[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 101 — 123]
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following words and terms used in this Part shall have the following meanings:
Any industrial waste having a suspended solid content or BOD appreciably in excess of that normally found in municipal sewage. For the purposes of this Part, any industrial waste containing more than 350 parts per million of suspended solids or having a BOD in excess of 300 parts per million shall be considered an abnormal industrial waste regardless of whether or not it contains other substances in concentrations differing appreciably from those normally found in municipal sewage.
Shall designate its biochemical oxygen demand and shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of the organic matter in said sewage or industrial waste under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20° C., expressed in parts per million by weight. It shall be determined by one of the acceptable methods described in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, published by the American Public Health Association.
A sewer designed to receive both sewage and stormwater runoff which has been approved for such purpose.
Solid wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
Any liquid, gaseous or water-borne wastes from industrial processes or commercial establishments, as distinct from sanitary sewage. It shall also include grease-laden waste such as may be discharged into the system through the operation of food processing activities, restaurants, bars, clubs or kitchens.
Any structure erected and intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure sanitary sewage and industrial wastes, or either thereof, is or may be discharged.
Natural persons, partnerships, associations and corporations, public or private.
The logarithm to the base of 10 of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in moles per liter. It shall be determined by one of the acceptable methods described in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, published by the American Public Health Association.
Any real estate abutting on or adjoining or having access to any street, alley or right-of-way in which a sewer is located which ultimately connects to the public sanitary sewage system.
The wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage and sale of produce that have been shredded to such degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers with no particle greater than 1/2 inch in any dimension.
All sanitary or combined sewers, all pumping stations, all force mains, all sewage treatment works and all other sewerage facilities owned or leased and operated by the Township or Vernon Township Sanitary Authority for the collection, transportation and treatment of sanitary sewage and industrial wastes together with their appurtenances and any additions, extensions or improvements thereto. It shall also include sewers within the Township's service area which serve one or more persons and discharge into the public sanitary sewerage system even though those sewers may not have been constructed by the Township or Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and are not owned or maintained by the Township or Vernon Township Sanitary Authority. It does not include separate storm sewers or culverts which have been constructed for the sole purpose of carrying storm and surface runoff, the discharge from which is not and does not become tributary to the Township's or Vernon Township Sanitary Authority's sewage treatment facilities.
The normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial and commercial establishments, exclusive of stormwater runoff, surface water or groundwater.
A sewer which carries sewage and to which storm, surface and ground waters are not intentionally admitted.
A combination of water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial and commercial establishments, together with such ground-, surface or stormwater as may be present.
A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.
A sewer which is intended to carry stormwater runoff, surface waters, groundwater drainage, etc., but which is not intended to carry any sanitary sewage or polluted industrial waste.
That portion of the rainfall which reaches a channel, trench, sewer or sink.
Solids that either float on the surface or are in suspension in water, sewage, industrial waste or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtration. The quantity of suspended solids shall be determined by one of the acceptable methods described in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, published by the American Public Health Association.
Vernon Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania.
Any water or waste containing none of the following: free or emulsified grease or oil; acid or alkali; phenols or other substances imparting taste and odor to receiving waters; toxic or poisonous substances in suspension, colloidal state or solution, obnoxious or odorous gases. It shall contain no more than 10,000 parts per million by weight of dissolved solids, of which not more than 2,500 parts per million shall be as chloride and not more than 10 parts per million each of suspended solids and BOD The color shall not exceed 50 parts per million. Analyses for any of the above-mentioned substances shall be made in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, published by the American Public Health Association.
The elected and appointed members of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority, as now or hereafter constituted, and its duly authorized agents or representatives.
The Water Department of the Township or any publicly or privately owned duly authorized agency, corporation or organization which is the approved purveyor of the public water supply within the limits of the Township.
"Shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 201—205]
All persons owning any occupied building now erected within the Township upon premises accessible to the public sanitary sewage system shall, at their own expense, make connection with the public sanitary sewage system in accordance with this Part if they are not presently so connected.
All persons owning any premises with the Township accessible to the public sanitary sewage system upon which an occupied building is subsequently erected shall, at the time of erection of such building, and at their own expense, make connection with the public sanitary sewage system in accordance with this Part.
