Permit to be obtained. No person, partnership or corporation, or
their agents or employees or contractors, shall make or cause to be
made any opening or excavation in any public street, public alley,
public way, public ditch, public ground, public sidewalk or Village-owned
easement within the Village of Winneconne without a permit therefor
from the Clerk-Treasurer or Director of Public Works.
Fee. There shall be a fee for excavation in the right-of-way per
determination by Village Board. Applications may be made for multiple
street openings on one application form; however, each opening must
be listed at the time the application is submitted to the Director
of Public Works or Clerk-Treasurer for approval. If the street opening
is made prior to the receipt of an approved "excavation on in the
right-of-way" permit from the Director of Public Works or Clerk-Treasurer,
the application and review fee shall be tripled.
Fee; emergency excavation. In the event of an emergency excavation for the protection of property, life, health, or safety and as authorized in § 460-14H, there shall be no penalty fee (except any actual Village expenses shall be charged to the permittee), provided the application for the street opening permit is filed with the Director of Public Works or Clerk-Treasurer within two regular business days of the excavation in accordance with § 460-14H. If the permit application for the emergency excavation is not filed within two regular business days, the application and review fee shall be per determination by Village Board plus any actual Village expenses. The Director of Public Works shall be informed of emergency excavations.
Application for permit. The application for a permit shall be in
writing and signed by the applicant or his/her agent. The applicant
shall submit to the Clerk-Treasurer or Director of Public Works, at
the time the permit is applied for, sufficient information relating
to the work to be done including the general location and nature of
the work and the method applicant proposes to use in doing the work.
The Clerk-Treasurer or Director of Public Works shall determine if
sufficient information is submitted.
Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Village
excavation work done under the direction of the Village Board or Director
of Public Works.
Validity of permit. Permits shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the date of approval, except as provided for under § 460-14G for pavement replacement.
Renewal of permit. If operations have begun under an approved permit
and will continue beyond the thirty-day validation period, the permittee
shall apply for a thirty-day permit renewal by written request to
the Clerk-Treasurer or Director of Public Works. Permit renewals shall
be issued at the discretion of the Clerk-Treasurer or Director of
Public Works.
Village standards. All street work shall be performed in accordance with the current standard specifications for street openings found in this section and § 460-14. Any damaged curb and gutter, sidewalk, terrace, street or grass-covered area shall be restored to a condition satisfactory to Director of Public Works.
Insurance. At the time of the permit application, a permittee must
furnish the Village satisfactory written evidence that he/she has
in force and will maintain during the life of the permit and the period
of excavation, insurance, with the Village of Winneconne named as
an additional insured, as follows:
Motor vehicle liability. Comprehensive motor vehicle liability with
limits of $500,000 for injuries to one person and $1,000,000 for any
one accident and property damage of not less than $100,000. Motor
vehicle liability shall cover owned, non-owned and hired vehicles.
General liability. Comprehensive general liability, with limits of
not less than $2,000,000 each occurrence. The insurance coverage shall
include the acts or omissions of any contractor, his/her employees,
agents or subcontractors, and include explosion, collapse and underground
liability coverage. A form of blanket contractual liability to indemnify
and save harmless the Village of Winneconne, its officers, agents
and employees from any and all liability for accidents or damage caused
by or arising from any work covered by the permit shall also be included
in such insurance coverage.
Completed operations and product liability. This policy shall provide
completed operations and product liability coverage for the period
of time set forth in the permit and any extensions thereof and for
a period one year after final completion of the work. Limits of liability
shall be the same as general liability.
Umbrella policy. The limits of liability mentioned above can be provided
through split limits or through a combination of underlying an umbrella
liability. Limits mentioned are minimums to be provided under any
policy or combination of policies.
Whenever the Director of Public Works estimates that an excavation/opening
project will involve over $5,000 in work and before a permit for excavating
or opening any street or public way for such project may be issued,
the applicant must execute and deposit with the Village Clerk-Treasurer,
determined and approved by the Director of Public Works, an indemnity
bond conditioned that he/she will indemnify and save harmless the
Village of Winneconne and its officers from all liability for accidents
and damage caused by any of the work covered by his/her permit, and
that he/she will fill up and place in good and safe condition all
excavations and openings made in the street, and will replace and
restore the pavement over any opening he/she may make as near as can
be to the state and condition in which he/she found it, and keep and
maintain the same in such condition, normal wear and tear excepted,
to the satisfaction of the Village Board for a period of one year,
and that he/she will pay all fines of forfeitures imposed upon him/her
for any violation of any rule, regulation or ordinance governing street
openings or drain laying adopted by the Village Board and will repair
any damage done to existing improvements during the progress of the
excavation in accordance with the ordinances, rules and regulations
of the Village. Such statement shall also guarantee that, if the Village
shall elect to make the street repair, the person opening the street
will pay all costs of making such repair and of maintaining the same
for one year.
