[Ord. No. 2017-05, 10/23/2017]
The submission of final plans to the Subdivision Administrator shall be consistent with requirements as set forth in § 22-304 of this chapter.
The North Centre Township Planning Commission shall review the final plan to determine its conformance with the standards and data as set forth in Part 4 and any changes or modifications, including those required by the Board of Supervisors as a condition of granting approval of the preliminary plan. Any changes and/or modifications shall include an itemized listing of revisions as noted under § 22-310, Subsection 2 of this chapter and shall also be included upon the plan.
The applicant shall submit the final plan within one year from the date of the approval of the preliminary plan by the Board of Supervisors, unless an extension, in writing, has been approved by the Board of Supervisors. Failure to comply with the one-year time requirement shall render the preliminary plan and any accompanying approval as null and void, thus requiring a new submission of the preliminary plan.
[Ord. No. 2017-05, 10/23/2017]
The North Centre Township Planning Commission shall review the final plan and all official reports, comments or recommendations as provided by such entities as listed in § 22-305 of this chapter and shall render its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors in writing. The following constitutes the types of action the Planning Commission may take:
The Planning Commission may recommend disapproval of the final plan, in which case it shall specify the defects found in the application and plan, describing the requirements which have not been met. In each case, it shall cite the provisions of this chapter or other ordinance or statute relied upon.
The Planning Commission may recommend conditional approval of the final plan, in which case it shall specify all additional information and/or changes needed, describing the requirements and/or conditions of approval of the preliminary plan that have not been met, citing, in each case, the provisions of this chapter or other ordinance or statute which were relied upon as the basis for additional information and/or changes. Any recommendation relative to additional information or changes, at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, may be required prior to further consideration of the final plan or filing the final plan with the Columbia County Recorder of Deeds.
The Planning Commission may recommend approval of the final plan as submitted.
[Ord. No. 2017-05, 10/23/2017]
The Board of Supervisors shall consider the comments and recommendation of the North Centre Township Planning Commission as well as all official reports, comments and recommendations as provided by such entities as listed in § 22-305 of this chapter. The Board of Supervisors shall render a decision in conformance with § 22-309 of this chapter. The following constitutes the type of action the Board of Supervisors may take:
The Board of Supervisors may disapprove the final plan, in which case it shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of this chapter or other ordinance or statute relied upon.
The Board of Supervisors may conditionally approve the final plan, in which case it shall specify all additional information and/or changes needed, describing the requirements and/or conditions of approval of the preliminary plan that have not been met, citing, in each case, the provisions of this chapter or other ordinance or statute relied upon as the basis for additional information and/or changes. The additional information and/or changes shall be required prior to further consideration of the final plan. In granting conditional approval of the final plan, the Board of Supervisors shall include in their notification that the applicant, within 30 days from the date of conditional approval, may notify the Board of Supervisors of his refusal to accept all said conditions, in writing. In such cases, the Board of Supervisors' conditional approval shall be deemed rescinded upon receipt of the applicant's written notification. In the event that the applicant fails to notify the Board of Supervisors of his refusal to accept all said conditions within 30 days from the date of conditional approval, all conditions shall stand granted and deemed accepted by the applicant.
The Board of Supervisors may approve the final plan as submitted. Such approval by the Board of Supervisors shall allow the applicant to file said final plan with the Columbia County Recorder of Deeds office.
[Ord. No. 2017-05, 10/23/2017]
Unless a different size scale was approved for submission of the preliminary plan, the final plan of a proposed subdivision or land development shall be at a scale not greater than:
One inch equals 50 feet for a property in excess of two acres.
One inch equals 20 feet for a property equal to or less than two acres.
The original drawing to be recorded shall be prepared upon a Mylar sheet, and all submitted prints thereof shall be made on a sheet size 24 inches by 36 inches.
[Ord. No. 2017-05, 10/23/2017]
The final plan shall include all additional information and any changes required by the Board of Supervisors in granting approval of the preliminary plan. It shall not be necessary to resubmit supporting data and maps required under the preliminary plan, provided there have been no changes. The following additional information shall be included on the final plan:
Drawings and/or plans shall be titled "Final Plan."
An accurate field boundary survey of the entire site which shall be balanced and close with an error of closure not to exceed one foot in 10,000 feet.
The location and material of all permanent monuments and lot markers.
Written certification by the responsible land surveyor, which attests to the accuracy of the survey and compliance with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
Signature spaces.
A three-inch-by-five-inch blocked space shall be provided on the final plan for the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the Township Planning Commission, indicating the Planning Commission's recommendation of approval of the final plan and the date of the same.
A separate three-inch-by-five-inch blocked space shall also be provided on the final plan for the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the North Centre Township Board of Supervisors, indicating their approval of the final plan and the date of the same.
A separate three-inch-by-five-inch blocked space shall also be provided on the final plan for the appropriate signature and/or seal which indicates compliance with required review procedure by the Columbia County Planning Commission.
The latest source of title to the property as shown by deed, page number and book of the Columbia County Recorder of Deeds office.
The exact dimensions of all streets, including right-of-way and cartway; lot lines, areas and distances; utility and other easements; and all land to be dedicated and accepted by the Board of Supervisors for public use.
All lot lines shall be completely dimensioned in feet if straight and, if curved, by designating length of arc and radius (in feet) and central angle (in degrees, minutes and seconds). All internal angles within the lots shall be designated to the closest second.
The zoning district and the required building setback line and/or the proposed placement of each building shall be shown, and where corner lots are involved, the setback lines on both streets shall be shown.