All persons owning any occupied building within the Township upon premises which subsequently become accessible to the public sanitary sewage system shall, at their own expense, make connections with the public sanitary sewage system within the time period stipulated after proper notice to do so has been given in accordance with applicable law.
All connections to the public sanitary sewage system shall be made in accordance with § 18-110 of this Part.
No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank, mine hole or similar receptacle for human excrement shall presently or at any time hereafter be connected with the public sanitary sewage system.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 301—303]
The discharge of stormwater runoff to sanitary sewers is prohibited.
All persons connecting to the public sanitary sewage system shall provide adequate means for excluding stormwater runoff in the event the connection is made to a sanitary sewer.
No person connected to a sanitary sewer shall connect any roof drain or foundation drain thereto or permit any such drains to remain connected thereto nor shall he/she permit, allow or cause to enter into any sanitary sewer any spring water or surface water from any other source.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 401—405]
The economy and desirability of the combined treatment of certain industrial wastes and sanitary sewage is recognized. The treatment facilities operated by the Township and Vernon Township Sanitary Authority are of a type and design to permit reasonable flexibility in the treatment of various types of industrial wastes. In general, any and all industrial wastes may be discharged to the public sanitary sewage system except those which are deemed harmful to the system or are specifically prohibited by this Part. However, it is also recognized that the treatment of abnormal industrial wastes may add to the cost of operating and maintaining the public sanitary sewage system. Such additional cost must therefore be borne by the person or persons receiving the benefit of such treatment.
The Township and Vernon Township Sanitary Authority reserve the right to refuse connection to the public sanitary sewage system any industrial wastes deleterious to the operation and maintenance of the sewer system and/or sewage treatment facilities; or, to compel discontinuance of the use of the system for such wastes; or, to require pretreatment and/or equalization of flow thereof in order to prevent harmful or adverse effects upon the system. The design, construction and operation of such pretreatment and/or flow equalization facilities shall be made at the expense of the person discharging said wastes and shall be subject to the approval of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority or its designated representative.
The foregoing notwithstanding, unless the Authority shall expressly permit such practice, no person shall discharge industrial wastes into the public sanitary sewage system if such discharge shall have been prohibited by the City of Meadville.
In general, industrial waste shall be considered harmful to the public sanitary sewage system if it may cause any of the following damaging effects:
Chemical reaction either directly or indirectly with the materials of construction of the public sanitary sewage system in such a manner as to impair the strength or durability of any sewerage structures.
Mechanical action that will destroy any sewerage structures.
Restriction of the hydraulic capacity of any sewerage structures.
Restriction of the normal inspection or maintenance of any sewerage structures.
Danger to public health and safety.
Obnoxious conditions inimical to the public interest.
When required by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority, any person discharging to the public sanitary sewage system any industrial wastes or industrial wastes and sanitary sewage together shall install a suitable manhole or manholes or metering chamber on his connecting sewer or sewers to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the combined flow of wastes from his premises. Such manhole or manholes or metering chamber shall be accessible and safely located and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority or its designated representative. The manhole or manholes or metering chamber shall be installed by such person at his expense and shall be maintained by him/her. The construction and maintenance of such manhole or metering chamber shall be mandatory for the producers of abnormal industrial wastes and if deemed necessary by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority flows from such manhole or metering chamber shall be continuously monitored, transmitted and recorded by means of an approved receiving device to be located at the treatment plant.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 501—504]
The discharge of excessive amounts of unpolluted water or waste to a sanitary sewer is expressly prohibited. However, such discharges to storm sewers will be permitted wherever such sewers are of adequate capacity. The Vernon Township Sanitary Authority reserves the right to define the amount it deems excessive in each particular instance.
The discharge of garbage to the public sanitary sewage system is expressly prohibited unless the garbage is first properly shredded.
No sanitary sewage or industrial waste from any property other than that for which a permit has been issued as provided in § 18-110 of this Part shall be discharged to the public sanitary sewage system.
No person shall discharge to the public sanitary sewage system any sanitary sewage or industrial wastes having any of the following characteristics:
Wastes containing liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quality may cause fire, explosions or be in any other way injurious to persons, the structures of the public sanitary sewage system or its operation.
Wastes having a temperature in excess of 150° F. or less than 32° F.
Wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than nine or having any corrosive properties capable of causing damage or hazards to structures, equipment or personnel of the public sanitary sewage system. Where the Vernon Township Sanitary authority deems it advisable, it may require any person discharging industrial wastes to install and maintain, at his own expense, in a manner approved by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority or its designated representative a suitable device to continuously measure and record the pH of the wastes so discharged.
Wastes containing any noxious or malodorous gas or substance which either singly or by interaction with sewage or other wastes is, in the opinion of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority, likely to create a public nuisance or hazard to life or prevent entry to sewerage structures for their maintenance and repair.
Wastes containing ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, hair, chemical or paint residues, greases, lime slurry or viscous materials of such character or in such quantity that, in the opinion of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority, they may cause an obstruction of the flow in the sewers or otherwise interfere with the proper operations of the public sanitary sewage system. Attention is called to the fact that the maximum permissible concentration will vary throughout the public sanitary sewage system depending upon the size of the particular interceptor sewer receiving the same and the flows therein.
Wastes containing insoluble, nonflocculent substances having a specific gravity in excess of 2.65.
Wastes containing soluble substances in such concentration as to cause the specific gravity of the waste to be greater than 1.1.
Wastes containing any of the following substances in solution or in suspension in concentrations exceeding those shown in the following table:
Maximum Permissible Concentration
Phenolic compounds as C5H6OH
0.1 mg/l
Cyanides as CN
0.025 mg/l
Cyanites as CNO
0.1 mg/l
Iron as Fe
7 mg/l
Trivalent Chromium as Cr plus
Hexavalent Chromium as Cr
0.075 mg/l
Nickel as Ni
0.1 mg/l
Copper as Cu
0.03 mg/l
Lead as Pb
0.05 mg/l
Zinc as Zn
Cadmium as Cd
0.02 mg/l
Wastes containing more than 100 ppm by weight of fat, oil or grease.
Wastes containing more than 10 ppm of any of the following gases: hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide or any of the halogens.
Wastes containing gases or vapors, either free or occluded, in concentrations toxic or dangerous to humans or animals.
Wastes containing toxic substances in quantities sufficient to interfere with the biochemical processes of the sewage treatment works or that will pass through the treatment process and still exceed the water quality requirements established and applicable to French Creek.
Wastes containing toxic radioactive isotopes without a special permit.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 551, 552; as amended by Ord. 1999-1, 3/4/1999, § A]
All persons that, in the course of their business or other activities, may discharge into the public sanitary sewer system oil, grease or other substances exhibiting any of the characteristics set forth in § 18-105, Subsection 4, must install and maintain, at their own cost and expense, an interceptor or separator, of a type or according to plans approved by the Authority's engineer.
Whenever the Authority shall determine that the discharge by any person of oil, grease or other substances into the public sanitary sewer system is harmful to the system as set forth in § 18-104, Subsection 4, or that the waste exhibits any of the characteristics set forth in § 18-105, Subsection 4,, then the Authority may require such person or the owner of the affected property to install and maintain, at his own cost and expense, an interceptor or separator of a type or according to plans approved by the Authority's engineer.
Any such interceptors or separators shall be of a design and capacity and shall be installed in the manner provided at § P-1004.0 of the Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) National Building Code, 1993 edition, which are hereby adopted by reference, as though the same was herein set forth at length.
All persons who have an interceptor or separator on their premises, whether installed as a result of the provisions of § 18-106, Subsection 1 or 2, above, or any other prior provisions of Ord. 1990-8 or any of its amendments, shall inspect and clean each interceptor or separator no less often than every six months and more often as necessary to prevent the discharge into the public sanitary sewer system of oil, grease or other substances exhibiting the characteristics set forth in § 18-105, Subsection 4.
All persons who have an interceptor or separator on their premises shall maintain written records, in the form of a log or otherwise, containing the following: the date of each inspection and cleaning of each interceptor and/or separator and the name, address, telephone number, employer and signature of the person conducting the cleaning. These records must be maintained for a period of no less than five years and must be made available to either the Township or the Authority, within 48 hours of the request of either the Township or Authority within the time required above shall constitute a separate offense under this Part for each day that passes after the expiration of the forty-eight-hour period, punishable under the provisions of § 18-112, Subsection 5, pursuant to the authority of 53 P.S. § 66601(c.1)(2).
