[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Plympton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-17-2020 ATM by Art. 27]
The annual election of officers shall be held on the third Saturday in May; the Annual Town Meeting for the transaction of municipal business shall be held on the preceding Wednesday.
Polls will be open at 8:00 a.m. for the election of the officers and shall be continuously open for voting until 6:00 p.m.; the meeting for the transaction of business shall be called at 7:00 p.m.
At State Elections, the polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Notice shall be given of every Town Meeting by posting an attested copy of the warrant calling the meeting at the main entrance of the Town House and at four other locations in the Town designated by the Selectmen. These copies shall be posted not less than seven days before the appointed time for the meeting and the officer posting the warrant shall immediately make return to the Town Clerk stating the manner in which the warrant was posted, on the original warrant.
The warrant for the Annual Town Meeting shall be closed on the last Monday in March.
The Town Meeting shall also convene in special session:
By call of the Board of Selectmen; or
By petition of at least 200 registered voters of the Town.
In conjunction with each petitioned article made a part of the warrant for a Town Meeting, there shall be inserted in such warrant the name of the first person signing such petitions and the words "and others".
Department heads or petitioners submitting articles for the warrant shall furnish a copy to both the Selectmen and Finance Committee at the same time.
[Adopted 6-17-2020 ATM by Art. 27]
The opening and procedure of Town Meeting for the transaction of Town business: Every Town Meeting held for the transaction of Town business shall be called to order by the Moderator at the appointed time or as soon thereafter as a quorum of registered votes is in attendance. In the absence of the Moderator, the meeting shall be called to order by the Town Clerk, who shall preside until a temporary Moderator has been chosen who will preside during the absence of the Moderator.
The presence of 35 registered voters of the Town shall constitute a quorum; however, a number less than 20 may adjourn a meeting from time to time.
A checklist shall be used in admitting voters to the Town Meeting, except nonvoters may be seated in a defined and separate portion thereof and nonvoters may address the Meeting if the Meeting so votes.
All articles in the warrant shall be acted upon in the order of their arrangement unless the Meeting votes otherwise.
With respect to any article pertaining to the annual operating budget, or subsequent revisions to the annual budget at the same or subsequent Town Meetings, the Moderator shall give the Finance Committee the opportunity to offer the main motion.
Any person desiring to speak shall arise, address the chair and upon recognition shall stand while speaking and confine himself to the question.
All votes, unless otherwise provided by law, or otherwise directed by the Moderator, shall be taken by a show of hands. If in doubt by the Moderator, or if seven voters immediately question the vote, the Moderator shall call for a standing vote.
Whenever a two-thirds vote is required by statute, such vote may be declared as such by the Moderator without a count and be recorded as such by the Clerk upon such declaration; provided, however, that if seven or more members doubt the vote, a counted vote shall be taken.
If the majority of the Town Meeting requests a vote by ballot on any question, or if the Moderator feels the need of a written vote, such vote shall be taken with the Town furnishing printed ballots.
On the day of Town Meeting, no business activity not directly related to the Town Meeting warrant may take place inside the locale where the meeting is or will be convened or within 50 feet of the building entrance. Business activity includes, but is not limited to, sale of any product or service, solicitation of signatures for any reason, the handing out of promotional brochures or political information, or organized demonstrations. Exceptions can only be granted by the Town Moderator when requested in writing at least two weeks prior to the date of Town Meeting.