.
Includes any book, plate, picture, photograph, engraving, painting, drawing, map, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, broadside, manuscript, document, letter, public record, microform, sound recording, audiovisual materials in any format, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data processing records, or other tapes, artifacts or other documents, written or printed materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, belonging to, on loan to or otherwise in the custody of the library.
Possession without consent prohibited.
Whoever intentionally takes and carries away, transfers, conceals or retains possession of any library material without the consent of a library official, agent or employee and with intent to deprive the library of possession of the material may be subject to forfeiture as provided by § 1-4 of this Code.
The failure to return library material after its proper return date, after written notice from the library, shall be deemed to be theft. Notice shall be considered given when written notice is mailed to the last known address of the person with the overdue material; the notice date shall be the date of the mailing.
No person shall be charged with a violation of this section unless such person is provided written notice signed by a library official, agent or employee setting forth the following:
A reasonable description of the library materials;
The date that the library materials were due to be returned;
The final date by which either the library materials are to be returned or a written explanation made to the library that the library materials are incapable of being returned because they are lost or destroyed; and
The statement that: "Your failure to comply with the demands of this notice will subject you to being prosecuted for a violation of § 407-25, Theft of library material, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Grantsburg and, upon conviction, a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of the Municipal Code, together with the costs of prosecution." Said notice shall be served by regular first-class mail sent to the person's last known address or by personal service upon such person.
Concealment. The concealment of library material beyond the last station for borrowing library material in a library is evidence of intent to deprive the library of possession of the material. The discovery of library material which has not been borrowed in accordance with the library's procedures or taken with consent of a library official, agent or employee and which is concealed upon the person or among the belongings of another is evidence of intentional concealment on the part of the person so concealing the material.
Detention based on probable cause. An official or adult employee or agent of a library who has probable cause for believing that a person has violated this section in his or her presence may detain the person in a reasonable manner for a reasonable length of time to deliver the person to a law enforcement officer or to the person's parent or guardian in the case of a minor. The detained person shall be promptly informed of the purpose of the detention and be permitted to make telephone calls, but shall not be interrogated or searched against his will before the arrival of a law enforcement officer who may conduct a lawful interrogation of the accused person. Compliance with this subsection entitles the official, agent or employee effecting the detention to the same defense in any action as is available to a law enforcement officer making an arrest in the line of duty.
Damaging material prohibited. No person shall mar, deface or in any other way damage or mutilate any book, periodical, pamphlet, picture or other article or property belonging to or in charge of the library. Any person convicted of violating this subsection shall be subject to the penalties as set forth in § 1-4 of this Code.
Return demanded. No person shall fail, on demand, to return any book, periodical, pamphlet, picture or other articles or property belonging to or in charge of the public library according to the rules or regulations duly made and adopted by the Library Board, and no person shall remove from the library any book, periodical, pamphlet, picture or other articles or property without first having it charged as provided by such rules and regulations. Any person convicted of violating any provision of this subsection shall be subject to the penalties as set forth in § 1-4 of this Code.
Damaging public property. No person shall climb any tree or pluck any flowers or fruit, wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon, remove, or in any manner injure or deface, write upon, defile or ill use any tree, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf, fountain, ornament, statue, building, fence, apparatus, bench, table, official notice, sign, bridge, structure or other property within any park or parkway, or in any way injure, damage or deface any public building, sidewalk or other public property in the Village of Grantsburg.
Breaking of streetlamps or windows. No person shall break glass in any streetlamps or windows of any building owned or occupied by the Village of Grantsburg.
Damaging fire hydrants and water mains. No person shall, without the authority of Village authorities, operate any valve connected with the street or water supply mains, or open any fire hydrant connected with the water distribution system, except for the purpose of extinguishing a fire. No person shall injure or impair the use of any water main or fire hydrant.
Whoever intentionally alters indicia of price or value of merchandise or takes and carries away, transfers, conceals or retains possession of merchandise held for resale by a merchant without consent and with intent to deprive the merchant permanently of possession or the full purchase price may be penalized as provided in Subsection D.