The use of any form of enzyme drip system by any person discharging wastes into the public sanitary sewer system is expressly prohibited.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 601, 602, 605, 606]
There is imposed upon the owners of, or the users of water in or on, all properties served by the public sanitary sewage system, service charges for the use of said system, payable in the amounts and as prescribed by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and as is hereinafter from time to time amended and modified. Said owners and users will be jointly and severally liable for the payment of said service charges and the penalties therein prescribed for delinquent payments thereof.
All bills for service charges shall be due when rendered and shall be subject to the prescribed penalty provisions. Owners and, where adequate arrangement have been made with the Township and Vernon Township Sanitary Authority users will be billed periodically for the sewage service charges in accordance with the billing practices of the Township.
In the event it is established to the satisfaction of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority that a portion of the water used in or on any property served by the public sanitary sewage system does not and cannot enter said system and in the event that the total water used in or on said property exceeds 100,000 gallons per quarter the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority may determine, in such manner and by such method as it may deem practical, the percentage of water entering the public sanitary sewage system, or the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority may require or permit the installation of additional meters in such manner as to determine either the quantity of water, sewage or industrial waste actually entering the public sanitary sewage system, exclusive of stormwater runoff. In such case, the sewage service charge shall be based upon the quantity of water estimated, measured or computed by the Township to be actually entering the public sanitary sewage system, exclusive of stormwater runoff, and shall be subject to the applicable sewage service charges.
Any person requesting consideration for a reduction of the amount of the sewage service charges because of water not entering the public sanitary sewage system shall make written application to the Township for such consideration, giving the name of such person, his address and setting forth supporting data fully describing other sources of water, if any, as well as the disposition of water alleged not to be entering the public sanitary sewage system. The application shall be accompanied by a sketch to approximate scale showing the plan of the property, the water distribution system, sewer layout, existing meters, and proposed meters in the scheme to determine the quantity of flow entering, or not entering, the public sanitary sewage system. The cost of furnishing, installing and maintaining any meters other than those utilized to measure water purchased from the Township shall be borne by the applicant. The type, size, location, arrangement and maintenance of such meter shall be subject to the approval of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority, the Water Department or its designated representative.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 701—706]
Although the sewage treatment works is capable of treating certain abnormal industrial wastes as heretofore defined in § 18-101, the actual treatment of such wastes may increase the cost of operating and maintaining the public sanitary sewage system. Therefore, there may be imposed upon each person discharging such industrial waste into the public sanitary sewage system a surcharge, or surcharges, which are intended to cover such additional cost. Such surcharges shall be in addition to the regular sewage service charges as established by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority.
The strength of any industrial waste, the discharge of which is to be subject to surcharge, shall be determined monthly or more frequently as the Township shall determine from samples taken either at the manhole or metering chamber referred to in § 18-104 of this Part or at any other sampling point mutually agreed upon by the Township the producer of such waste. The frequency and duration of the sampling period shall be such as, in the opinion of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority, will permit a reasonably reliable determination of the average composition of such waste, exclusive of stormwater runoff. Samples shall be collected or their collection supervised by a representative of the Township and Vernon Township Sanitary Authority and shall be in proportion to the flow of waste, exclusive of stormwater runoff, and composited for analyses in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage, as published by the American Public Health Association. Except as hereinafter provided the strength of the waste so found by analysis shall be used for establishing the surcharge or surcharges. However, the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority may, if it so elects, accept the results of routine sampling and analyses by the producer of such wastes in lieu of making its own sampling and analyses.
In the event any industrial waste is found by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority to have a BOD in excess of 300 parts per million, the producer of said waste shall be surcharged an amount equal to the product of the actual volume of wastes in thousand gallons per billing period, exclusive of stormwater runoff, discharged to the public sanitary sewage system and the BOD surcharge rate. The BOD surcharge rate shall be determined by the following formula:
Rc = 0.00834 P (C-300)
The BOD surcharge rate in cents per 1,000 gallons of waste discharged
The average annual fixed, operating and maintenance cost of secondary treatment processes per pound of BOD received at the treatment works (as determined from the cost data set forth in the previous annual report covering operation of the sewage treatment plant)
The average BOD of the industrial waste, expressed in milligrams per liter, as determined in accordance with § 18-108, Subsection 2, of this Part
The figure "300" appearing in the above formula corresponds to the maximum BOD permissible without surcharge. The figure "0.00834" is the factor to convert parts per million to pounds per 1,000 gallons. No discount will be permitted for sewage or industrial wastes having a BOD less than 300 parts per million.
