Whereas, the Village of Whitefish Bay is a community in the Metropolitan District of Milwaukee, which Village is almost exclusively residential and in which a large percentage of all of the property has been developed for private residence purposes by the owners thereof;
Whereas, territory available for business uses accessible from this Village and territory hereinafter made available for business uses in this Village is deemed and hereby found to be sufficient for the needs of this Village, and territory available for manufacturing uses accessible from this Village is deemed and hereby found to be sufficient for the needs of this Village;
Whereas, it is the desire of the citizens of said Village and the Village Board thereof to preserve the general character of said Village, to prevent congestion and provide for the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the citizens thereof;
Whereas, the street, sewer and water systems of said Village have been designed and constructed to take care of such restricted use and would prove inadequate for more congested use; and
Now, therefore, it is hereby determined that public health, safety, welfare and morals will be protected, promoted and conserved by the regulations contained in this chapter, and that in interpreting and applying the provisions of this chapter, the provisions thereof shall, in every instance, be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for said purposes.
This chapter shall be known as the "Zoning Code" of the Village and will be hereinafter referred to as "this chapter" in this Chapter 16.