[1971 Code § 3-2]
This chapter shall be known and referred to as the "Administrative Code" of the Township of Rockaway.
[1971 Code § 3-3; Ord. No. 99-5 § 1]
For the purposes of this Administrative Code, except as the context may otherwise direct, the following terms shall be deemed to convey the meanings herein set forth:
The provisions of the Optional Municipal Charter Law (P.L. 1950, Chapter 210, as amended) governing Mayor-Council Plan.
A unit of the municipal government established or designated by this ordinance as a department.
The head of a "department" established by this Code and designated as such on the organization chart of the Township.
Any law or provisions of law, not inconsistent with the Optional Municipal Charter Law (P.L. 1950, Chapter 210, as amended), heretofore or hereafter enacted, which is by its terms applicable or available to all municipalities, and the following additional laws whether or not such additional laws are so applicable or available to all municipalities: legislation relating to taxation, local courts, education, health, public authorities serving more than one municipality, and municipalities in unsound financial condition.
The Municipal Council of the Township comprised of nine elected members in accordance with provisions of the Optional Municipal Charter Law.
The Township of Rockaway in the County of Morris.
All ordinances of the Township of Rockaway in force and effect on January 1, 1968, and thereafter.
Any current or former elected or appointed official, officer or member of the Boards, agencies and commissions of the Township or employee or servant, whether or not compensated or part-time, who is or was authorized by the Township to perform any act or service; provided, however, that this term does not include an independent contractor.