[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
It is the intent of this Part to establish general provisions
for all uses listed in the zoning districts and overlay zones, Parts
4 through 12 of this chapter. These general provisions are in addition
to all other applicable requirements, regulations and standards in
this chapter, all other Township regulations and ordinances, as well
as any other local state and federal regulations and statutes. If
the zoning district or any other regulations found in this chapter
are determined to be in conflict with the following, the most restrictive
regulations shall be applied, unless otherwise stated.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. Building height shall be the vertical distance measured from the
mean elevation of the proposed finished grade to the highest point
of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck lines of mansard roofs and
to the mean height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel
2. No building in the Agricultural and Residential Districts shall be
erected to a height in excess of 40 feet, except as otherwise provided
in this chapter.
3. Building height in the Commercial District and Industrial District
may exceed the permitted 45 feet; however, the maximum building height
may be extended to 90 feet if side and rear setbacks areas are increased
five feet for each corresponding 20 feet in additional building height.
4. Height regulations shall not apply to any of the following provided
the use is not for human occupancy: agricultural buildings, spires,
belfries, cupolas, domes, chimneys, ventilators, skylights, water
tanks, bulkheads, utility poles, or towers (including communications
towers), silos, and ornamental features or necessary mechanical appurtenances,
including radio and television antennae.
5. For all residential uses, accessory buildings shall not exceed 28
feet in height.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. General Lot Requirements. The area, width, or depth of any lot shall
not be reduced by subdivision, sale or development so that the lot
width, lot area, lot area per dwelling unit, courts, and yards, or
other open spaces are smaller or so that the coverage is greater than
prescribed in this chapter.
2. Nonconforming Lots. A lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this chapter which does not fulfill the regulations for the minimum lot area and width for the district in which it is located, shall be subject to the provisions of Part
17 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
Setbacks shall be provided in accordance with the provisions
set forth herein.
1. Measuring Front Setbacks Line. Where the right-of-way of the street
or private road upon which the lot abuts cannot be determined or is
less than 50 feet in width, the front setback depth and the width
of the side setback abutting the street or private road shall be measured
from a line parallel to and not less than 25 feet from the centerline
of the street or private road.
2. Nonconforming Structures. Expansion of existing nonconforming structures
shall be permitted without regard to the setback requirements set
forth in this chapter provided such expansion does not project further
into the required setback area than does the building before expansion.
The front, side or rear building setback may be reduced for sites
with existing nonconforming development in a required setback. The
building line of the nonconforming wall serves as the reduced setback
3. Front Setback Exception.
A. New principal buildings may be located in the required front setback
area only if the following two conditions are met.
The average front setback of the existing principal buildings
on each side of the lot proposed as the location for a new principal
building and within a distance of 100 feet of the proposed building
and fronting on the same side of the same road or street is less than
the required minimum front setback line; and
The proposed principal building will be located so that it is
aligned with the principal buildings on each side of the lot within
a distance of 100 feet of the proposed building and fronting on the
same side of the same road or street as the proposed building.
B. New Accessory Buildings.
New accessory buildings may be located in the existing front
yard area as defined in relation to the principal building only if:
The proposed accessory building is in the Agricultural District, and if a nonconforming building or structure meets the provisions of §
27-1703, as set forth in this chapter; and
The proposed accessory building will be located at least 500
feet from any dwelling other than one owned by the owner of the accessory
building; or
The proposed accessory building will be located a minimum 100
feet from the street right-of-way line, or will not protrude beyond
any existing accessory building located on the subject property.
Accessory buildings permitted within the existing front yard
by reason of the provisions of Subsection 3.A above may not be located
in the required front setback.
New accessory buildings to be used to house livestock must be
at least 100 feet from a Rural Residential, Rural Residential Receiving,
Suburban Residential or Suburban Residential Receiving District boundary,
and at least 100 feet from an existing dwelling not owned by the owner
of the accessory building, except for the following conditions:
An existing building utilized to house livestock which is at
least as close to the Rural Residential, Rural Residential Receiving,
Suburban Residential or Suburban Residential Receiving Zoning District
boundary or to an existing dwelling not owned by the owner of the
proposed accessory building as is the proposed accessory building;
The property owner can demonstrate that refusing to permit the
additional building to be located in the setback area would represent
a hardship to his business operation.
4. Projections in Yards.
A. Cornices, eaves, gutters, bay windows, chimneys, or uncovered steps
may project into the front, side or rear setback of a lot not more
than 24 inches.
