[Amended 6-5-2018 by L.L. No. 6-2018]
The purposes of this article are to restrict and regulate the parking of vehicles in designated areas within the Town of Bedford; to provide for the installation, use, maintenance and policing of parking meters and pay stations within certain of such designated areas; to establish restrictions upon the use of certain other designated areas; and to provide for the fixing, payment, collection and application of fees for the privilege of parking vehicles in such areas and fines for violations of the provisions of this chapter.
The following land, streets or portions of streets lying within the Town of Bedford are hereby set aside and designated as areas within which parking meters and pay stations may be installed, parking permits may be required and restricted parking may be established in accordance with the provisions of this article:
At Bedford Hills:
Lot 4: 129 Railroad Avenue, upper lot.
Lot 5: 66 Adams Street.
Lot 7: 129 Railroad Avenue, lower lot.
Lot 8: Depot Plaza.
Lot RR: Railroad Avenue shoulder.
At Katonah:
Lot 1: 2 Jay Street.
Lot 2: 190 Katonah Avenue.
Lot 3: 50 Woods Bridge Road.
Those premises known as the parking lot for "The Canine Commons at Beaver Dam Dog Park" located at 115 Beaver Dam Road, Bedford Hills.
Bedford Village.
Lot 9: 44-48 Main Street.
The Parking Bureau within the Town of Bedford Finance Department (the "Parking Bureau") is authorized to promulgate the necessary rules and regulations in a manner consistent with the provisions of this article with respect to the designation in the foregoing restricted areas of the location of parking meters and pay stations and restricted areas for permit parking, including the determination of hourly periods within said restricted areas, all of which are to be posted.
The acquisition, implementation and installation within the areas described in § 117-9 hereof of parking meters, pay stations or similar devices, technologies or systems and of specifications to be adopted and approved from time to time by the Town Board, is hereby authorized. The proceeds therefrom shall be used to defray the cost of acquisition, installation and maintenance thereof and the cost of operation of parking meter areas, pay stations or similar devices, technologies or systems and restricted parking areas, as hereby or hereafter designated or acquired, and for the general purpose of the Town of Bedford.
Except where otherwise posted, the hours during which parking permits shall be required or parking in restricted parking areas shall be subject to metered parking shall be restricted to weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Notwithstanding the foregoing restrictions in § 117-12A above, parking in any restricted parking areas under this article shall be allowed without charge and without a parking permit Monday through Thursday, from the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. or on any of the holidays listed therein, for vehicles belonging to Town residents (as defined below) with decals or other appropriate identification issued by the Parking Bureau.
Unless otherwise posted, parking in restricted areas under this article shall be permitted by all persons without charge and without a parking permit from Friday at 6:00 p.m. through Monday at 5:00 a.m. and on all holidays listed in § 117-12A above.
[1]All persons parking vehicles in any restricted areas listed in § 117-9 above shall be required to follow all posted limitations and restrictions with respect to parking in specific locations.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, regarding parking in Lot 2, 190 Katonah Avenue, was repealed 2-6-2024 by L.L. No. 2-2024. This local law also renumbered former Subsection E as Subsection D.
The charge for parking a vehicle in posted restricted areas, lots or parking spaces shall be at a fee to be determined and set forth by the Town Board of the Town of Bedford as part of the Fee Schedule of the Town of Bedford.[1]
Editor's Note: The Fee Schedule is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
The Parking Bureau shall issue parking permits to residents, local businesses, local business employees and nonresidents who do not have any outstanding or unanswered parking or traffic charges or tickets in the Justice Court of the Town of Bedford. A letter will be required from the employer on his business letterhead stating that the applicant is an employee of his firm. Such letter must be presented at the time of application.
"Local use" is defined as use by the owner, employee or staff member of a business, service group, institution, public agency or religious, educational or charitable corporation or other not-for-profit membership corporation in the business districts in the Town of Bedford. The "primary purchaser" is the purchaser of the initial parking permit in the name of said business, office, institution, public agency or corporation, and said primary purchaser permit is to be used exclusively by the owner, staff and/or his employees.