Faulty work or materials shall be immediately replaced by the permittee
upon notice by the Village. Failure to correct deficiencies shall
result in a one year revocation of the right to obtain a street opening
permit. The Village shall repair the deficiencies and bill the permittee
for all labor, materials and equipment used plus 20% for administration.
The person who does such restoration shall be responsible therefor
for one year from the date of the completion of the work and shall
file a surety bond to that effect with the Village in an amount determined
by the Village Board or Director of Public Works.
Whenever Director of Public Works shall find that any such work has
become defective within one year of the date of completion, it shall
give written notice thereof to the contractor or to his/her surety
stating the defect, the work to be done, the cost thereof and the
period of time deemed to be reasonably necessary to complete said
work. After receipt of such notice, the contractor or the surety must,
within the time specified, repair the defect or indemnify the Village
for the cost of doing the work as set forth in the notice.
An annual bond may be given under this section covering all excavation
work done by the principal for one year beginning January 1, which
shall be conditioned as specified above and in the amount determined
by the Village Board or Director of Public Works as necessary to adequately
protect the public and the Village.
Public utilities. All public utilities as defined in § 66.0801 and 196.01, Wis. Stats., are hereby required to be bound by the terms and conditions of this section and § 460-14, any and all subsections thereunder; except, a Village of Winneconne-owned public utility as defined within this section shall not be required to post the indemnity bond.
Frozen ground. No openings in the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public
ways shall be permitted between November 15 and April 1 except where
it is determined by the Director of Public Works or his/her designee
to be an emergency excavation.
Every opening and excavation shall be enclosed with sufficient barriers,
signing, and such other traffic control devices as may be required
by the Village Board or its designee, and in accordance with Section
VI of the National Traffic Safety Board Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control Devices. Sufficient warning lights shall be kept on from sunset
to sunrise. No open flame warning devices shall be used. Except by
special permission from the Director of Public Works, no trench shall
be excavated more than 150 feet in advance of pipe or conduit laying
nor left unfilled more than 200 feet from where pipe or conduit has
been laid.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. II)]
All necessary precautions shall be taken to guard the public effectively
from accidents or damage to persons or property through the period
of the work. Each person making such opening shall be held liable
for all damages, including costs incurred by the Village in defending
any action brought against it for damages, as well as cost of any
appeal, that may result from the neglect by such person or his/her
employees of any necessary precaution against injury or damage to
persons, vehicles or property of any kind.
Unless otherwise approved, a minimum of one lane of traffic in each
direction shall be provided. Every effort shall be made on the part
of the permittee to provide reasonable access to all properties adjacent
to his/her project. In the event traffic is limited to less than one
lane in each direction, a flagman or temporary traffic control signal
shall be provided so as to safely cycle traffic in each direction
past the work area.
The permittee shall perform the work in such a manner so as not to disrupt the flow of traffic in the area or endanger the safety of workmen or passersby. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to prevent traffic backup during construction operation. The permittee shall notify the Director of Public Works 24 hours prior to commencement of excavation of the location and extent of the excavation, unless the excavation is an emergency excavation as identified in § 460-14H.
When the operations will result in the loss of any utility service to private properties, the private properties shall be notified in writing or by personal contact at least one hour prior to the loss of service, unless the operations are part of an emergency excavation as defined in § 460-14H.
Trenches adjacent to the roadway left open during nonworking hours
shall be protected with snow fence along the entire trench edge and
shall be marked with flashing barricades at each end.
Equipment or construction materials may be stored during nonworking
hours within Village roadway right-of-way subject to prior approval
of Public Works Director.
Prior to beginning any work on Village roadways, the Village Clerk-Treasurer's
office and Director of Public Works shall be given the names and telephone
numbers of at least two contractor employees who may be contacted
24 hours per day, seven days per week.
