The organization of the city into agencies to provide services and administer the government may be accomplished only through an administrative order submitted to the city council by the mayor. No such administrative order may originate with the city council. The mayor may, subject only to express prohibitions of a general law or this charter, submit proposals to reorganize, consolidate or abolish any agency, in whole or in part, or to establish a new agency as is deemed necessary, establish terms of office and prescribe the functions and administrative procedures to be followed by all such agencies. No function assigned by this charter to a particular agency may be discontinued or assigned to any other agency unless specified by this charter. The mayor may prepare and submit to the city council, administrative orders that establish agencies for the orderly, efficient or convenient conduct of the business of the city. These administrative orders shall be accompanied by a message from the mayor which explains the expected benefits and advises the city council if an administrative order shall require amendments, insertions, revisions, repeal or otherwise of existing ordinances. Whenever the mayor proposes an administrative order, the city council shall hold 1 or more public hearings on the proposal giving notice by publication in a local newspaper and on the city website, which notice shall describe the scope of the proposal and the time and place at which the public hearing will be held, not less than 7 nor more than 14 days following the publication. An organization or reorganization plan shall become effective at the expiration of 60 days following the date the proposal is submitted to the city council unless the city council shall, by a majority vote, within that 60 day period, vote to disapprove the plan. The city council may vote only to approve or to disapprove the plan and may not vote to amend or to alter it.
All appointments and promotions of persons employed by the city shall be made on the basis of merit and fitness demonstrated by examination, past performance or by other evidence of competence and suitability. Each person employed by the city shall be especially fitted by education, training and previous work experience to perform the duties of the office or position.