B. Covered porches, whether enclosed or unenclosed, shall be considered
as part of the main building and shall not project into any setback.
C. Patios, driveways, walks, parking areas, stairs, and window wells,
and such other structures customarily incidental to the main building
may project into front, side or rear setbacks of a lot providing the
grade elevation shall not be more than 12 inches above the yard grade.
5. Expansion of Farm Buildings. Expansion of farm buildings existing
on the date of this chapter shall be permitted without regard to the
setback requirements set forth in this chapter, provided such expansion
does not project further into the required setback area than does
the building before expansion.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
Residential composting is permitted provided it is limited to
organic materials and includes only that material generated on-site
and that the following standards are met:
1. Composting will not be allowed in the front yard.
2. Composting must be no less than 15 feet from rear/side property lines
unless enclosed from view from abutting properties.
3. Composting will conform to the performance standards for odors and
fire hazard in sections below.
4. Compost material cannot be produced and sold for commercial purposes.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. Purpose. Landscaping is one of the most critical elements to softening
development, especially parking lots, and to defining vehicular, pedestrian
and arrival spaces. In addition to enhancing the aesthetic appearance
of a community and providing shade, landscaping and the preservation
of existing vegetation reduce soil erosion, improve air and water
quality and provide wildlife habitats. It is the intent of landscaping
requirements to provide, protect and maintain healthy landscapes for
the enjoyment and protection of the health, safety and welfare of
the public.
2. Applicability. Protection and landscaping standards shall be applicable
to all subdivisions of land and any parcels undertaking land development
activities. All parts of properties being redeveloped, renovated,
improved as part of a subdivision or land development application
shall be brought into compliance with landscaping requirements to
the extent possible.
3. Application of Landscaping Requirements:
E. Outside storage and off-street loading areas.
F. Stormwater management facilities.
G. Major residential subdivision and commercial/industrial/institutional
development entrances.
4. The specific standards and requirements for each of these landscaping
applications are included in the Shrewsbury Township Subdivision and
Land Development Ordinance and in the Shrewsbury Township Construction and Materials
Specifications Manual.
5. Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, all uses shall provide
landscaping, buffering and screening according to the requirements
of the Shrewsbury Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. Fences and walls (including retaining walls) may be erected, altered,
and maintained within yards and open spaces. A fence may be installed
on top of a retaining wall. No fence or wall shall be erected, installed,
or maintained when that fence or wall obscures clear view of traffic
at intersections or driveways or which creates a safety hazard to
pedestrians or vehicular traffic.
2. Fences shall be classified as either solid or open type. An open-type
fence is defined as one in which the ratio of the open portion to
the closed portion is at least one to one (1:1) per foot. Structural
elements of the fence may exceed the maximum height restrictions by
no more than six inches.
3. Fences used for agricultural purposes, as defined under "agriculture" in §
27-202, are exempt from requirements of this section; except for Subsection
7 of this section, and fence height shall not exceed eight feet.
4. Maximum Fence Height Provisions.
A. No solid-type fence may be erected to a height of more than six feet
above grade, excepting as permitted under Subsection 4.D hereof.
B. No other type fence may be erected to a height of more than eight
feet above grade, except when used to restrain farm animals and except
as permitted under Subsection 4.D hereof.
C. No fence may be erected to a height of more than four feet above
grade within the front yard.
D. A solid-type fence may be erected to a height exceeding six feet
above grade and an open-type fence may be erected to a height exceeding
eight feet above grade in any of the following instances:
Along a railroad right-of-way.
Along the lot line of residential property that separates such
property from any commercial or industrial district or from any property
being used for a use which is nonconforming with respect to the district
where located and which is a use not permitted, excepting within the
Commercial District, the Interchange District or the Industrial District.
Along the lot line of property used as a private or public utility
Along the side or rear yards of property being utilized for
a use which is not permitted, excepting in the Commercial District,
Interchange District, or in the Industrial District.
Along the side and/or rear yards of residential properties where
such fences are part of the landscaping for the entire neighborhood
as shown on a subdivision or land development plan.
5. Electrically Charged Fences. The use of electrically charged fences
is prohibited except when used to restrain farm animals in agricultural
areas and that commercially available above-ground "pet containment"
systems may be used in all zoning districts.
