This article shall be known as the "Marietta Borough Fire Tax
This tax is levied under authority of 53 P.S. § 46302(a)(6)
of the Pennsylvania Borough Code and pursuant to the Local Tax Enabling
Act, Act of December 31, 1965, P.L. 1257, as amended.
The proceeds collected from the fire tax shall be kept in a
separate fund and shall be used only for the purposes specified in
the prior section.
The fire tax shall be collected in the same fashion and by the
same entity responsible for collecting the Borough's general
borough purposes tax levy. In addition, the penalty and enforcement
provisions adopted and used with regard to the Borough's general
Borough purpose and tax levy are adopted for purposes of the fire
tax and are incorporated by reference as though set forth in full
If Borough Council decides that it wishes to terminate the fire
tax, Borough Council shall give all fire companies located within
the Borough one year's notice of the effective date of the termination
of the fire tax. This notice from the Borough shall be in writing
and mailed via registered mail, return receipt requested.
The Borough, by and through Borough Council, may promulgate
and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for the interpretation,
collection, distribution and enforcement of the tax.