[Adopted as § 2-4-7 of the 2012 compilation of ordinances, as amended through 5-22-2013]
The Industrial Development Committee shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed annually by the Village President, subject to Village Board confirmation. Terms shall commence on May 1. The Village President shall also be a member of the Committee. Non-Village residents who reside in a town within Winnebago County may be appointed to the Industrial Development Committee.
The Industrial Development Committee shall have the following duties:
To confer with and advise the Village Board, Village President and Plan Commission on all matters concerning the industrial development of the Village.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
To advertise the industrial advantages and opportunities of the Village within the means provided by any appropriations made therefor by the Board.
To collect data and information as to the type of industries best suited to the Village.
To develop, compile and coordinate information regarding available areas suitable for industrial development.
To encourage the proper zoning and orderly development of areas suitable for industrial development and to promote the interest of industrialization of such areas of the Village.
To aid the Village Board and Plan Commission in the attraction of new industries and in the encouragement of expansion by existing industries and businesses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
To cooperate with all industries and businesses in the Village in the solution of any community problems which they might have, and to encourage the management of such concerns to have a healthy and constructive interest in the Village's welfare.
To periodically survey the overall condition of the Village from the standpoint of determining whether the Village has a community climate and furnishes such services and facilities as are conducive to industrial and economic expansion.
To recommend to the Village Board the leasing, sale or use of Village-owned properties for industrial purposes.