Any municipal office which is otherwise authorized to issue a license, certificate or permit, or to render a service, or to perform work for a person or class of persons, may from time to time fix a reasonable fee for the license, certificate, permit or for rendering the service or for performing the work where no fee is established by statute or ordinance.
No municipal office, except the Town Council, shall establish a fee or charge pursuant to this section without the prior review and written approval of the Mayor, or if appointed by the School Committee, without the written approval of the School Committee. The fees set by the Town Clerk shall be approved by the Council.
All fees or charges in effect at the time these ordinances are adopted shall remain in effect until otherwise changed, revised or modified.
Fee schedules, once established or amended, shall be filed with the Town Clerk, who shall maintain the current schedules in a separate volume.
All Town officers shall pay all fees received by them by virtue of their office into the Town treasury.
No Town officer and no paid employee of the Town or any agent or partner of any such officer or employee nor any legal entity owned or controlled by such officer, employee, agent or partner shall sell materials or provide services to the Town or any entity that is then a contractor for the Town without written permission of the Mayor, which permission shall be filed with the office of the Town Clerk and maintained in a separate volume.
The Town adopts the provisions set forth in MGL c. 40, § 3, lines 40 through 43, to permit the proceeds from renting any school facilities to remain and accumulate in a revolving account to be expended for the upkeep and maintenance of any facility under the control of the School Committee rather than being returned to the general fund at the end of the first fiscal year.