In the event any industrial waste is found by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority to have an average suspended solids concentration in excess of 350 parts per million the producer of such waste shall be surcharged an amount equal to the product of the actual volume of wastes in thousand gallons per billing period exclusive of storm runoff discharge to the public sanitary sewage system and the suspended solids surcharge rate. The suspended solids surcharge rate shall be determined by the following formula:
Rs = 0.00834 x B (S-350)
The suspended solids surcharge rate in cents per 1,000 gallons of waste discharged
The average annual fixed, operating and maintenance cost of the sludge digestion, sludge drying and sludge disposal operations per pound of suspended solids received at the treatment works (as determined from the cost data set forth in the previous annual report covering operation of the sewage treatment plant)
The average suspended solids concentration of the abnormal industrial waste, expressed in milligrams per liter, as determined in accordance with § 18-108, Subsection 2, of this Part
The figure "350" appearing in the above formula corresponds to the maximum suspended solids concentration permissible without surcharge. The figure 0.00834 is the factor to convert parts per million to pounds per 1,000 gallons. No discount will be permitted for sewage or industrial wastes having a suspended solids concentration less than 350 parts per million.
The surcharges provided for in this Part shall be added to the sewage service charges imposed by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority.
The surcharges provided for in this Part shall be added to the sewage service charges imposed upon any person as established by the Township and the Authority only if and to the extent that the City shall impose, or shall announce the intent to impose, such charges upon the Authority or the Township by reason of the discharge effected by such person.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, § 801]
Bills and notices relating to the sewage service charges and surcharges will be mailed or delivered to the property owner's last address, or where proper arrangement have been made with the Township, to the user's last address, as shown on the billing books of the Township.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 901—917; as amended by Ord. 1997-2, 3/6/1997]
Applications for connection to the public sanitary sewage system shall be made to the City Engineer upon the permit form to be formulated and furnished by the Township.
All information requested on said form shall be furnished by the applicant, including the character and use of each structure located upon the property.
Any required tap connection and inspection fee shall be paid at the time of making application for permission to make a connection.
No work shall commence before the payment of any aforementioned tap connection and inspection fee and issuance of the aforementioned connection permit.
Unless written permission is obtained from the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority, separate connections and corresponding tap connection and inspection fees will be required for each individual occupied building, whether constructed as a detached unit or as one of a pair or row, but a single connection will be permitted to serve a school, factory, apartment house or other permanent multiple unit structure whose individual apartments or units may not be subject to separate ownership.
Connections to sanitary and combined sewers shall be completed within 60 calendar days after receipt of proper notice.
All connections to the sanitary or combined sewers shall be subject to certain restrictions as to unacceptable sanitary sewage which are set forth in this Part in § 18-105.
The designated inspector of the Township shall be given at least 24 hours' notice of the time when such connection shall be made in order that said Inspector can be present to inspect and approve the work of connection. The inspector shall signify his approval of the connection by endorsing his name and the date of approval on the aforementioned connection permit in the possession of the permittees.
At the time of inspection of the connection the owner or owners of properties shall permit the inspector full and complete access to all sanitary and drainage arrangements and facilities in each building and in and about all parts of the property. No building sewer line shall be covered over, or in any manner concealed, until after it is inspected and approved by said inspector.
It is the intention of this Part that the entire connection be inspected at one time; however, if the property owner feels that special conditions warrant more than one inspection he/she may request the same subject to such additional inspection fees as the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority shall determine.
All pipe installed shall be either vitrified clay asbestos cement or cast iron pipe of the kind and quality hereinafter specified and of at least six inches' inside diameter. Where the ground is firm, cast iron pipe shall be used. Vitrified clay pipe shall be of the bell and spigot salt-glazed type. The pipe shall be six-inch ASTM C-200 vitrified clay sewer pipe or six-inch ASTM C-423 Class 2400 asbestos-cement sewer pipe or six-inch ASA-A40.1 cast iron soil pipe. Each section of pipe shall be stamped with the manufacturer's certification. Vitrified clay pipe shall be furnished with joints conforming to ASTM C425, Type III. Couplings for the asbestos-cement pipe shall conform to the standards of the manufacturer of the pipe with which the couplings will be used. All joints for the cast iron soil pipe shall be made with jute and lead. The lead in the ell shall have a minimum depth of one inch and shall be adequately caulked.