If applicable, the number of the approved highway occupancy permit (Township or state) and date of issuance or the notation that deed restrictions prohibit development or improvements to the site or parcels to be created thereunder until the appropriate highway occupancy permit is secured.
A space shall be provided on the lower edge of the final plan for acknowledgement of receipt and recording of the plan by the Columbia County Recorder of Deeds office.
The following items and notes, as applicable, shall be on all final plans:
"Wells and sewage disposal systems shall be constructed in accordance with the current standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection."
"Individual owners of lots must apply to the Township for a sewage permit prior to the construction of any on-lot sewage disposal system."
"In granting this approval, the Township has not certified or guaranteed the feasibility of the installation of any type of well or sewage disposal system on any individual lot shown on this plan."
"All lots shown on this plan are subject to the rules and regulations contained in the North Centre Township Zoning Ordinance."
In the event the subdivision incorporates a private access drive or street as defined in this chapter, the following note shall be provided:
"The improvement and maintenance of any private access street shall be the sole responsibility of those persons benefiting from the use thereof. Name of Street or Road, as depicted upon this plan, is a private road and shall remain as a private road. The continued care, repair and maintenance of this private road shall be the sole responsibility of the developer(s) and/or individual lot owner(s) and they all agree not to look to North Centre Township for the care, repair and maintenance of the same. The developer(s) and/or individual lot owner(s) do hereby indemnify and hold harmless North Centre Township, its elected and appointed officials, representatives and employees (collectively the "indemnified party"), from and against any and all liability, causes of action, claims, losses, demands, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs) asserted against or incurred by the indemnified party by reason of the developer(s) and/or owner(s), or any other person's use of the private road, or the care and maintenance of the same, or the inability of emergency service vehicles to quickly and properly access the property served by said private road."
"Highway occupancy permits are required for access to roads under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation pursuant to the State Highway Law" (P.L. 1242, No. 428, § 420).
In the case where wetlands are present, the following note shall be provided: "The developer and/or the lot purchaser(s) assumes full responsibility for obtaining any local, state, and federal permits and/or approvals relating to wetlands. Approval by the Board of Supervisors shall not in any manner be construed to be an approval of compliance with statutes or regulations relating to wetlands. North Centre Township shall have no liability or responsibility for the same to the developer or purchaser(s)."
When on-site subsurface sewage disposal is proposed, the following note shall be provided: "This approval in no way certifies or guarantees the suitability of any lot for the installation of a subsurface sewage disposal system. The Pennsylvania DEP planning conducted as part of the subdivision plan approval process is for general suitability only; and a sewage permit will be required prior to the issuance of any building permit."
[Ord. No. 2017-05, 10/23/2017]
The following material and information shall be submitted with the final plan:
Certification of ownership, certification of plan's compliance with all applicable terms and conditions provided by this chapter and/or the Board of Supervisors and any offer of dedication, if applicable, signed by the owner of the property and notarized.
Final application and required fee.
If applicable, a copy of the highway occupancy permit, as required by North Centre Township and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, or the deed restriction that prohibits development or improvements to the site or parcels to be created thereunder until the appropriate highway occupancy permit is secured.
Copies of final deed restrictions, those existing and those to be included upon recording, if any.
All final covenants running with the land governing the reservation and maintenance of dedicated or undedicated land or open space.
Written certification from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection approving the required planning module and any supporting data.
Written certification from the Columbia County Conservation District approving the soils erosion and sedimentation control plan.
Final construction plans or as-built drawings of all sanitary sewer, water distribution and storm drainage systems, showing their exact location, size and invert elevations; the location of all manholes, inlets and culverts; and final profiles, cross sections and specifications for proposed streets, sidewalks, sanitary sewers, water distribution systems and storm drainage systems, with written certification from the Township Engineer which notes that the above plans and/or drawings are in compliance with the applicable governing design standards and/or have been installed in compliance with said plans or drawings.
If any streets are not offered for dedication to public use, the applicant shall submit and record with the plan a copy of the agreement made and executed on behalf of the applicant, including his heirs or assigns, subject to review by the Township Solicitor and approval by and the Township Board of Supervisors, establishing the conditions under which the streets may be later offered for dedication. Said conditions shall include, although not limited to, that the subject streets shall conform to the Township's design specifications at such time the offer of dedication is made or that the owners of the lots within the subject subdivision shall include with their offer of dedication sufficient funds, as estimated by the Township Engineer, to provide the needed improvements required for conformance to the Township's design specifications at the time of such dedication.
An agreement for any streets not offered for dedication, stating who shall be responsible for the improvements and maintenance of such streets. If a homeowners' association is deemed to be responsible, such association must be legally organized prior to approval of the final plan.
A financial security, subject to the approval by the Township Board of Supervisors, for the installation of required improvements, unless all such improvements are installed and completed to design specifications prior to final plan approval.
A financial security, if required by the Township Board of Supervisors, for the maintenance of improvements.
If applicable, written certification from the applicable sewer authority granting final approval for the acceptance of the conveyance of sewage for treatment and disposal from the proposed subdivision and/or land development.
Written certification from the appropriate public utility company which authorizes and approves the provision of water, gas and electrical service for the proposed subdivision and/or land development.
An appropriate development agreement subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors, including, but not limited to, the timetable for the construction of the improvements, including, if applicable, a schedule and plan of the proposed phasing of sections of the plan.
The cost of all consulting fees and costs, including legal fees incurred by the Township for the review of the application, plan and supporting information, data and/or reports or studies, including, but not limited to, any required impact analysis and site inspections to ensure compliance with the terms of approval and required improvements.