[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 1]
The office of Township Manager of Vernon Township is hereby created by the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township pursuant to the Act of Assembly of May 20, 1949, P.L. 1562, Article V (53 P.S. 65 599.1).
[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 2]
The office of Township Manager shall be filled by one person appointed to said office by a majority vote of all members of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township. The Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township for an indefinite term.
[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 3]
The person appointed to the office of Township Manager shall be subject to removal at any time by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township; provided, however, that at least 30 days before such removal is to become effective the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township shall furnish the Manager with a written statement setting forth their intention to remove him/her. The Township Manager shall have the right to a hearing before final removal, within 20 days of removal.
[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 4]
The person appointed to the office of Township Manager shall, unless removed in accordance with § 1-103 above or unless said person resigns, serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. The Township Manager shall have no personal interest, direct or indirect, in contracts with the Township.
[Ord. 1989-1, 5/6/1989, § 5]
The Manager shall be chosen solely on the basis of executive and administrative abilities with special reference to the duties of the office herein outlined. The Manager need not be a resident of the Township of Vernon at the time of his appointment but during the tenure of his office he/she may reside outside the Township of Vernon only with the approval of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township. If the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township fails within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 60 days after the appointment, to approve the Manager's residence outside the Township of Vernon he/she must immediately become and during his tenure remain a resident of the Township of Vernon.
[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 6]
Before entering upon his duty the Manager shall give bond in the sum of $1,000,000 to the Township of Vernon with a bonding company as surety to be approved by the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties, the premium for said bond to be paid by the Township of Vernon.
[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 7]
The salary of the Manager shall be fixed form time to time by majority vote of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township.
[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 8; as amended by Ord. 1992-2, 3/5/1992]
The Township Manager shall act as chief administrative officer to the Township and shall be responsible to the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Township of Vernon placed in his charge. Subject to recall by ordinance of the Township of Vernon, the powers and duties of the Manager shall include the following:
He/she shall supervise and be responsible for the activities of all municipal departments including the Vernon Township Police Department.
He/she shall issue such administrative and personnel rules and regulations not in conflict with existing statutes or ordinances to properly carry out his duties as set forth in this Part. Such rules and regulations are to be subject to revocation, revision and/or modification by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township at any regular or special public meeting.
Township Employees.
In accordance with all rules and regulations as are or may hereafter be established, he/she shall hire and when necessary for the good of the Township of Vernon reward, discipline, suspend or discharge any employee under his supervision; and, provided further, that the Manager shall report, at the next meeting thereafter of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township any action taken by authority of this subsection.
Appointment and promotion of employees shall be made by the Manager on the basis of a personnel system which shall include written procedures for appointment, promotion and removal based upon the merit and fitness of applicants as demonstrated by examination or other evidence of competence. The personnel system shall be governed by personnel rules which are prepared by the Township Manager and approved by the Board of Supervisors.
No candidate for elective office, appointment or employment and no officer, appointee or employee in the Township shall, directly or indirectly, give or promise any person any office, position, employment, benefit or anything of value for the purpose of influencing or obtaining political support, aid or vote of any person under the penalty of being disqualified to hold office or employment to which he/she may be or may have been elected or appointed.
The Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township recognizes that they shall act in all matters as a body and as contrary to the spirit of this Part establishing a Township Manager for any of its members to seek individually to influence acts of the Manager and other employees or officers subordinate to the Manager or Chief of Police. The Board of Supervisors shall deal with the administrative services by majority action exclusively through the Township Manager or Chief of Police and shall not give orders, either publicly or privately, to any subordinate of the Township Manager or Chief of Police.
He/she shall prepare and submit to the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township a recommended budget for the next ensuing fiscal year in sufficient time so that the Board or Supervisors of the Township may review, amend and/or adopt the budget prior to the close of the current fiscal year. Said budget shall be accompanied by an explanatory message setting forth a summary of projecting revenues and proposed expenditures, together with any supporting data that may be required to enable the Board of Supervisors to decide upon and adopt the necessary taxation and appropriate legislation. He/she shall, upon adoption of the budget by the Board of Supervisors, be responsible for the efficient administration thereof so that the various appropriations are not exceeded except as may be authorized by the Board of Supervisors according to law.
He/she shall develop, in conjunction with the preparation of the budget, long range fiscal plans for the Township of Vernon, such plans to be presented annually to the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township for its review and adoption.
He/she shall attend all meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township and its committees with the right to take part in the discussions. The Manager shall receive notice of all special meetings of the Board of Supervisors and its committees.
