[Added by Ord. No. 1039, 11/20/2017; amended by Ord. No. 1040, 1/2/2018]
To help carry out the provisions established under Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordinances, a Parks and Recreation Committee is hereby created, which shall consist of seven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Each of the three wards of the Township shall be represented by at least one member so that, at the time when the Board of Supervisors considers an appointment, if the currently serving members of the Committee are not representative of each of the three wards, then the member or members must be from the ward or wards not represented. This is provided that there is a representative or representatives from the ward or wards not represented who are willing to serve. If there are no representatives from the wards not represented, the Board may appoint a person from the wards already represented.
The Ferguson Township representative to the Centre Region Parks and Recreation Authority Board shall be a liaison to the Committee, and shall not count toward the number required to reach a quorum of the members for the purposes of taking action. The representative is permitted to engage in all discussion topics of the Committee and to report on regional matters that are discussed by the Authority.
Each member of the Committee shall be appointed to four-year staggered terms. A vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Committee, which occurs for reasons other than the expiration of a term, shall be filled by the Board of Supervisors for the remainder of the unexpired term.
The Parks and Recreation Committee shall meet at least quarterly and shall adopt appropriate bylaws to conduct meetings and business. The Township Manager shall coordinate staff support for the Committee. Upon request, additional technical assistance may be provided by other Township departments.
The Committee's role is advisory to the Township Manager and the Board of Supervisors.
Committee members shall not be compensated for their activities.
[Added by Ord. No. 1039, 11/20/2017]
Members of the Committee shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and such other officers as they may deem necessary. All officers shall be eligible for reelection.
The Committee shall keep a written record of its meetings in accordance with the law. The Committee shall provide the Board of Supervisors with minutes, annual work plans or other reports of its activities, either written or oral, as may be requested or required. For the purposes of taking action, a quorum of three members must be present.
[Added by Ord. No. 1039, 11/20/2017]
The Committee shall advise the Township Manager and Board of Supervisors on matters pertaining to parks and recreation, including, but not necessarily limited to, land acquisition for the purposes of active or passive recreation, including open space preservation, parkland development, and programming. Such advice and responsibilities shall include:
Alignment of local definitions of recreational amenities and services with regional definitions;
Assistance in development of Park Master Plans;
Periodic review of existing Park Master Plans as the needs of the community evolve;
Recommending parkland development in accordance with established Park Master Plans;
Facilitating community engagement on matters pertaining to parkland development, use/programming, and land acquisition for active or passive recreational purposes;
Connectivity of parkland to existing and proposed bike paths and shared use paths;
Reviewing programming needs for Township residents and recommending changes to programming through the liaison to the Centre Region Parks and Recreation Authority;
Assisting Township staff and the Board of Supervisors in amending and updating the Ferguson Township Recreation, Parks, and Open Space Plan;
Other duties relative to the betterment of active and passive recreational amenities and services in the Township.