The Village may elect to have the Village or an outside contractor
make the pavement repair for any street or sidewalk opening, in which
case, the cost of making such repair and of maintaining it for one
year shall be charged to the person making the street opening.
Excavations conducted within the Village shall comply to OSHA
standards, specifically 29 CFR 19, maintain safe sidewall and slope
stabilization. Safety of the excavation and all work performed in
relation to it shall be the responsibility of the contractor performing
the work. Any excavation exceeding three feet in depth shall require
the proper legal use of a shoring box or shoe.
Removal of existing pavement shall be to neat, straight lines. The
permittee shall make a final saw cut in the existing pavement prior
to patch replacement. Excavations shall be kept to the minimum possible
and acceptable for the convenience and safe performance of his/her
work and in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations.
Replacement surface shall be in-kind material.
Precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to road pavements. Sheathing
and bracing or the use of a portable trench box should be used to
prevent undermining of material below the existing pavement. If damage
is done to the pavement, it shall be restored.
If the pavement is damaged during excavation beyond the original
saw-cut lines, it shall be saw cut again along neat, straight lines.
The finished saw cut shall leave a regular rectangular section for
pavement replacement. Should the street opening occur within adjacent
or close to an existing patch or require more than one opening within
a short distance, the permittee shall identify and locate the existing
patches or additional openings on the permit application form. The
Director of Public Works shall, on the basis of an on-site inspection,
approximate the boundaries of the pavement replacement area.
Pavement replacement areas with the long dimension in the direction
of travel shall have the long dimension parallel with the curbline
or the direction of travel.
The Director of Public Works may order the permittee to remove and
replace up to one full lane width of pavement along the patched or
excavated area. Special care shall be taken with concrete pavement
to produce a vertical face on the existing concrete at the point of
the saw cut to insure a full depth of concrete at the joint.
All excavated material shall be piled in a manner such that pedestrian
and motor traffic is not unnecessarily disrupted. Gutters shall be
kept clear or other satisfactory provisions made for street drainage,
and natural watercourses shall not be obstructed.
Excavated material to be used for backfilling of the trench must
be so handled and placed as to be of as little inconvenience as practical
to public travel and adjoining tenants.
All backfill material shall be free from cinders, ashes, refuse,
vegetable or organic matter, boulders, rocks or stones greater than
eight inches in their greatest dimension, frozen lumps or other deleterious
material which, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, is
In backfilling the excavation, if there is not sufficient material
excavated suitable for refilling, the deficiency shall be made up
with suitable material hauled in and approved, prior to use, by the
Director of Public Works.
Wherever an excavation crosses an existing utility, pipe or other
structure, backfill shall be carefully compacted in stages from the
bottom of the excavation. Any sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water,
telephone, natural gas or other service shall not be interrupted by
the permittee. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to have
the various utilities locate and mark their facilities prior to excavation.
Backfill of excavated area(s) shall be conducted per specifications
available from the Director of Public Works. Slurry backfill shall
first be placed as noted above, then 12 inches (after compaction)
of crushed aggregate of gradation No. 3 shall be placed, and then
five inches of bituminous concrete pavement (hot mix, surface course
where applicable) shall be laid in two compacted lifts or concrete
to matching thickness.
When allowed by the Village, mechanical compaction may be used on
all materials used for trench backfill. Each layer (twelve-inch maximum)
shall be uniformly compacted to a dry density of at least 95% of the
maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM-1557).
All excavations shall be subject to testing by the Village. Backfilled
material not achieving the above compaction requirements shall be
removed and recompacted by the permittee. The cost of any testing
shall be paid by the permittee.
When the sides of the trench will not stand perpendicular, sheathing
and braces shall be used to prevent caving. No timber, bracing, lagging,
sheathing or other lumber shall be left in any trench. At no time
shall any street pavements be permitted to overhang the excavation.
Notice. It shall be the duty of the permittee to notify the Clerk-Treasurer
or Director of Public Works and all public and private individuals,
firms and corporations affected by the work to be done at least one
business day before such work is to commence. The Clerk-Treasurer
or Director of Public Works shall also be notified at least four hours
prior to backfilling and/or restoring the surface.