A local permit is to be purchased by, and is issued to, the business, owner, employer, corporation or group qualifying for local use permits. The owner of the business or head of the group or corporation shall be responsible for maintaining a record of who is using and has used the permit. Said record shall be available for inspection by the Town of Bedford Police. A violation of the business permit shall be grounds for the suspension of all parking privileges for the then remainder of the permit year.
Parking permits shall be procured from the Parking Bureau in the manner as instructed by the Parking Bureau.
Parking permits, except for local use, shall not be transferable except to another vehicle owned or operated by the original permittee and then only upon presentation of the original permit for cancellation.
Nonresident parking permits shall be issued only for use in Lot 3 in Katonah.
All persons who obtain parking permits shall also be required to have license plates registered and must have a valid registration for a parking permit to be approved.
"Town resident" for the purpose of this Article III is hereby defined as one who maintains his or her permanent residence within the Town of Bedford. Town residents may obtain a decal from the Parking Bureau which shall be displayed on the rear drivers side of the vehicle to confirm Town residency, or other identifying information as determined by the Parking Bureau.
A valid parking permit shall be required for all vehicles parked at The Canine Commons at Beaver Dam Dog Park. Such parking permits shall be procured from the Town Clerk upon obtaining a permit for use of The Canine Commons at Beaver Dam Dog Park without additional charge. Said parking permits shall be displayed in the same manner as all other parking permits, and failure to obtain said parking permit shall result in the same fine as any other failure to properly obtain and display a valid parking permit.
All persons parking in any restricted areas, lots or parking spaces shall follow all general and specific regulations applicable thereto.
It shall be the responsibility of the Chief of Police of the Town of Bedford to prescribe and regulate the flow of traffic in all areas designated hereunder.
In the event of emergency, upon the order of the Supervisor, Chief of Police or other responsible official or employee of the Town of Bedford or the Chief of any fire district in said Town, or upon the order of a county, state or federal official having jurisdiction, the operation of this article or the application thereof to any space or spaces in any areas designated hereunder shall be temporarily suspended.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this article for any person:
To park a vehicle in a restricted area, lot or parking space unless he or she obtains a parking permit or pays the appropriate amount for parking as required by this article, or is otherwise permitted to park in such lot.
To cause, allow or suffer any vehicle to be parked in any restricted area, lot or parking space overtime or beyond the expiration of the period of prepaid parking time therefor as determined by the pay station, device or other similar technology for the particular restricted area, lot or parking space.
To park any vehicle on or across any line or marking or in such a position that the same shall not be entirely within the space designated by such line or marking for the parking of a vehicle.
To park a vehicle in a permit restricted parking area under this article without having first obtained a permit as prescribed by § 117-14 hereof, or to cause, allow or suffer any vehicle to be parked in any such area beyond the expiration of the period for which the parking permit shall have been issued.
To interfere with the operation of, incapacitate, or disable any parking meter or pay station in the Town of Bedford under the provisions of this article.
Except where stated in Subsections B and C below, any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a traffic infraction and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $50 for the first offense, by a fine not exceeding $100 for the second offense and by a fine not exceeding $250 for the third and any subsequent offenses, except that the penalty for violation of § 117-17E hereof shall, upon conviction, be a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed one year, or both such fine and such period of imprisonment.
Time limit parking.
In metered parking areas restricted to a maximum four-hour time limit, it shall constitute a separate and distinct offense for each and every four hours or portion thereof which a vehicle remains so parked in excess of the four hours permitted time.
In metered parking areas restricted to a maximum six-hour time limit, it shall constitute a separate and distinct offense for each and every six hours or portion thereof which a vehicle remains so parked in excess of the six hours permitted time.
Any vehicle parked for more than 48 hours in violation of this article shall be deemed abandoned and may be immobilized or removed and stored by the Chief of Police at the expense of the registered owner thereof.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the following are the maximum fines that may be imposed for the following violations:
Expired pay station/meter
Overtime parking
No parking at any time
No permit
Blocking driveway
Fire lane
Other miscellaneous parking violations
No parking 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Expired registration or inspection
Parking in crosswalk