6. Barbed Wire. The use of barbed wire fences, including concertina
wire, razor wire, or similar type wire, is prohibited, except when
used to restrain farm animals or when used in the Industrial District;
provided, however, in the Industrial District, no barbed wire shall
be less than six feet above ground level and the top strand shall
be at least eight feet above ground level.
7. Setback of Fence.
A. All fences shall be set back a minimum six feet from the edge of
the cartway of any road within the Township as measured along the
surface of the ground as opposed to horizontally, excepting that an
open-type fence shall not be required to be placed beyond the edge
of the road right-of-way. The Township shall not be responsible for
damages to fences located within the Township road right-of-way.
B. No solid-type fence exceeding three feet in height shall be located with a clear sight triangle as provided in §
27-1508 herein.
C. All fences, except those used for agricultural purposes, may be placed
up to, but not on the property line. A fence may be placed on the
property line, provided a signed letter of consent from the adjoining
property is submitted with the application for a permit.
8. Berms are encouraged and shall conform to the provisions in the Township
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
At all intersections of streets, private roads and/or access
drives, a clear sight triangle shall be maintained in compliance with
the Shrewsbury Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
Courts shall conform to the following requirements:
1. An open space in the form of an inner court or outer court shall
be provided in connection with any building in any residential or
commercial or industrial district wherever any room therein in which
a person or persons live, sleep, or congregate, cannot be adequately
lighted and ventilated. Such court shall be adjacent to such room,
the windows of which shall open in such court.
2. Outer Court.
A. The width of any outer court upon which windows open from a living
room, bedroom, or dining room shall be not less than the height of
any wall opposite such windows.
B. The depth of an outer court formed by walls on three sides shall
be not greater than 1 1/2 times the width.
C. The depth of an outer court shall be not less than 2/3 the height
of any opposing wall forming said court.
3. Inner Court.
A. The least dimension of an inner court shall be not less than the
full height of the walls enclosing such court, but not less than 50
feet for multifamily dwellings buildings, and not less than 10 feet
for semidetached dwellings.
B. An open and unobstructed passageway shall be provided for each inner
court. Such passageway shall have sufficient cross-section area and
headroom for the passage of firefighting equipment and shall be continuous
from the inner court to a yard or an unobstructed open area with access
to a street.
C. This section shall not apply to specialized commercial or manufacturing
processes where controlled light and/or ventilation are required.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
The minimum habitable floor area of a dwelling unit or any building
or structure hereafter erected or used for living purposes, shall
be 750 square feet. In case of multifamily dwellings and conversion
apartments, the minimum habitable floor area shall be not less than
300 square feet per dwelling unit, except those dwelling units designed
for and occupied exclusively by one person, which dwelling unit shall
each contain not less than 250 square feet of habitable floor area.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. Consideration shall be given by the developer for locating residential
uses in areas of the development tract that are located at the greatest
feasible distance from sources of major roadway traffic noise on arterial
and collector streets, or where feasible, residential uses should
be located the greatest distance from arterial and collector roadway
traffic and other significant sources of objectionable noise.
2. Where dwellings are constructed along an interstate highway, the
developer shall provide for noise abatement walls or other practicable
noise abatement measures sufficient to shield the residents from traffic
noise according to the applicable PennDOT specifications.
3. General Noise Standards. The sound level of any operation shall not
exceed the decibel levels of the preferred frequencies cited below
or as modified or exempted. The sound pressure level shall be measured
with an octave band analyzer or sound level meter calibrated to meet
current specifications of the American National Standards Institute.
A. Standards. At no point beyond the property line of the owner, and
between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., shall the sound pressure
level resulting from any operation in any district exceed the maximum
permitted sound levels set forth below expressly or waived in Subsection
3.B below.
Center Frequency
(Cycles per Seconds)
Maximum Sound Pressure Level
Sound pressure level in decibels equals 0.0002 dynes/cm2.
B. Waivers. The following sources of noise are exempt:
Community events such as but not limited to fireworks, festivals,
athletic events, and concerts.
Transportation vehicles not under the control of an on-site
Occasionally used safety signals, warning devices, and emergency
pressure-relief valves.
Temporary construction activity between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Active construction activities between the hours of 5:00 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m.
