[Adopted as Ch. 1, § 1.12, Ch. 4, Subch. VI, § 4.48, and Ch. 10 of the 1998 Code]
[Amended by Ord. No. 2001-8; 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12; 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10; 7-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-3]
Pursuant to § 59.23(2)(i), Wis. Stats., the Clerk shall serve as the County's Chief Election Officer. Washington County shall not accept any grant or donation from any person or nongovernmental entity for the purpose of elections administration, including but not limited to collection of ballots or voter registration. Repeal of this section shall require a 3/4 vote of members elect of the Washington County Board of Supervisors.
Official publications - proceedings. Pursuant to § 59.14(2), Wis. Stats., the County Clerk shall, within 60 days after the adjournment of each session, cause to be published in The Daily News, West Bend, Wisconsin, as a Class 1 notice under Ch. 985, Wis. Stats., a certified copy of all proceedings had at any meeting, regular or special, of the County Board of Supervisors.
Budgetary matters.
Pursuant to § 65.90(3), Wis. Stats., the County Clerk shall cause to be published in The Daily News, West Bend, Wisconsin, as a Class 1 notice under Chapter 985, Wis. Stats., a summary of the proposed biennial budget, and notice of the place where such budget in detail is available for public inspection, and notice of the time and place for holding the public hearing thereon, said publication to be at least 15 days prior to the time of such public hearing.
The County Clerk shall cause to be published in The Daily News, West Bend, Wisconsin, as a Class 1 notice under Chapter 985, Wis. Stats., alterations of the biennial budget authorized by the County Board at the Executive Committee pursuant to § 65.90(5), Wis. Stats., said publication to be within 15 days thereafter.
Elections. The Daily News, West Bend, Wisconsin is designated as the official newspaper of Washington County for election purposes.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2015-29; Ord. No. 2016-36; 8-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-6; 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10; 10-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-4]
Participation in Federated Public Library System. Authorization. Pursuant to § 43.19, Wis. Stats., Washington County shall be a member county of the Monarch Library System.
Federated Public Library System Board.
Membership. The County Board shall approve the appointment of the requisite number of members to the Federated Public Library System Board consistent with § 43.19(1), Wis. Stats., for staggered three-year terms. The County Board Chair shall appoint one County Board Supervisor to the Federated Public Library System Board. The County Executive is authorized to solicit and review applications for remaining memberships and make recommendations to the County Board for consideration. Where possible, recommendations shall reflect the various geographical areas of the County.
Appointment. The members of the Federated Public Library System Board shall be appointed in the following order and according to the categories listed.
One member shall be a member of the County Board.
Two members, who shall be representatives of the Library Boards governing public libraries of participating municipalities.
Two members, who shall be persons residing in municipalities not served by libraries.
Members shall serve only during their status as Board member or resident of an unserved municipality, as originally appointed.
Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to the members of the Board for their services, except that the County Board Supervisor may receive per diem, mileage and other necessary expenses incurred in performing his or her duty on the Federated Public Library System Board as authorized by the per diem code section of the County Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 49, Finance and Taxation, § 49-4, Per diem compensation.
Liaison committee. The Executive Committee shall serve as the liaison between the Federated Public Library System Board and the Washington County Board of Supervisors.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2007-23; Ord. No. 2009-10]
Pursuant to § 765.15, Wis. Stats., the marriage license fee shall be established by the County Board through its biennial budget process and collected and disbursed by the County Clerk according to the law.
[Amended 7-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-3]
The County Clerk may grant special dispensation from the three-day waiting period provided in § 765.08, Wis. Stats., and collect a fee for same, which shall not exceed $25.
[Amended 4-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-3]