[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Grantsburg at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Officers and employees — See Ch. 105.
Police Department — See Ch. 117.
Direct sellers — See Ch. 259.
This chapter is adopted for the purpose of providing the Village of Grantsburg and law enforcement agencies serving the Village of Grantsburg with the authority to request criminal history record information from the State of Wisconsin or the federal government when required by ordinance or if requested by the Village Clerk or a Village department head.
The Village of Grantsburg is a municipal corporation which provides government services to its citizens and the general public, and in order to efficiently provide services, it is necessary to conduct criminal history record searches concerning certain persons. This chapter is enacted in order to comply with an applicable State of Wisconsin requirement that a municipality that requests that the state provide it with criminal history record information concerning an individual under certain circumstances have an ordinance, resolution or department policy enacted authorizing such requests.
If required by ordinance or if requested by the Village Clerk or a Village department head, law enforcement agencies serving the Village of Grantsburg shall conduct a criminal history record information search concerning the following persons:
Alcohol license and permit applicants.
Applicants for registration as direct sellers.
Applicants for Village employment.
Firefighter applicants when requested by the Fire Chief.
Rescue squad applicants when requested by the Emergency Medical Service.
Hunting permit applicants.
Ride-along applicants.
Applicants for all other licenses and permits which may be issued by the Village.