[Adopted 11-13-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000 (Ch. 18, Art. I, of the 1986 Code)]
The Town Board finds that regular meeting attendance by all appointed board members will advance the public interest. This Board determines that regular attendance by appointed board members at their respective meetings is critical to the proper function of such boards and to timely and reasoned action on applications submitted to the Boards. This Board further determines that regular meeting attendance is a condition of the appointment of each board member.
This article shall apply to all members of the following boards:
Planning Board.
Zoning Board of Appeals.
Board of Assessment Review.
Other boards, standing or ad hoc, created by the Town Board.
The following is hereby established as the minimum meeting attendance requirements:
No board member shall be absent from more than three successive meetings or more than six meetings in any one calendar year.
No Board of Assessment Review members shall be absent from more than two successive, state-mandated May Grievance Days.
The attendance policy for ad hoc or standing boards shall be set by the Town Board.
As used herein, the word "meeting" applies to any regular or special meeting or public hearing of the member's board. A member shall not be deemed absent from a meeting if he or she has a legitimate excuse for medical or unexpected personal reasons and communicates that excuse to the Town Clerk's office prior to the meeting.
The Town Supervisor shall have the power, subject to the approval of the Town Board, to remove, after the opportunity for a hearing, any board member for noncompliance with the minimum requirements established herein.