Excavated material shall be tested by the Director of Public Works
for backfilling purposes; if the material is found suitable, it shall
be uniformly placed in twelve-inch lifts and compacted to 95% density
determined by a Modified Proctor Test (ASTM-1557) to a twelve-inch
height below grade. Crusher-run material shall be used to complete
the backfill with a final course of bituminous pavement if required.
If paving will not occur as part of the initial street restoration
operation, the balance shall be backfilled with crusher run.
Bituminous pavement shall be placed the full depth of the existing
pavement, or four inches, whichever is greater. Bituminous pavement
shall be placed in a maximum of one-and-one-half-inch lifts and compacted
with the final wearing course life not to exceed 1 1/2 inch in
lift (Wisconsin Department of Transportation Asphalt mix). The final
course shall be smooth and free of surface irregularities and shall
match the existing pavement. Casting or street appurtenances shall
be 1/2 inch below adjacent pavement heights and no more than one-quarter-inch
deviation as measured with a ten-foot straight edge per installation.
Bituminous pavement may be temporarily replaced with cold mix if
hot mix is not available. Cold mix shall be excavated and hot mix
shall be installed as soon as it becomes available.
All permanent restoration of street, curb and gutter shall be of
the same type and thickness as the curb and gutter which abuts. The
grade of the restored curb and gutter shall conform with the grade
of the existing adjacent curb and gutter. Existing grass and terrace
areas shall be covered with a minimum of four inches of topsoil. Topsoil
shall be seeded with perennial grass seed at a rate of two pounds
per 1,000 square feet.
All permanent restoration of driveways and sidewalks shall conform
to the manner of construction as originally placed and to the lines
and grades as given by the Director of Public Works. No patching of
concrete driveway areas will be allowed between joints or dummy joints.
In emergency excavations during winter months when it is not possible
to replace the removed pavement with a like material, the excavation
shall be temporarily resurfaced with a minimum of three inches of
cold-mix bituminous material. This temporary wearing surface shall
be compacted and rolled smooth. These temporary wearing surfaces shall
be removed and replaced with material as specified above by not later
than the following June 1, except as provided above. Permanent pavements
shall be replaced within 60 days of the date of the permit.
Emergency excavation. In the event of an emergency, any person, firm
or corporation owning or controlling any sewer, gas main, water main,
conduit or other utility in or under any public street, alley easement,
way or ground and his/her agents and employees make take immediate
proper emergency measures to remedy dangerous conditions for the protection
of property, life, health or safety without obtaining an excavation
permit, provided that such person, firm or corporation shall apply
for an excavation permit not later than the next business day and
shall notify the Village office immediately.
Excavation in new streets limited. Whenever the Director of Public
Works determines to provide for the permanent improvement or repaving
of any street, such determination shall be made not less than 30 days
before the work of improvement or repaving shall begin. Immediately
after such determination by the Director of Public Works, Clerk-Treasurer
shall notify each person, utility or other agency owning or controlling
any sewer, water main, conduit or other utility in or under said street
or any real property abutting said street, that all such excavation
work in such street must be completed within 30 days. After such permanent
improvement or repaving, no permit shall be issued to open or excavate
said street for a period of five years after the date of improvement
or repaving unless, in the opinion of the Village Board or its designee,
conditions exist which make it absolutely essential that the permit
be issued. Every effort shall be made to place gas, electric, telephone
and television cable lines in street terraces.
Repair by Village. The Village may elect to make the pavement repair
for any street or sidewalk opening, in which case the cost of making
such repair and of maintaining it for one year shall be charged to
the person making the street opening. In the event such charges are
not paid within 90 days of actual notice of the same having been furnished
the applicant and owner of the premises for which said permit was
issued, it shall become a lien against said premises and thereafter
be assessed and collected as a special tax.
No person shall have or permit on any premises owned or occupied
by him/her any open cisterns, cesspools, wells, unused basements,
excavations or other dangerous openings. All such places shall be
filled, securely covered or fenced in such manner as to prevent injury
to any person and any cover shall be of a design, size and weight
that the same cannot be removed by small children.
Any vault or cistern deemed nonfunctional or dangerous to the safety
of others as identified by the Director of Public Works shall be abandoned
and/or removed to the satisfaction of Director of Public Works immediately.
Failure of property owner to remove or abandon the structure in accordance
with notice requirements, shall result in the structure being removed
by the Village under the direction of the Director of Public Works
with all costs of removal being assessed to the abutting property
owner of record.