All sewer pipe shall be installed in strict accordance with the Township's regulations. Where rock trench foundation exists a four-inch gravel cradle shall be provided under the pipe.
All pipe shall be installed with a minimum slope of 1/6 inch per foot and a minimum cover of 2 1/2 feet unless otherwise approved. All pipe shall be laid to an even grade and straight alignment to the public sanitary sewer. All pipe shall be laid with full and even bearing and no block supports will be allowed. Bell holes shall be dug to allow sufficient space to properly make each joint. Backfill shall be tamped uniformly around the pipe. All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner and shall provide a durable installation.
Commercial installations must also comply with all local construction regulations.
Maintenance and repair of all building sewers shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
Other provisions of this Part notwithstanding, in the absence of express contrary permission from the Authority, no new connection shall be permitted to the system which is prohibited by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection or the City of Meadville.
As to each new connection to the system and each replacement of any service lateral or other pipe by any property owner or other person there shall be installed in each such service lateral an inspection tee or vertical riser to facilitate inspection by the Authority; except as otherwise approved by the Authority Board the inspection tee or riser shall conform to the following specifications:
The inspection tee shall be installed in the lateral at a point on the served premises not more than five feet from the boundary of the served property or, if the public main or collector line shall run within the boundaries of the served property, then no more than five feet from the point of connection to the public sewer system.
The inspection tee or port shall be composed of a T fitting having dimensions and characteristics conforming to specifications set forth in § 18-110, Subsection 11, of this Part.
A vertical riser shall be connected to the T fitting composed of a single pipe of material conforming to the requirements of § 18-110, Subsection 11, which shall have a diameter of no less than six inches and shall extend at least four inches above the ground surface grade.
The end or top of the riser shall not be obstructed by any structure, fixture or improvement and shall be equipped with a watertight plug or cap which shall be maintained by the property owner and which can be removed to permit inspection without damage to the riser.
Agents and personnel of the Authority shall be authorized to enter upon the property at any reasonable time for the purpose of employing the tee or port to inspect, test or sample the service lateral and the effluent flowing therein and for other purposes.
Subject to the approval of the Board, private manholes or other forms of access ports or facilities may be accepted as an alternative to the inspection tee.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 1001—1015]
Five copies of plans for proposed extensions shall be submitted to the Township on twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch sheets, showing plan views to a scale of one inch equals 50 feet and profiles to a scale of one inch equals 10 feet vertically and one inch equals 50 feet horizontally, a North point, a suitable title block, date and the name of the engineer or surveyor and imprint of his registration seal.
All sewers shall be designed in accordance with the Sewerage Manual of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Sanitary Engineering and this Part.
Construction of sewers will not be permitted until the proper official written approval of the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority's designated representative and the state permits to construct have been obtained.
Prior to final acceptance of any sewer extensions by the Township, it will be necessary for the developer to furnish to the Township as-built plans showing the angle and distance between manholes, the top and invert elevation of each manhole and the exact location of all house sewer connections relative to the nearest manhole, both downstream and upstream.
Easements shall be recorded in the name of the Township for all sewers to be constructed outside of dedicated street rights-of-way.
All sewer pipe shall be extra strength vitrified clay pipe conforming to ASTM Specification C-200 or Class 2400 asbestos-cement pipe conforming to ASTM Specification C-428 unless otherwise specified by the Township because of unusual ground conditions or other circumstances.
All sewer pipe shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter and have a minimum laying length of five feet.
Jointing connections for clay pipe shall be the factory-fabricated type conforming to ASTM Specification C-425, Type III. Both the bell and the spigot of the pipe shall be especially prepared for the jointing connection selected. The details of any jointing connection which is proposed for use must be submitted to the Township for prior approval.
The installation of sewers shall start at the lower end of the line and proceed upstream so that the spigot ends point in the direction of flow. The pipe shall be carefully laid to line and grade. The handling, placing and jointing of pipe shall be in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations.
All manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the standards established by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority or its designated representative. Frames and covers for all manholes shall be fabricated of cast iron and shall conform to the standards established by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority. Vented covers shall be furnished at the ends of lines.