The intentional concealment of unpurchased merchandise which continues from one floor to another or beyond the last station for receiving payments in a merchant's store is evidence of intent to deprive the merchant permanently of possession of such merchandise without paying the purchase price thereof. The discovery of unpurchased merchandise concealed upon the person or among the belongings of another is evidence of intentional concealment on the part of the person so concealing such goods.
A merchant or merchant's adult employee who has probable cause for believing that a person has violated this section in his presence may detain such person in a reasonable manner for a reasonable length of time to deliver him to a law enforcement officer, or to his parent or guardian if a minor. The detained person must be promptly informed of the purpose for the detention and may make phone calls, but he shall not be interrogated or searched against his will before the arrival of a law enforcement officer who may conduct a lawful interrogation of the accused person. Compliance with this subsection entitles the merchant or is employee effecting the detention to the same defense in any action as is available to a peace officer making an arrest in the line of duty.
If the value of the merchandise does not exceed $100, any person violating this section shall forfeit not more than $1,000. If the value of the merchandise exceeds $100, this section shall not apply and the matter shall be referred to the district attorney for criminal prosecution.
Violations. Whoever issues any check or other order for the payment of money less than $1,000 which, at the time of issuance, he intends shall not be paid is guilty of a violation of this section.
Prima facie evidence. Any of the following is prima facie evidence that the person at the time he issued the check or other order for payment of money intended it should not be paid:
Proof that, at the time of issuance, the person did not have an account with the drawee;
Proof that, at the time of issuance, the person did not have sufficient funds or credit with the drawee and that the person failed within five days after receiving notice of nonpayment or dishonor to pay the check or other order; or
Proof that, when presentment was made within a reasonable time, the person did not have sufficient funds or credit with the drawee and the person failed within five days after receiving notice of nonpayment or dishonor to pay the check or other order.
Exceptions. This section does not apply to a post-dated check or to a check given in past consideration, except a payroll check.
Returned check fee. In the event a person issues a check to the Village of Grantsburg and does not have sufficient funds or credit such that the check is returned unpaid, such person shall pay the check or other order and shall also pay a fee provided for in the Village of Grantsburg's Schedule of Fees, representing the cost of additional administrative expense which results from nonpayment of the original obligation.
In addition to any other penalties provided for in § 1-4 of this Code, a court may order a violator of this section to pay restitution to a victim. In determining the method of payment, the court shall consider the financial resources and future ability of the violator to pay. The court shall provide for payment of an amount equal to the pecuniary loss caused by the offense. Upon the application of an interested party, the court shall schedule and hold an evidentiary hearing to determine the value of the victim's pecuniary loss resulting from the offense. A victim may not be compensated under this subsection and under § 943.245, Wis. Stats.
In this subsection, "pecuniary loss" means:
All special damages, but not general damages, substantiated by evidence in the record, which a person could recover against the violator in a civil action arising out of the facts or events constituting the violator's criminal activities, including, without limitation because of enumeration, the money equivalent of loss resulting from property taken, destroyed, broken or otherwise harmed and out-of-pocket losses, such as medical expenses; and
Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the victim resulting from the filing of charges or cooperating in the investigation and prosecution of the offense.
Trespass to land. No person shall enter or remain on any land after having been notified by the owner or occupant not to remain on the premises.
Trespass to dwelling. No person shall unintentionally enter the dwelling of another without the consent of some person lawfully upon the premises, under circumstances tending to create or provoke a breach of the peace.
[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 06-19]
Intent and purpose. The purpose and intent of this section is to protect the public health, safety, benefit and welfare of the residents and visitors to the Village of Grantsburg. It is also created to educate citizens affected by this section and to assist owners, operators and managers of affected facilities in maintaining compliance.
Definitions. The following definitions shall be applicable in this section:
Any building used primary for educational purposes in which a school is located, or a course of instruction or training program is offered that has been approved or licensed by a state agency or board.
Any product containing or delivering nicotine, or any other substance intended for human consumption that may be used by a person to simulate smoking through inhalation of vapor or aerosol from the product. This includes any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah, or vape pen, or any other product name or descriptor.
A structure or area that has a roof and more than two substantial walls.
The person, or his or her agent, who ultimately controls, govern or directs the activities aboard a public conveyance or at a location where smoking is prohibited or regulated under this section.