4. Traffic Noise Standards. In all zoning districts except the Commercial,
Industrial, Interchange, and Commercial Industrial districts, the
maximum traffic noise level predicted for 10 years from the date of
the application shall not exceed 66 dBA (acoustic decibels). The traffic
noise receivers that shall be used for the purpose of modeling shall
be the property line of the subject parcel. Traffic noise sensitive
land uses, such as single-family and multifamily residents, schools,
libraries, community recreation and entertainment venues, will not
be granted permits when a site is predicted to receive roadway traffic
noise in excess of 66 dBA.
A. Required Traffic Noise Model. The applicant shall submit the results
from a prediction model demonstrating the traffic noise level projected
for each of the next 10 years. The submission shall include factors
for future roadway geometry, traffic volumes, truck traffic, and roadway
speeds. The model should predict traffic noise at the appropriate
receiver sites in two circumstances: 1) with no development undertaken;
and 2) assuming that development occurs. In both cases, the results
shall assume that all proposed mechanisms for traffic noise mitigation
have been implemented. To determine the predicted traffic noise level
the applicant shall use current PennDOT standards.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. No use shall cause earthborne vibrations exceeding the maximum values
specified in this section. The maximum vibration is given as particle
velocity, which may be measured directly at the property line or other
designated location, with suitable instrumentation or computed on
the basis of displacement and frequency.
2. When computed, the following formula shall be used.
Particle velocity, inches per second
Vibration frequency, cycles per second
Single amplitude displacement of the vibration in inches.
3. Particle velocity shall be the vector sum of three individual components
measured simultaneously in three mutually perpendicular directions.
Maximum Ground-Transmitted Vibration
Particle Velocity
Zoning District
Adjacent Lot Line
Residential Area
Agricultural and Residential
Commercial and Industrial
4. Where vibration is produced as discrete impulses and such impulses
do not exceed a frequency of 60 per minute, then the values in this
table may be multiplied by two.
5. Unless specifically indicated to the contrary elsewhere in this chapter,
vibration resulting from temporary construction activity that occurs
between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. shall be exempt from the indicated
performance standard.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
No heat from any use shall be sensed at any property line to
the extent of raising the temperature of air, water, or other materials
more than 1° F.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
Explosive or detonable material shall not be stored in Shrewsbury
Township, except on a temporary basis to facilitate construction,
testing or other lawful activities.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this section is to regulate the
placement, orientation, distribution patterns, and fixture types of
outdoor lighting. The intent of this section is to encourage lighting
that provides safety, utility, and security; also, to prevent glare
on public roadways, protect the privacy of residents, and reduce atmospheric
light pollution.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-01, 8/5/2020]
2. Outdoor Lighting Compliance Statement.
A. The applicant for any permit for work involving outdoor lighting
fixtures governed by this section shall submit, as part of the site
plan, evidence that the proposed work will comply with this section.
This information shall contain, but not be limited to, the following:
The location, height, make, model, lamp type, and wattage of
each outdoor lighting fixture; and
Certification that the angle of total light cutoff is no more
than 90°; and
Illumination level profiles.
B. Approved Materials and Methods of Construction, Installation, or
Operation. The provisions of this section are not intended to prevent
the use of any design, material, or methods of installation or operation
not specifically prescribed by this section, provided any such alternate
has been approved. The Zoning Officer may approve any such proposed
alternative provided it:
Provides at least approximate equivalent to the applicable specific
requirement of this section; and
Is otherwise satisfactory and complies with the purpose and
intent of this section.
C. General Requirements for All Zoning Districts.
All outdoor lighting fixtures, including display lighting, shall
be turned off after close-of-business, unless needed for safety or
security, in which case the lighting shall be reduced to the minimum
level necessary.
Auto/truck filling stations. Island canopy ceiling fixtures
shall be recessed so that the bottom of the fixture is flush with
the ceiling.
Recreational facilities, public or private. Lighting for outdoor
recreational facilities shall be shielded according to Subsection
2.I below.
All light fixtures shall be fully shielded and maintained so
that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running
through the lowest part of the fixtures.
Bottom-mounted outdoor advertising sign lighting will not be
D. Special Requirements.
For all uses in all zoning districts:
Outdoor lighting fixtures shall comply with the shielding requirements
of Subsection 2.E of this section.
Light trespass: Light that falls outside the boundaries of the
property on which the installation is sited shall be designed not
to exceed 0.5 foot candle at the property line.
