The Township of Little Falls Complete Streets Policy promotes
a comprehensive, integrated, connected multimodal transportation network
by providing connections to bicycling and walking trip generators
such as employment, education, residential, recreational and public
facilities, as well as retail and transit centers.
There are no exceptions to the Complete Streets Policy in the
Transit Village Zone. Exemptions in the remaining zones in the Township
for the Complete Streets Policy shall be documented with supporting
data that indicates the reason for the decision and are limited to
the following:
A. Pedestrian and bicycle facilities shall not be required where they
are prohibited by law.
B. Where scarcity of population, travel and attractors, both existing
and future, indicate an absence of need for these accommodations,
they shall not be required.
C. Where detrimental environmental, safety or social impacts outweigh
the need for these accommodations, they shall not be required.
D. Proposed bike lanes and sidewalks shall have connections to adjoining
Township and county roads. Bike lanes and sidewalks with no planned
connections may not be considered.
E. Where no present or future transit facilities exist, or are anticipated,
compliance is not required.
The Complete Streets Priority Action Plan is set forth to identify
priority actions and improvement areas for decision makers and Township
professionals to focus their attention and propose complete street
alternatives in adherence to the policy.
A. Work with the Township school districts to encourage walking and
bicycling in accordance with school policies for school-aged children.
B. Encourage and facilitate complete street improvements on roadways
owned and maintained by the County of Passaic.
C. Promote al fresco dining in the Transit Village Zone to engender
the community and encourage pedestrian activity.
D. Require Public Works employees to consider complete streets policies
during their maintenance activities. Employees shall be expected to:
(1) Complete street cleaning of the entire street surface; and
(2) Avoid snow plowing that pushes snow into crosswalks, blocking access.
Blocked crosswalks shall be cleared as soon as possible.
E. The Land Use Board shall promote bicycle and pedestrian improvements
during their review of commercial, retail, office, and multifamily
residential land uses.