[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
The capacity of a storm drainage system shall provide for the requirements set forth in Section
425.160. Total routing capability for a one percent (1%) storm event is required.
[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
Enclosed system capacity shall be determined from hydraulic
conditions indicating least capacity. Pipe velocities shall not exceed
fifteen (15) feet per second at design capacity. Energy dissipation
is required at outfall points. Storm sewer capacity shall be determined
from Mannings Equation. The minimum pipe size is fifteen-inch diameter.
Pipe lines twenty-four (24) inches and larger in diameter may be laid
on curved alignments. All pipe laid under paved sections of streets
shall be reinforced concrete pipe. All other pipe shall be corrugated
galvanized metal or approved equal.
[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
Points of unflow to an enclosed system shall provide a fifty
hundredths (0.50) foot freeboard above the effluent pipe plus head
requirements for inlet losses. The minimum fall through a structure
shall be twenty hundredths (0.20) feet. The crown of inlet pipes shall
be at or above the crown of outlet pipes.
[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
Curb inlets are required on all streets unless a variance is
approved by the City Engineer. The minimum inside length of a curb
inlet is five (5) feet, the minimum inside width is three (3) feet.
Inlet setback is one (1) feet minimum and two (2) feet maximum. The
minimum opening height is fifty hundredths (0.50) feet. The minimum
gutter depression is thirty-three hundredths (0.33) feet. Gutter transitions
are five (5) feet upstream and sump, and three (3) feet downstream.
Flow deflectors may be required by the City Engineer. Inlet capacity
shall be determined by the formula:
Q = 0.7 L (a = y)3/2
runoff in cfs
length of opening
gutter depression
depth of flow or by APWA methods. Reduction for partial obstruction
is not required.
[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
Culverts shall be sized in accordance with APWA methods for
inlet control or outlet control. Culverts shall be reinforced concrete
pipe or reinforced concrete box with entrance and outlet sections
or headwalls. Energy dissipation is not required for culverts unless
calculations predict a hydraulic jump in the downstream channel.
[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
Street gutter flow shall be determined using Izzard's Formula.
Maximum allowable curb spread shall be ten and fifty hundredths (10.50)
feet for streets twenty-eight (28) feet wide and less. For streets
over twenty-eight (28) feet wide curb spread shall not exceed elevent
and five-tenths (11.5) feet. Curb inlets shall be spaced to control
flows to these spreads.
[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
A. Constructed open channels shall be designed to flow requirements
set forth previously. The controlled channel shall contain the required
design flood with a one-foot freeboard. A freeboard is not required
for flood plain channels, but the limits of the flood plain section
shall be delineated. Flood plain channels shall be graded to completely
drain back to the controlled channel on cessation of the flood.
B. The design flow velocity in a controlled open channel shall be determined.
The minimum allowable channel liner for velocities up to seven (7)
fps is staked sod. The minimum allowable liner for velocities from
seven (7) to ten (10) fps is stone rip rap. Minimum thickness of stone
liner is twenty (20) inches with minimum rock diameter of ten (10)
inches. The minimum allowable liner for velocities from ten (10) to
fifteen (15) fps is rock filled revet mattress, nine (9) inches thick.
The minimum allowable liner for velocities over fifteen (15) fps is
concrete or sound in situ rock.
C. Channel side slopes shall not be steeper than 3:1 for turf liners,
2:1 for rock and revet mattress liners, and 1:1 for concrete liners.
Liners shall extend to the freeboard top elevation. Channel alignment
changes shall be approved by the City Engineer. Liner heights may
be required to be higher on the outside of curved sections of channels.
D. The use of natural channels is permitted, but the City Engineer may
direct improvements or modification. Easement requirements are the
same as for constructed channels.
[Ord. No. 5.000 § IV, 9-9-1991]
A. Detention basins shall be designed to function automatically, with
only occasional cleaning required. The controlled outlet and storage
shall handle a four percent (4%) probability flood. Discharge shall
be designed to avoid the overloading of downstream systems as defined
previously. The City Engineer may impose discharge rates to avoid
additional flooding of currently overloaded downstream facilities.
This rate shall not be more restrictive than 2.2 cfs per controlled
acre for the four percent (4%) event. The facility shall provide for
the release of a minimum of eighty percent (80%) of accumulated water
within twenty-four (24) hours after the flood event.
B. Overflow spillways shall provide capacity to pass the one percent
(1%) probability flood event without overflowing detention facility
dikes. Overflow spillways discharge into flood channels as described
C. Detention facilities shall not be designed to store sediment.
D. The City Engineer may require the submittal of elevation-capacity
curves, inflow hydrographs, stage-discharge rating curves, and routing