E. Table of Shielding Requirements.
Fixture Lamp Type
Low/high pressure sodium, mercury vapor, metal halide and fluorescent
over 50 watts
Incandescent over 160 watts
Incandescent or compact fluorescent 160 watts or less
Fossil fuel
Any light source of 50 watts or less
Incandescent includes tungsten-halogen (quartz) lamps
F. Exemptions. The following uses shall be exempt from the provisions
of this section of the chapter:
Roadway and airport lighting and lighting activated by motion
sensor devices.
Temporary circus, fair, carnival, or civic uses (see Subsection
2.G below).
Construction or emergency lighting provided such lighting is
temporary and is discontinued immediately upon completion of the construction
work or abatement of the emergency necessitating said lighting.
Lighting associated with agricultural pursuits.
G. Temporary Exemption. All lighting uses not covered in Subsections
2.C, D, E, and F, above, but required for short periods of time, e.g.,
construction site, road work, neighborhood party, shall require a
permit from the Township. Any person may submit a written request
to the Township, on a form prepared or approved by the Township, for
a temporary exemption request.
A temporary exemption shall contain the following information:
Specific exemption or exemptions requested;
Type and use of outdoor light fixture involved;
Duration of time requested exemption;
Type of lamp and calculated lumens;
Total wattage of lamp or lamps;
Proposed location on premises of the outdoor light fixture(s);
Previous temporary exemptions, if any, and addresses of premises
Physical size of outdoor light fixture(s) and type of shielding
provided; and
Such other data and information as may be required by the Shrewsbury
Township Zoning Officer.
Approval/Duration. The Shrewsbury Township Zoning Officer shall
have five business days from the date of submission of the request
for temporary exemption to act, in writing, on the request. If approved,
the exemption shall be valid for not more than 30 days from the date
of issuance of the approval. The approval shall be renewable at the
discretion of the Shrewsbury Township Zoning Officer upon a consideration
of all the circumstances. Each such renewed exemption shall be valid
for not more than 30 days.
H. Lamp or Fixture Substitution. Should any outdoor light fixture or
the type of light source therein be changed after a permit has been
issued, a change request must be submitted to the Township for approval
prior to the substitution, together with adequate information to assure
compliance with this chapter.
I. Special Uses.
Recreational Facilities. Any light source permitted by this
chapter may be used for lighting of outdoor recreational facilities
(public or private), such as, but not limited to, football fields,
soccer fields, baseball fields, softball fields, tennis courts, auto
race tracks, horse race tracks or show areas, provided all of the
following conditions are met:
All fixtures used for event lighting shall be fully shielded
in accordance with this chapter, or be designed or provided with sharp
cut-off capability, to minimize light escaping beyond the playing
field and viewing stands.
All events shall be scheduled to complete all activity before
or as near to 10:30 p.m. as practical, but under no circumstances
shall any illumination of the playing field, court, or track be permitted
after 11:00 p.m., except to conclude a scheduled event that was in
progress before 11:00 p.m. and circumstances prevented concluding
before 11:00 p.m., except that no such activity will be allowed beyond
10:00 p.m. if the facility is located within 300 feet of a residential
Outdoor Display Lots. Any light source permitted by this chapter
may be used for lighting of outdoor display lots such as, but not
limited to, automobile sales or rental, recreational vehicle sales,
yard or building material sales, provided all of the following conditions
are met:
All fixtures used for event lighting shall be fully shielded
in accordance with this chapter, or be designed or provided with sharp
cut-off capability, to minimize light escaping beyond the operational
area of the business.
Display lot lighting shall be turned off within 30 minutes after
closing of the business. Under no circumstances shall the full illumination
of the lot be permitted after 11:00 p.m. Any lighting used after 11:00
p.m. shall be used as security lighting only.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. Odors and Fumes. No person, partnership, corporation or association
may cause or permit on land owned by him the emission into the outdoor
atmosphere of any malodorous, hazardous, or nonpermitted air contaminants
from any source in such manner that the odors are detectable outside
of the property of the person on whose land the source is being operated.
2. Dust and Particulate Matter. No person, partnership, corporation
or association may cause or permit on land owned by him the emission
into the outdoor atmosphere of any particulate air contaminants from
any source in such manner that the particulates are detectable by
human senses outside of the property of the person on whose land the
source is being operated.
3. The discharge of any substance into the atmosphere shall be in strict
compliance with provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act and the Pennsylvania
Air Pollution Control Act, as amended, and the regulations adopted
pursuant thereto, all of which regulations are incorporated herein
by reference.
