[Ord. No. 2018-001, 1-11-2018]
The water meter installation costs to be paid by the customer and requirements as set out below are hereby adopted. Regulations regarding same are set out in Subsections (C) through (H), below.
Fee for installation of three-quarter inch (3/4") residential/commercial — $600.00;
Fee for installation of one inch (1") residential/commercial — $600.00;
Fee for installation of one and one half inch (1 1/2") residential/commercial — $1,000.00;
Fee for installation of two inch (2") residential/commercial — $1,200.00;
The City supplies and installs the meter and provides four (4) inspections. Any extra inspections will be an additional fifty dollars ($50.00) per inspection at the customer's expense. Residents are required to use City approved Contractors and Master Plumbers familiar with tapping water mains.
Residential And Commercial Sewer Connection Specifications.
Residential And Commercial Sewer Connection Specifications
Sewer connection permit
Street cut permit( if needed)
Tap main at a 45 degree angle
Cut hole with a 4" diamond core bit and drill
Cover hole with a 4" Fernco rubber saddle
Backfill connection with 1/2" rock 6" over pipe
Inspection before backfill
All mains are 8" clay pipe
Work will be performed by a master plumber
No manhole connections allowed
No manhole shall be entered without permission from the City's State licensed utility supervisor
Northmoor Street Cuts.
Northmoor Street Cuts
The following specifications shall be adhered to whenever work requiring excavation or digging is necessary on the City of Northmoor Roadways and Right-of-Way.
This shall be construed as excavation required by any utility, water, gas, telephone, sewer, cable television, fiber optics, house construction, etc., that may need to breech street, or dig in the street to make necessary repairs and new construction.
Before work begins you must obtain an excavation permit and provide a guarantee maintenance bond covering the work to be performed. Excavation shall be inspected prior to backfill and concrete placement. Call City Hall to set up inspection (816) 741-6071.
Street cut will be completed within 30 days after work starts
Pre-warning signs, barricades, fencing, and street plates to be used for public safety. Flagman present on an "as-needed" basis.
One lane to remain open at all times for public and emergency vehicles.
No full width cuts allowed unless approved by the city prior to excavation.
All cuts must be sawed.
All cuts shall be 12" wider on all sides for a depth of 8" to form an offset ledge or shelf. This extra cut will be done after backfilling is complete.
All materials, pavement, base, sub-base, as well as sub-grade material must be removed and may not be used as backfill unless approved by the City.
The excavation shall be filled with 1/2" to 1 1/4" clean rock, to within 8" of the top of pavement.
For temporary patch AB-3 or Crusher run to be used to top off until concrete placement. (6" x 6" welded wire or 1/2" rebar on 12" centers.
Surface course shall be 2" Hot Asphaltic concrete BM-2 Surface mix. No cold patch material will be allowed.
Absolutely no earth fills will be allowed except around gas mains.
If contractor does not follow these guide lines, job will be shut down.
Bond will not be released until City is satisfied with work.
New Residential And/Or Commercial 3/4" Water Service Installation.
New Residential And/Or Commercial 3/4" Water Service Installation
Fee: $600.00
City of Northmoor supplies:
Remote Read Water Meter and installation of meter( Resident/Owner is required t. use City approved Contractors)
4 inspections— additional inspections are $50. 00 at Resident/Owner's expense
Resident Owner supplies:
Excavation permit
Proof of insurance (2 million general liability and workers compensation)
Material Specifications:
6" x 3/4" strap saddle iron pipe thread
#74704-22-3/4" corporation stop, male iron pipe by compression
#76100-22-3/4" curb stop valve, compression x compression
2 1/2" plastic curb box w/rod
Copper setter— 722 * 218 WC22 33 w/single check
18" x 42" plastic meter pit
#2350 ring and locking lid
3/4" (K) copper
Main should be tapped saddle, corporation valve, and curb stop OR tapping sleeve and valve
Copper from main to meter pit and 4' outside pit
Curb box to be set between main and meter pit (but not in the roadway)
Brick to be set under curb box
4 bricks to be set under meter pit
Meter will be 18" to 21" down from meter lid and top of meter well
Meter well will be flush with final grade
Meter pit to be installed just inside property line
Water mains are 6" and " 8 plastic and Transite Pipe
All work will be performed by a City approved Contractor and/or Master Plumber and have experience tapping water mains. Unless it is an EMERGENCY no work will be performed when the temperature is below freezing.
Inspections need to be completed before backfill — call City Hall at 816-741-6071 to set up an appointment with our City Inspector or our State Water License Holder
* See drawings at the end of this Section
New Residential And/Or Commercial 1" Water Service Installation.