Sewers shall be hydrostatically, pneumatically and/or smoke tested for leakage at the discretion of and in the manner required by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority or its designated representative.
The developer shall file all necessary connection permits and pay the applicable tap connection and inspection fee for each house or building to the Township which shall become due and payable prior to inspection and approval by the inspector for each respective house service sewer.
The developer shall also reimburse the Township in full for all costs of inspection of construction of all sanitary sewers. The amount and type of inspection required shall be determined by the Township during construction.
No sewer extensions constructed by a developer will be approved for use or accepted by the township until said sewers are formally approved by the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority; all building tap connection and inspection fees have been paid for each building connected to the system; and the Township has been reimbursed in full for all inspection costs incurred by the inspector during construction, testing and approval.
The foregoing provisions notwithstanding, no developer or other person shall connect a sewer line to the public sanitary sewage system until such person shall have entered into a written agreement with the Authority in a form satisfactory to the Authority providing, inter alia, that: the developer shall provide adequate easements to the Authority; the developer shall complete construction of the line within five years; the sewer, as built, shall display a rate of infiltration of ground water or surface water not exceeding 300 gallons per inch/mile/day, based on a thirty-day average; the developer shall maintain the line for one year from completion and the commencement of use; the Authority shall adopt the line only if all conditions are satisfied.
[Ord. 1990-8, 10/4/1990, §§ 1101—1106; as amended by Ord. 1997-2, 3/6/1997; by Ord. 1998-2, 3/5/1998; and by Ord. 1999-1, 3/4/1999, §§ B, C]
Each sewage service charge, surcharge and penalty imposed by the Township shall be a debt due the Township and shall be a lien on the property served and if not paid within the period prescribed shall be deemed delinquent. In such event the Township shall proceed to file a lien in the office of the Prothonotary of Crawford County and collect the same in the manner provided by law for the filing and collection of municipal claims. In the event of failure to pay the sewage service charge or surcharge or penalty after they become delinquent the Vernon Township Sanitary Authority may also authorize the appropriate personnel to shut off water service to said property or to remove or close the sewer connection and to take such steps as may be necessary to accomplish such shut off or removal or closing. The expense of such shut off or removal or closing as well as the expense of restoring any such service shall likewise be a debt due the Township and a lien on the property served and may be filed and collected as hereinabove provided. Such sewage service shall not be restored until all sewage service charges, surcharges and penalties, including the expense of removal, closing and restoration have been paid or adequate provisions for their payment shall have been made.
All persons violating any provision of this Part shall be given notice of such violation either personally or by means of the United States mail; and if no action to correct said violation is taken within 30 days of the date of such notice, water to said premises may be shut off or the sewer connection may be removed or closed. Reconnection will not be made until after correction of the violation has been accomplished. The expense of such shut off or removal or closing and the expense of restoring the water or sewage service shall be a debt due the Township and a lien upon the property served and may be filed and collected as provided in Subsection 1.
The failure or refusal of any person to plan or design any facility or to install any facility or equipment within 30 days after being notified in writing by the Authority to do so shall be deemed a violation of this Part.
In addition to any other rights and remedies herein set forth, the Authority or Township shall have the right to enforce compliance with the provisions of this Part by an action for a mandatory injunction brought in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a District Justice in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and/or by incarceration in jail for a period not exceeding 90 days. Each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated or each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense. Either the Township Solicitor or the Authority's Solicitor may prosecute violations of this Part, with all such prosecutions being filed in the name of the Township.
Whenever the Authority or the Township shall have notified any person to perform any act or to construct, maintain or install any facility and such person shall have failed to satisfactorily do so within 30 days after notice then the Township or Authority may enter such person's property and perform the work, in which event all costs and expenses incurred by the Township or Authority in the purchase of materials or performance of work by employees or contractors shall be an obligation of such person, owed to the Township or Authority and either, as a debt, in any manner provided at law; and, furthermore the Township or the Authority may enter such debt or claim as a municipal lien against the property where such work or installation took place.
In addition to those powers expressly granted by the Township to the Authority elsewhere in this Part, the Authority is hereby authorized to serve as the representative of the Township for all intents and purposes of this Part and is permitted to use all powers of investigation and enforcement granted the Township by this Part or any applicable law of this Commonwealth.