4. In addition to the criteria specified in federal and state environmental
regulations, the Township also requires the following:
A. Smoke. The Ringelmann Smoke Chart published by the U.S. Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines shall be used for grading the density
or equivalent opacity of smoke.
In all zoning districts, except Commercial, Commercial Industrial,
Interchange, and Industrial, the emission of smoke darker than Ringelmann
No. 1 from any chimney, stack, vent, opening, or combustion process
is prohibited.
In the Commercial, Interchange, and Industrial Zoning Districts,
the emission of smoke darker than Ringelmann No. 1 from any chimney,
stack, vent, opening, or combustion process is prohibited, excepting
that smoke of a shade not to exceed Ringelmann No. 3 is permitted
for up to three minutes total in any one eight-hour period.
B. Dust and Particulates. Dust and particulate matter emission from
materials or products subject to becoming windblown shall be kept
to a minimum by paving, wetting, covering, or other means, such as
to render the surface wind resistant. Such sources include vacant
lots, unpaved streets, yards and storage piles of bulk materials such
as stone, sand, cinders, manure, and topsoil. Watercourses and water
sources must not be contaminated in violation of the Pennsylvania
Clean Streams Law and regulations issued pursuant thereto by particulate
runoff. No dust or particulate matter may be discharged into the atmosphere,
onto the surface of the ground, or into a stream of other body of
water if such discharge is in violation of the standards established
by the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act or by the regulations
issued pursuant thereto.
C. Water Pollution. All uses and activities in the Township shall meet
all applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law,
Act 394 of 1937 as amended, and all other federal and state laws pertaining
to the quality of surface water, stormwater runoff, and groundwater.
This includes all laws and regulations pertaining to obtaining National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for both point
source and non-point source regulated sources.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
Any operation in any zoning district must assure such operation
will not allow flies to leave the premises or traverse boundary lines
to the extent that they become a public nuisance as defined in this
chapter. In the event that Shrewsbury Township or other government
entity finds that the proliferation of flies emanating from an established
operation is affecting the health and/or welfare of people, the operators
will be required to implement a fly control plan. Any special exception
granted by the Zoning Hearing Board shall be specifically conditioned
upon the successful implementation of the fly control plan and shall
be revoked if the proposed fly control plan is not implemented and
in operation at the time of the commencement of the new operation.
In the event any fly control program proves unsuccessful in controlling
the fly population, the applicant will be required to implement additional
measures acceptable to the Township to enable the required control
to occur.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015]
1. Hereafter, no sewage disposal system of any kind shall be erected,
constructed, installed, altered or extended within the limits of Shrewsbury
Township, except as set forth in Section I of the Shrewsbury Township
Sewage Permit Ordinance, unless a permit to do so shall first be secured
in accordance with the provisions of the Shrewsbury Township Sewage
Permit Ordinance and unless such erection, construction, installation,
alteration or extension is in strict accordance with the application
submitted pursuant to the Sewage Permit Ordinance of Shrewsbury Township
and with the permit issued pursuant thereto and in accordance with
the procedures set forth in such ordinance.
2. No person, firm, association or corporation shall maintain or use
any sewage disposal system of any kind so that vectors (insects or
rodents capable of carrying disease) may have access to the excremental
matter contained therein or so that such sewage disposal system directly
or indirectly drains or discharges over or upon the surface of the
ground or into any waters of the Township. It shall also be unlawful
for any person, firm, association or corporation to fail to comply
with the requirements set forth in Subparagraphs A and B of Section
II of the Shrewsbury Township Sewage Permit Ordinance.
3. All newly created parcels shall have an approved primary sewage area
and an approved secondary sewage reserve area. The areas shall be
designated on the subdivision plan and shall remain undisturbed. No
earthmoving, grading or construction shall occur within 20 feet of
the location of any percolation test performed to create an approved
site for an on-site sewage disposal system or for a sewage reserve
area; excepting, however, this provision shall not apply in the event
the sewage system has been installed or has been designed, in which
event earthmoving, grading or construction activity may occur but
may not occur over the area where the installed sewage disposal system
is located or where the designed sewage disposal system will be located.
[Ord. No. 2015-03, 6/3/2015; Ord. No. 2020-01, 8/5/2020]
Any sign erected after the date of adoption of this chapter
shall be in compliance with all regulations and provisions of the
Shrewsbury Township Sign Ordinance and landscaping requirements in the Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance.