[Adopted at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Fire Prevention Code hereby adopted shall be enforced by the Fire Marshal. The office of Fire Marshal as heretofore established by Ordinance No. 1075 is hereby ratified and confirmed as continuing under the provisions of this article, notwithstanding the hereinafter repeal of Ordinance No. 1075;[1] and the authority of the Fire Marshal, by appointment by the Borough Council, is hereby ratified and confirmed. The Borough Council shall appoint a qualified person as Fire Marshal from time to time as vacancy shall occur, to serve at the pleasure of the Council and for such compensation as the Council may, from time to time, establish.
Editor's Note: Said ordinance, adopted 10-10-1974, comprised a previous Ch. 68, Fire Prevention, repealed 12-9-1976 by Ord. No. 1131.
The Borough Council shall appoint such number of officers, assistants, inspectors and other employees as it may from time to time deem necessary for the proper administration of the Fire Prevention Code.
The Borough Council may designate a Deputy Fire Marshal who shall exercise all of the powers of the Fire Marshal during the temporary absence or disability of the Fire Marshal.
The Fire Marshal shall annually render a report of his activities to the Borough Council with such statistics as he may deem relevant and shall therein or at any time recommend such amendments to the Fire Prevention Code as he may deem desirable.
Any provision of the code referenced herein which grants to a Borough official or Borough employee any property right in such official position or employment or any provision which sets forth that such official or employee may be dismissed only for cause and/or only after notice and/or opportunity to be heard is hereby deleted from this chapter.