This ordinance shall be enforced by the Inspector of Buildings, and no permit shall be granted for the construction, alteration, relocation or use of any building, structure or premises in violation of any provision of this ordinance. Whenever any permit or license is refused because of some provision of this ordinance, the reason therefor shall be clearly stated in writing and kept on file.
If the Inspector of Buildings shall be informed or have reason to believe that any provision of this ordinance has been, is being or may be violated, he shall forthwith make or cause to be made an investigation of the fact and inspect the premises where such violation may exist. He shall report his findings in writing within 14 days to the Mayor and the Planning Board, and if he shall find any such violation, he shall give notice thereof in writing to the owner or to his duly authorized agent and to the occupant of the premises and shall order that any use of any premises contrary to the provisions of this ordinance shall immediately cease.
If, after such notice, the premises continued to be used in a manner contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, or if any such owner or occupant shall fail to obey any lawful order of the Inspector of Buildings in respect to any violation or use contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, the Inspector of Buildings shall institute appropriate legal proceedings, either criminal or noncriminal, to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. In addition, with the approval of the Mayor, the Inspector of Buildings may revoke the permit of occupancy or take any and all actions necessary to enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
Complaints brought to Superior Court or Housing Court shall carry a penalty of $300 for each violation. Each day on which a violation exists shall be deemed to be a separate offense.
Pursuant to MGL c. 40, § 21D, when enforcing the provisions of this ordinance by noncriminal complaint, the Inspector of Buildings shall issue fines of $25 for the first offense; $50 for the second offense; $100 for the third offense; and $200 for the fourth offense and each subsequent offense. Each day on which a violation exists shall be deemed to be a separate offense.
When this ordinance imposes a greater restriction on the use of buildings, structures or premises or on height of buildings, or requires larger yards, courts or other open spaces than are imposed or required by any existing provisions of ordinances, or by any regulations or permits, or by any restrictions, easements, covenants, or agreements, the provisions of this ordinance shall control.
No building hereafter erected, altered or relocated shall be used and no change shall be made of the use of any building or of any parcel of land unless an occupancy permit signed by the Inspector of Buildings has been granted to the owner or occupant of such land or building. Such permit shall not be granted unless the proposed use of the land or building and all accessory uses comply in all respects with this ordinance and no use shall be made of such land or building except the use or uses authorized by such occupancy permit.
[Amended 12-4-2017]
A Board of Appeals consisting of five members and three alternate members is hereby established. The members and alternate members of said Board shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Town Council as set forth in the Charter. All members of said Board shall be residents of the Town and shall serve without compensation.
The Board of Appeals shall have all the powers vested in it by this ordinance and by the laws of the commonwealth. It shall have the authority to grant variances for use.
Appeals of a decision of the Building Commissioner shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 40A, § 8.
Appeals of a decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals or of a special permit granting authority shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 40A, § 17.