Any enclosed place that employees normally frequent during the course of employment, including an office, a work area, an elevator, an employee lounge, a restroom, a conference room, a meeting room, a classroom, a hallway, a stairway, a lobby, a common area, a vehicle, or an employee cafeteria.
Premises owned, rented or leased for temporary or permanent residential habitation, not including lobbies, hallways and other common area in any apartment building, condominium, retirement facility, nursing home or other multiple-unit residential facility.
Any enclosed place that is open to the public, regardless of whether a fee is charged or a place to which the public has lawful access or may be invited.
Burning or holding or inhaling or exhaling smoke from a lighted cigarette, lighted cigar, lighted pipe, lighted marijuana or plant, or any other lighted smoking equipment. Smoking also includes the use of an electronic delivery device which creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device.
A wall with no opening or with an opening that either does not allow air in from the outside or is less than 25% of the wall's surface area.
Any establishment, other than a restaurant, that holds a "Class B" intoxication liquor license or Class "B" fermented malt beverage license.
State statutes adopted. The provisions of § 101.123, Wis. Stats., Smoking prohibited, relating to the regulation of smoking and clean indoor air, including provisions therein relating to penalties to be imposed, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this section as if fully set forth herein. The provisions contained in § 120.12(20), Wis. Stats., School board duties, Prohibition of tobacco, regulating smoking on school premises are adopted by reference and made a part of this section as though set forth in full. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this section. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made a part of this section.
Smoking prohibition. No person may smoke in any of the following:
Statutory prohibition; adoption of statute. No person may smoke in any place prohibited by § 101.123(2), Wis. Stats., Prohibition against smoking, except as expressly modified by this section. The provisions of § 101.123, Wis. Stats., Smoking prohibited, are expressly adopted and incorporated herein by reference.
Public place and place of employment. No person may smoke in any public place or place of employment
Village property. Smoking prohibited within or upon all buildings and equipment owned, leased or rented by the Village. In recognition of a need to protect the health and comfort of the public and Village employees from the detrimental effects of smoking, pursuant to the authority granted to the Village by § 101.123(4m), Wis. Stats., Smoking prohibited, Local authority, smoking is hereby prohibited by any person within or upon all buildings and enclosed equipment owned, leased or rented by the Village of Grantsburg except in designated areas.
Smoking in educational facilities. It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke in any educational facility in the Village. Any person violating this section shall be subject to the general penalty set forth in § 1-4, Violations and penalties, of this Code.
Outside areas. Any person managing or in charge of a tavern, restaurant, retail establishment or private club that is subject to this section may designate an outside area that is a reasonable distance from the entrance to said establishment where employees, customers and/or other persons associated with the establishment may smoke. The designated outside smoking area shall contain receptacles for trash and cigarette butts and shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. All refuse and cigarette butts shall be placed in proper receptacles.
Exceptions. The prohibitions against smoking shall not apply to those places or areas set forth in this chapter or § 101.123(3), Wis. Stats., Exceptions.
Responsibility of person in charge. No person in charge may allow any person to smoke in violation of § 101.123, Wis. Stats., Smoking prohibited, at a location that is under the control or direction of the person in charge. A person in charge may not provide matches, ashtrays, or other equipment for smoking at the location where smoking is prohibited. A person in charge shall make reasonable efforts to prohibit persons from smoking at a location where smoking is prohibited by doing all of the following: posting signs setting forth the prohibition and providing other appropriate notification and information concerning the prohibition, refusing to serve a person, if the person is smoking in a tavern, asking a person who is smoking to refrain from smoking and if the person refuses to do so, asking the person to leave the location. If a person refuses to leave a location after being requested to do so, the person in charge shall immediately notify an appropriate law enforcement agency of the violation. A person in charge may take measures in addition to those provided in this chapter to prevent persons from being exposed to others who are smoking or to further ensure compliance with this chapter.
Enforcement. In addition to the penalties listed in § 101.123, Wis. Stats., Smoking prohibited, the Chief of Police or their designee shall have the power, under law, to enter upon the premises named in this section to ascertain whether the premise is in compliance with this section and issue a citation or citations for a violation(s) of this chapter or seek other appropriate penalties and remedies for violations of this chapter. A compliance time of not less than one day may be granted. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-4, Violations and penalties, of this Code.
