[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
There is hereby established a police department consisting of a Chief of Police appointed by the Borough Council, and such additional full-time and/or part-time police officers as the Borough Council shall from time to time appoint. All such police officers shall be over 21 years of age.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
The Chief of Police shall be paid an annual salary, payable in equal weekly, biweekly, semimonthly or monthly installments, as prescribed by Borough Council, and shall devote his or her normal working hours to such office in accordance with instructions and directions from the Mayor. The Chief of Police shall serve until death, resignation or retirement as provided by the Borough Council, or removal by Borough Council, as the case may be.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
The Borough Council shall, from time to time, appoint such additional full-time or part-time police officers, as may be deemed necessary, upon such terms and conditions as the Council may prescribe.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
All police officers so appointed, including the Chief of Police, shall function under the supervision and control of the Mayor, and shall serve at such times and places and in a manner as directed by the Mayor. All such police officers shall, before entering upon their duties, subscribe to an oath of office administered by the Mayor. The Mayor may delegate, in his or her discretion, to the Chief of Police, the supervision over and instruction of subordinate officers in the manner of performing their duties.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
All such police officers shall be ex officio constables of the Borough and may, within the Borough or upon property owned or controlled by the Borough or by a municipal authority of the Borough, whether such property is within or outside the limits of the Borough, without warrant and upon view, arrest and commit for hearing any and all persons who may be engaged in the commission of any unlawful act, including, but not limited to, conduct tending to imperil the personal security or endanger the property of the citizens, or for violating any ordinances of the Borough for the violation of which a fine or penalty is imposed, and exercise all other powers delegated to constables by the acts of assembly of this commonwealth, and to serve and execute all criminal process for the violation of Borough ordinances which may be issued by the Mayor, and to charge the same fees and costs as constables, but such fees and costs shall be collected by the Mayor and by him paid into the Borough treasury.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
The Mayor, during any period in which the safety and welfare of the Borough and the public is endangered, may appoint such special police officers as may be necessary to serve during emergencies.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
All uniformed police officers, when on duty, shall display a badge clearly marked "Borough of Wrightsville Police." Nonuniformed police officers and detectives, when on duty, shall possess and carry a badge clearly marked "Borough of Wrightsville Police" for display in appropriate circumstances or as required by law.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
The Mayor may demote the Chief of Police or suspend any police officer for cause, but such demotion or suspension shall be reviewed by the Borough Council at their next regular meeting and the Borough Council shall at that time suspend, discharge, reduce in rank or reinstate such police officer.
[Ord. 2006-9, 11/6/2006]
The provisions of this Subsection A of Part 4 shall be effective on the 1st day of January 2007, and all ordinances, acts, resolutions, appointments and ordinances inconsistent with this Subsection A of Part 4 are repealed and shall be null and void on the effective date.