He/she shall prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township and supply facts pertinent thereto.
He/she shall keep the Board of Supervisors informed as to the conduct of Township affairs, submit monthly reports on the condition of Township finances and such other reports as the Board of Supervisors shall request such as Township activities or projects concerning construction, equipment purchases, reports to include breakdown of expenditures as well as making such recommendations to the Board of Supervisors as he/she deems necessary and advisable for the welfare of the Township.
He/she shall see that the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Township are observed.
He/she shall see that all money owed to the Township is promptly paid and that proper proceedings are taken for the securing and collection of all claims of the Township.
He/she shall employ, only by and with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise.
He/she shall be the purchasing officer to the Township and he/she shall supervise and coordinate, in accordance with the provisions of the Second Class Township Code, the letting of contracts, purchase of all supplies and equipment for the various agencies, boards, departments and other offices of the Township as authorized by the Board of Supervisors in their annual operating budget. He/she shall keep an account of all purchases and shall periodically, or when required by the Board of Supervisors, make a full written report thereof; he/she shall not spend over the amount of $500 without the approval of the Board of Supervisors.
He/she shall investigate and dispose of, or designate an officer to investigate and dispose of, all complaints regarding Township services and personnel and report to the Board of Supervisors thereon. All complaints regarding municipal services shall be referred to the office of the Manager.
He/she shall enforce and execute the ordinances and regulations of the Township of Vernon.
He/she shall perform such other duties and fill such other offices as may be required by the Board of Supervisors not inconsistent with the Second Class Township Code or other statutes or ordinances of the Township.
He/she shall negotiate contracts subject to approval, make recommendations concerning nature and location of municipal improvements as determined by the Board.
He/she shall perform other such duties as may be required of the Township Manager by resolution of the Board.
He/she shall be responsible to the Board for carrying out all policies established by it and for the proper administration of all affairs of the Township.
He/she shall obtain approval of the Board before advertising for any bid and all bids shall be opened at the regularly scheduled meetings and have the final approval from the Board.
He/she shall obtain the approval of the Board of Supervisors for the subcontracting or subletting of any job to be performed in Vernon Township.
He/she shall prepare and recommend short term and long range objectives to the Board of Supervisors.
He/she shall prepare plans and programs for the attainment of objectives approved by the Board of Supervisors.
He/she shall investigate and present recommendations to the Board concerning state and federal grants and aid programs.
He/she shall prepare reports to other governmental units.
He/she shall attend and participate in state conventions and professional association meetings upon request of the Board of Supervisors.
He/she shall maintain professional affiliations and keep abreast of new developments in all fields concerning municipal government.
He/she shall review budget performance of all departments.
He/she shall prepare, recommend and implement a capital improvement program.
He/she shall prepare cash flow statements for all major Township expenditures.
He/she shall prepare and update plans for the utilization of funds made available to the Township under federal and state revenue programs.
He/she shall meet with business developers interested in projects in the Township of Vernon.
He/she shall prepare and/or approve news releases.
He/she shall maintain public relation contracts with residents and taxpayers of the Township of Vernon.
He/she shall develop and update a training plan for municipal employees.
He/she shall prepare and implement a preventive maintenance program for municipal equipment.
He/she shall administer a municipal personnel policy and programs as enacted by the Board of Supervisors.
He/she shall prepare and approve, with the assistance of the Roadmaster, specifications for purchases of major equipment.
He/she shall direct and supervise the daily work of the Township administrative staff.
He/she shall enforce zoning, subdivision, building, demolition and other related structural and land use codes as may be enacted by law or ordinance.
He/she shall issue such licenses and permits as may be required by law or ordinance.
He/she shall serve as liaison to Planning Commission and the Zoning Hearing Board.
He/she shall serve as liaison to the Board of Supervisors and the Sanitary Authority and Water Authority and other governmental units.
He/she shall make every effort to communicate with every member of the Board particularly in the area of providing the Board in the areas of government, road maintenance, personnel direction, water and sewer system maintenance and solid waste disposal.
He/she shall investigate and present recommendations of problem areas as requested by the Sanitary Authority, Planning Commission, Water Authority or other Boards created by the Board of Supervisors.
He/she shall create job classifications for each Township Authority employee and continually review.
[Ord. 1989-1, 4/6/1989, § 9]
If the Manager becomes ill or needs to be absent from the Township, he/she shall designate one qualified member of his staff to perform the duties of the Manager during his absence or disability. The person so designated shall not perform these duties for a period of longer than one month without approval of the Board of Supervisors.