Retail sales of cigarettes. Nothing in this section shall prohibit retail sales of prepackaged cigarettes and cigars upon obtaining a license pursuant to Chapter 482, Tobacco Products, Article I, Cigarette License, of this Code.
Acts. Whoever does any of the following may be penalized as provided in § 1-4 of this Code:
Intentionally takes and carries away, uses, transfers, conceals or retains possession of moveable property of another without his consent and with intent to deprive the owner permanently of possession of such property.
By virtue of his office, business or employment, or as trustee or bailee, having possession or custody of money or of a negotiable security, instrument, paper or other negotiable writing of another, intentionally uses, transfers, conceals or retains possession of such money, security, instrument, paper or writing without the owner's consent, contrary to his authority, and with intent to convert to his own use or to the use of any other person except the owner. A refusal to deliver any money or a negotiable security, instrument, paper or other negotiable writing, which is in his possession or custody by virtue of his office, business or employment, or as trustee or bailee, upon demand of the person entitled to receive it, or as required by law, is prima facie evidence of an intent to convert to his own use within the meaning of this subsection.
Having a legal interest in movable property, intentionally and without consent, takes such property out of the possession of the pledgee or such other person having a superior right of possession with intent thereby to deprive the pledgee or other person permanently of the possession of such property.
Obtains title to property of another by intentionally deceiving him with a false representation which is known to be false, made with intent to defraud, and which does defraud the person to whom it is made. "False representation" includes a promise made with intent not to perform it if it is a part of a false and fraudulent scheme.
Intentionally fails to return any personal property which is in his possession or under his control by virtue of a written lease or written rental agreement, within 10 days after the lease or rental agreement has expired.
Definitions. The following definitions shall be applicable in this section:
Property whose physical location can be changed, without limitation including electricity, gas and documents which represent or embody a chose in action or other intangible rights.
All forms of tangible property, whether real or personal, without limitation including electricity, gas and documents which represent or embody a chose in action or other intangible rights.
Includes property in which the actor is a co-owner and property of a partnership of which the actor is a member unless the actor and the victim are husband and wife.
The market value at the time of the theft or the cost to the victim of replacing the property within a reasonable time after the theft, whichever is less, if the property stolen is a document evidencing a chose in action or other intangible right; "value" means either the market value of the chose in action or other right or the intrinsic value of the document, whichever is greater. If the thief gave consideration for or had a legal interest in the stolen property, the amount of such consideration or value of such interest shall be deducted from the total value of the property.
Definition. "Graffiti" is any drawing, figure, inscription, symbol, or other marking which is scratched, painted, drawn in pen or marker, or placed by some other permanent or semi-permanent means upon sidewalks, streets, public or private structures or any other place in public view without the express permission or consent of the property owner.
Public nuisance. Graffiti is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, as defined under Chapter 387, Nuisances, of this Code, affecting peace and safety. Graffiti is deemed to be a public nuisance not only because it offends the aesthetic sensibilities of the community but because it may indicate the presence of gang activity or encourage gang activity and rivalry. It shall be the duty of every owner, lessee or occupant to promptly remove or obliterate graffiti on any building, fence, structure, parking lot or walkway over which the owner, occupant or lessee has control.
Prohibitions. No person shall write, spray, scratch or otherwise affix graffiti upon any property, whether private or public, without the consent of the owner or owners of said property. Any person who shall affix graffiti to any property without the consent of the owner shall be liable for the costs of removing or covering such graffiti in addition to any fines imposed for violating this section. The parents of any unemancipated minor child who affixed graffiti shall be held liable for the cost of removing or covering said graffiti in accordance with § 895.035, Wis. Stats.
Removal by property owner.
Every owner of a structure or property defaced by graffiti shall cover or remove the graffiti within 15 days in compliance with written notice by certified letter from the Village to remove or cover such graffiti.
In the event any owner fails to comply with the above-mentioned notice, the Village may have the graffiti covered or removed, and in such event, all costs, fees and expenses will be assessed to said owner's real estate taxes pursuant to § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
Purpose and definition. In order to protect cemetery areas within the Village from injury, damage or desecration, these regulations are enacted. The term "cemetery" as hereinafter used in this section shall include all cemetery property, grounds, equipment and structures, both privately and publicly owned, which are located within the Village of Grantsburg.
