[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Larksville 7-15-2014 by Ord. No. 3-2014. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Larksville Borough Planning Commission is hereby created under the authority of Section 201 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (53 P.S. § 10201).
The Larksville Borough Planning Commission shall consist of three regular members and one alternate member who shall be appointed, as more fully set forth herein, by an official action of Larksville Borough Council.
In accordance with the requirements of Section 203 of the MPC (53 P.S. § 10203), one regular member of the Larksville Borough Planning Commission shall be appointed to serve a four-year term of office, while the remaining two regular members shall be appointed to serve three-year terms of office.
The alternate member of the Larksville Borough Planning Commission shall be appointed to serve a four-year term of office.
The alternate member's presence at a meeting of the Planning Commission shall be counted for the purpose of determining whether a three-member quorum of the Commission is present. The alternate member shall be entitled to participate in all of the meetings, studies, reviews, public hearings, preparation of reports, and other Planning Commission procedures necessary to or involved in accomplishing and completing such tasks as may be requested of the Planning Commission by Larksville Borough Council, except that the alternate member shall not be entitled to vote on the passage of any recommendations to be made by the Planning Commission to Borough Council.
The Larksville Borough Planning Commission shall have and possess all of the powers and duties as set forth in Section 209.1 of the MPC,[1] as the same may be from time to time amended.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10209.1.
The Borough Engineer and Borough Solicitor shall serve the Planning Commission as engineering and legal advisor, respectively, and the Planning Commission shall not employ additional engineering or legal services without the authority to do so having first been obtained from Larksville Borough Council.
All administrative and/or technical assistance requests form the Larksville Borough Planning Commission shall be presented to Larksville Borough Council for its consideration, and the Planning Commission shall have no power or authority to contract for or obligate the Borough to make payment for any such administrative and/or technical assistance without the official approval of Borough Council having first been obtained.