There are created the following appointed offices for the administration of the Village:
Village Clerk.
Budget Officer.
Building Commissioner.
Public Works Director.
City Manager.
Assistant City Manager.
Cross Reference: As to Marshal, see Ch. 200 of this Code.
Appointed officials shall serve in their respective offices at the will of the Board of Trustees unless otherwise provided by ordinance. Compensation shall be as provided by ordinance.
For organizational and management purposes, the various operations of the Village shall be divided into five (5) departments as follows:
Administrative Department. The Administrative Department shall consist of the clerical, support and administrative functions in the Village Hall General Administrative offices, including the positions of Village Clerk, Violations Bureau Clerk and such additional personnel as may be assigned to the said offices from time to time. The Village Clerk shall be head of the Administrative Department and shall supervise and be responsible for day-to-day management of the affairs of the Department and assignment of duties and responsibilities among the workforce.
Finance Department. The Finance Department shall be responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Village budget, the investment and safeguarding of Village funds, payment of financial obligations of the Village, preparation for and cooperation in audits of Village financial affairs, and the preparation of such periodic reports as may be required. The Financial Department shall consist of the Village Treasurer and Budget Officer. The Village Treasurer shall be the head of the Finance Department.
Public Works Department. The Public Works Department shall consist of the street maintenance, public property maintenance, public works, and public improvements functions of the Village, including the Street Department and such additional employees as may be employed in that Department from time to time. The Public Works Director shall be head of the Public Works Department.
Zoning And Building Department. The Zoning and Building Department shall consist of the zoning administration and enforcement, building and construction permitting, Health Code enforcement, and Building, Electrical, and Housing Code enforcement functions of the Village, including the Building Commissioner, the Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer of the Village. The Building Commissioner shall be head of the Zoning and Building Department.
The duties of such officers, in addition to those prescribed by law, shall be those customarily performed by such others in like municipalities in Missouri and such as are from time to time fixed and prescribed by this Board.
For purposes of this Section, the term "expenses" shall refer only to expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of the official business of the Village. The term "employee" shall include all persons employed by the Village and all elected and appointed officials.
Any employee incurring any expense as defined in this Section and seeking reimbursement of same may submit to the Village Clerk a voucher certified as being true and correct. The Village Clerk shall review such expense vouchers and shall authorize reimbursement to the employee of only those expenses properly incurred.
The Village Clerk may authorize the advance payment of projected expenses when the projected expenses to be incurred would pose a financial burden on the employee. If such an advance is authorized, within ten (10) days after such expenses are actually incurred the employee shall submit to the Village Clerk a voucher for the expenses actually and necessarily incurred and any balance of the advance remaining after expenditure.
The Village shall obtain a bond with good and sufficient surety in any sum not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to ensure faithful performance according to law by the Marshal, Treasurer and the Village Collector.
Selection. The Board of Trustees shall select some qualified individual to serve as Village Clerk, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. The Village Clerk shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance from time to time.
Duties. The Village Clerk shall have the following duties:
To have charge and custody of the Seal, ordinances and other records, papers and documents entrusted to his/her care and keeping by the Board of Trustees;
To attend to such correspondence as may be required;
To keep the journal of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees and to enter therein the "yeas" and "nays" of the members of each bill presented for passage as an ordinance;
To attest each ordinance passed by subscribing his/her name on the face thereof;
To issue and attest all warrants ordered by the Board;
To act as head of the Administrative Department of the Village; and
In general, to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance or as directed by the Board of Trustees.
Duties — Assessment Of Property. The Village Clerk shall have charge of procuring a lawful and proper assessment of property within the Village for purposes of providing revenue for Village purposes in the manner herein provided. It shall be the Chairman's duty, within twenty (20) days after the date of the final adjournment of the Board of Equalization, to see that there is procured from the Clerk of the County Commission of Callaway County, and that the same be immediately transmitted to the Board of Trustees, a certified abstract from the County assessment books, as corrected by the County Board of Equalization of all property within the Village made taxable by law, which abstract shall by the Board of Trustees be accepted, taken and considered as the lawful and proper assessment on which to levy and collect the taxes of the Village. Upon receipt of such abstract, the Board of Trustees shall by ordinance establish the rate of tax for the year within constitutional limits.
Selection. The Board of Trustees shall select some qualified individual to serve as Village Treasurer, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. The Village Treasurer shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance from time to time.
Duties. It shall be the duty of the Village Treasurer to collect, receive and safely keep all monies, warrants, bonds and other property belonging to the Village and entrusted to his/her care, and to deliver the same to any successor in office; to act as head of the Village Finance Department; to pay over all monies, bonds and property of the Village only on warrant ordered by the Board of Trustees, signed by the Chairman, issued and attested by the Village Clerk and having the Seal of the Village affixed thereto; to keep in proper books a full, accurate and complete account of all monies or the other property received and disbursed by the Treasurer in his/her official capacity, showing the date of each transaction, the persons from whom received or to whom paid and on what account so received and disbursed; to issue receipts to every person making payment of money to the Village and file a duplicate of same with the Village Clerk; to make written report to the Board of Trustees at each monthly meeting or whenever required, showing the amount on hand and the items of receipts and disbursements since the previous report; to make annual report in writing showing receipts and expenditures for the previous year and the specific amount on hand, to the Board of Trustees at its first regular meeting in April; and to give bond to the Village of Kingdom City in the amount agreed upon and in the manner approved by the Board, the cost of which, if any, shall be paid by the Village.
Selection. The Board of Trustees shall select some qualified individual to serve as Village Collector, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. The Village Collector shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance from time to time.