Authority to establish rules and regulations. The cemetery property owner shall have the authority to establish reasonable rules and regulations to regulate and govern the operation of any cemetery in accordance with state law and this Code of Ordinances. The cemetery property owner shall reserve the right to prohibit and regulate the planting or placement of any flowers, plants, vines, shrubs, trees, flowerpots, urns or other objects on cemetery property. Placements of any such plantings, containers or objects shall be in accordance with established regulations of the cemetery property owner.
Specific regulations.
Disturbing cemetery property. No person shall cut, remove, damage or carry away any flowers, plants, vines, shrubs or trees from any cemetery lot or property except the owner of the cemetery lot or a person with the cemetery lot owner's consent or any cemetery employee or representative engaged in official cemetery duties for the cemetery owner; nor shall any person without proper authority remove, deface, mark or damage in any manner any cemetery markers, headstones, monuments, fences or structures; nor shall any person without proper authority remove, damage or destroy any vases, flowerpots, urns or other objects which have been placed on any cemetery lot; nor shall any person move or remove any cemetery equipment without the owner's consent.
Protection of cemetery property. No person shall trap in any cemetery without specific written authorization of the owner; nor shall any person kill, injure or disturb or attempt to injure or disturb any animals, birds or waterfowl, wild or domestic, within any cemetery in any matter except as provided by this Code of Ordinances; nor shall any person climb any tree or break, cut down, trample upon, remove or in any manner injure, deface, write upon or in any manner damage any tree, shrub, flower, flowerbed, turf, grassy area, soil, building, structure, equipment, official notice, sign or other property within any cemetery. No picnic, parties, or similar gatherings are permitted.
Motor vehicles. Motor vehicles are restricted to the roads and drives and parking areas. Except for authorized maintenance vehicles, no person shall operate an unlicensed or licensed motorized vehicle on any cemetery property outside of areas specifically designated as parking areas or areas where the operation of such vehicles is specifically permitted. It shall be unlawful for a person to engage in any off-roadway operation of a motorized vehicle on cemetery property without the owner's consent.
Speed limit. No person shall operate any motorized vehicle in any cemetery in excess of 15 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
Parking. No person, without the owner's consent, shall park any motor vehicle in any cemetery on any grassy or seeded area or upon any location except a designated parking area, nor shall any person park a motor vehicle on cemetery property for any purpose except engaging in official cemetery business. Any unlawfully parked motor vehicle may be towed or removed by the cemetery property owner at the vehicle owner's expense.
Littering prohibited. No person shall litter, dump or deposit any rubbish, refuse, earth or other material in any cemetery without the owner's consent.
Pets. Pets, including animals of any species, and horses are prohibited in any cemetery. Every dog specially trained as a service animal shall be exempt from this section.
Sound devices. No person shall operate or play any amplifying system or sound device in any cemetery without the owner's consent.
Authorized notices. No person shall post, paste, fasten, paint or attach any placard, bill, notice, sign or advertising matter upon any structure, tree or other natural object in any cemetery, except cemetery regulations and other signs authorized by the owner. No person shall remove, deface or damage in any manner any official sign or notice posted in the cemetery.
Loitering prohibited. No person shall loiter or cause a nuisance or engage in any sport or exercise on any cemetery property without the owner's consent.
Alcohol beverages prohibited. No person shall consume or have in his possession any open container containing an alcohol beverage upon any cemetery property within the Village unless the property is specifically named as being part of a licensed premises.
Play vehicles prohibited. No person shall operate or make use of a play vehicle upon any cemetery property without the owner's consent. As used in this subsection, "play vehicle" shall mean any coaster, skateboard, roller skates, sled, toboggan, unicycle or toy vehicle upon which a person may ride.
Presence after hours prohibited. No person shall be present upon any cemetery property without the owner's consent during posted hours when the cemetery is not open to the public.
Prohibition. No person shall tamper with the property of another in a manner which causes an inconvenience or expense to the property owner or designee without express permission. The actor may be held liable for any expenses incurred by the property owner or designee as a result of the tampering.
Definition. A person tampers with the property of another when he improperly alters or interferes with such property, which would include survey monuments and utility services.