New Residential And/Or Commercial 1" Water Service Installation
Fee: $600.00
City of Northmoor supplies:
Remote Read Water Meter and installation of meter (Residents are required to use City approved Contractors)
4 inspections — additional inspections are $50.00 at resident's expense. Inspections need to be completed before backfill - call Stan Anderson 816-918-6055
Resident supplies:
Excavation permit
Proof of insurance (2 million dollar general liability and workers compensation)
Material Specifications:
Water mains are 6" and 8" plastic and Transite Pipe
6" x 1" strap saddle iron pipe thread
1" corporation stop male iron pipe x compression
1" curb stop valve compression
2 1/2" plastic curb box w/rod
Copper setter 722-418 WC 22 44 w/single check
24" x 42" plastic meter pit
2424 18 x 24 extension ring
2350 ring
2350 lid
1" (K) copper
Main should be tapped saddle, corporation valve, and curb stop OR tapping sleeve and valve
Copper from main to meter pit and 4' outside pit
Curb box to be set between main and meter pit (but not in the roadway)
Brick to be set under curb box
4 bricks to be set under meter pit
Meter will be 18" to 21" down from meter to top of meter well
Meter well will be flush with final grade
Meter pit to be installed just inside property line
All work will be performed by a City approved Contractor and/or Master Plumber and have experience tapping water mains. Unless it is an EMERGENCY no work will be performed when the temperature is below freezing.
Inspections need to be completed before backfill — call City Hall at 816-741-6071 to set up an appointment with our City Inspector or our State Water License Holder
* See drawings at the end of this Section
New Residential And/Or Commercial 1 1/2" Water Service Installation.
New Residential And/Or Commercial 1 1/2" Water Service Installation
Fee: $1,000.00
City of Northmoor supplies:
Remote Read Water Meter and installation of meter (Residents are required to use City approved Contractors)
4 inspections — additional inspections are $50.00 at resident's expense. Inspections need to be completed before backfill - call Stan Anderson 816-918-6055
Resident supplies:
Excavation permit
Proof of insurance (2 million dollars general liability and workers compensation)
Material Specifications:
Water mains are 6" and 8" plastic and Transite Pipe
720B718WWFF 775 Meter setter NL
74753-22 1 1/2" coupling compression x male iron pipe
2 x 1 1/2" brass bushings
36" meter plastic meter pit
2436 extension ring
2350 ring
2350 lid
1 1/2" (K) copper
Main should be tapped saddle, corporation valve, and curb stop OR tapping sleeve and valve
Copper from main to meter pit and 4' outside pit
Curb box to be set between main and meter pit (but not in the roadway)
Brick to be set under curb box
4 bricks to be set under meter pit
Meter will be 18" to 21" down from meter to top of meter well
Meter well will be flush with final grade
Meter pit to be installed just inside property line
All work will be performed by a City approved Contractor and/or Master Plumber and have experience tapping water mains. Unless it is an EMERGENCY no work will be performed when the temperature is below freezing.
Inspections need to be completed before backfill — call City Hall at 816-741-6071 to set up an appointment with our City Inspector or our State Water License Holder
* See drawings at the end of this Section
New Residential And/Or Commercial 2" Water Service Installation.
New Residential And/Or Commercial 2" Water Service Installation
Fee: $1,200.00
City of Northmoor supplies:
Remote Read Water Meter and installation of meter (Residents are required to use City approved Contractors)
4 inspections — additional inspections are $50.00 at resident's expense. Inspections need to be completed before backfill - call Stan Anderson 816-918-6055
Resident supplies:
Excavation permit
Proof of insurance (2 million dollars general liability and workers compensation)
Material Specifications:
Water mains are 6" and 8" plastic and Transite Pipe
720B718WWFF 775 Meter setter NL
74753-22 1 - 2" coupling compression x male iron pipe
36" meter plastic meter pit
2436 extension ring
2350 ring
2350 lid
2" (K) copper
Main should be tapped saddle, corporation valve, and curb stop OR tapping sleeve and valve
Copper from main to meter pit and 4' outside pit
Curb box to be set between main and meter pit (but not in the roadway)
Brick to be set under curb box
4 bricks to be set under meter pit
Meter will be 18" to 21" down from meter to top of meter well
Meter well will be flush with final grade
Meter pit to be installed just inside property line
All work will be performed by a City approved Contractor and/or Master Plumber and have experience tapping water mains. Unless it is an EMERGENCY no work will be performed when the temperature is below freezing.
Inspections need to be completed before backfill — call City Hall at 816-741-6071 to set up an appointment with our City Inspector or our State Water License Holder
* See drawings at the end of this Section
Street Repair Detail