Duties Of Collector. It shall be the duty of the Village Collector to collect and enforce the payment of all taxes lawfully assessed in the manner and under the same rules and regulations as may be provided by law for collection and enforcement of the payment of State and County taxes, and to annually make out and return, under oath, to the Board of Trustees, a list of delinquent taxes remaining due and uncollected on the first day of January of each year, to be known as the "delinquent list," the amount of which as approved by the Board of Trustees, after examination and a finding that such taxes are property returned as delinquent, shall be credited on the account of the Collector; and the Board of Trustees shall cause said delinquent list or a certified copy thereof to be placed in the hands of the County Collector for collection as other delinquent taxes are collected, and take his/her receipt therefor.
Pay Over To Treasurer. The Village Collector shall pay over the taxes collected to the Village Treasurer, at the times and in the manner provided by law for the payment of County taxes to the County Treasurer, and shall make the same statements and settlements for such taxes with the Board of Trustees and at the same time as may be provided by law for statements and settlements with the County Court for County taxes, and all taxes shall bear the same rate of interest, and the same penalties shall attach to the non-payment of such taxes when due as may be provided by law in the case of County taxes, and the same shall be a lien on the property described in such tax bill.
Special Taxes. It shall be the duty of the Village Collector to collect and enforce the payment of any special taxes, fees, dues, licenses and other obligations owing to the Village which may be levied by the Board of Trustees, or which he/she may be directed to collect by the Board of Trustees from time to time.
Bond. The Village Collector, before entering on the duties of that office, shall give bond payable to the Village of Kingdom City in the amount agreed upon and in the manner approved by the Board of Trustees, conditioned that the Collector will faithfully perform the duties of office according to law; the cost of which, if any, shall be paid by the Village.
Selection. The Board of Trustees shall select some qualified individual to serve as Public Works Director who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. The Public Works Director shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance from time to time.
Duties. It shall be the duty of the Public Works Director to direct, supervise and be in charge of work and equipment, subject to the Board of Trustees given in references to opening, maintaining, cleaning and repairing of all streets, roads, alleys, sewers, drains, bridges, sidewalks, parkways, trees, lawns and public places in the Village of Kingdom City. The Director shall make inspections and see that the streets, alleys, sewers, drains, bridges, sidewalks, parkways, trees, lawns and public places are maintained and kept in good condition and free from obstructions and defects which might impair their free and open use by the public or result in injury to persons or property. The Public Works Director shall be head of the Public Works Department and as directed through the Board of Trustees or as required by the ordinances provide, erect and maintain all street signs and traffic signs and markings.
Powers. The Public Works Director shall have power in emergencies to employ help in the performance of any of his/her duties until the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, and shall certify to the Board the wages agreed to be paid such employees for such approval and payment.
Attend Meetings. The Public Works Director shall attend regular meetings of the Board of Trustees unless excused by the Chairman of the Board and shall also attend other meetings when requested to do so. He/she shall, monthly or as requested, report in writing to the Board of Trustees setting out the receipt and disbursements for the Road Department for the preceding period. He/she shall report on the work of his/her Department and any needed work to be done with his/her recommendation thereon. He/she shall report and recommend the employment or dismissal of employees of his/her department and with reference to the wages of salaries to be paid as may be authorized by the Board of Trustees.
Subject To Direction Of Board. The Public Works Director shall perform such other duties as may be required by law or ordinance as directed by the Chairman and Board of Trustees and shall see that the directions of the Chairman and Board and all ordinances relative to streets, sewers, alleys, bridges, drains, parkways, trees, lawns and public places are obeyed and enforced.
Selection And Qualifications. The Board of Trustees shall select some qualified individual to serve as Village Attorney who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. The Village Attorney shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance from time to time. The Village Attorney shall be a lawyer licensed to practice in the courts of the State of Missouri.
Duties. The Village Attorney shall, when requested, attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees, advise the various Village officers, committees and boards upon legal questions pertaining to their respective duties for the Village, draw ordinances, deeds, releases, assessments, contracts, bonds and other documents relating to municipal affairs, and represent the Village in all litigation in the courts and before the Public Service Commission.
May Combine Offices. The Board of Trustees may, if they find it convenient to do so, appoint the same person to the office of Village Clerk and Village Collector.
Compensation Of Combined Office. In the event of the same person holding two (2) or more offices as above outlined, the total compensation for the performance of his/her duties in such offices shall be as approved by the Board of Trustees.
[Ord. No. 110, 3-8-2011]
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Kingdom City, Missouri, a political subdivision as defined in Sections 70.600 through 70.755, RSMo. (2000), as amended, hereby elects to become a participating political subdivision of the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System, and thereby provide retirement benefits to all its eligible general employees under Benefit Program L-6 in accordance with Section 70.655, RSMo.; and
[Ord. No. 148, 8-2-2023]
Elects that one hundred percent (100%) of prior employment be considered for prior service credit in calculating benefits and contributions to LAGERS, and further elects that employees employed in positions normally requiring one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours of work a year, provided such employees are not members of another governmental retirement plan or otherwise excluded from membership in LAGERS by State law; and
Elects to have the final average salary of its employee members determined over a sixty-consecutive-month period; and
Elects to require employees who become members of LAGERS to pay no employee contributions to LAGERS; and
Elects the regular retirement age for all eligible employees; and
The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deduct from the wages or salaries of each employee member, the employee contributions, if any, required by Section 70.705, RSMo. (2000), and to promptly remit such contributions to LAGERS, along with the employer contributions required by Sections 70.705 and 70.730, RSMo. (2000), as amended. It is understood there is no statutory provision for a participating political subdivision to terminate its membership under LAGERS.
Participation as a LAGERS political subdivision will commence on the first day of April, 2011.