[R.O. 1985 § 2-1; Ord. No. 35, §§ 1, 2, 5-9-1950; Ord. No. 639, § 1, 1-10-1961; Code 1965, § 1.08]
An Official Seal Is Hereby Adopted For The City. The official seal shall be retained in the office of the City Clerk. It shall consist of a metallic disk, not more than two and one half (2 1/2) inches in diameter, with the words "City of Crestwood, Missouri," engraved in the border, and the coat of arms of the State engraved in the center portion of the disk.
The City Clerk shall affix the seal to, and countersign, all commissions and other official acts, certified copies and attestations, and to all other instruments when required or authorized by the Mayor.
An alternate City seal, the form and colors of which are reflected on "Exhibit A" attached to this ordinance and incorporated in this Section as though more fully set out, is hereby adopted for the City. This alternate City seal may be used as the seal of the City for any purpose when so designated by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 5437, 2-27-2024[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided that said alternate City seal is designated by the Board of Aldermen to be the City seal displayed on the custom highway signs described in Ord. No. 5340. Said seal image is on file in the City offices.
[R.O. 1985 § 2-2]
An official flag, the form, colors and dimensions of which are reflected in the sketch marked "Exhibit A" and attached to Ord. No. 4961 and incorporated in this Section as though more fully set out, is hereby adopted for the City.
Said flag shall be prominently displayed at the Crestwood City Government Center, and at all other times and places designated by the Mayor or Board of Aldermen during the hours proper for the display of the national colors and if displayed with the national colors, at a point subservient to the national colors.
The adopted size of the official flag of the City shall be four (4) feet by six (6) feet, except that the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen may designate replicas of other sizes to suit the particular need and form of display.
[R.O. 1985 § 2-2.1; Ord. No. 3224, § 1, 6-23-1992; Ord. No. 4591, § 1, 11-10-2015]
The logo used by the City, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby designated as the official logo of the City.
The City logo shall not be used on other than official documents and printings issued by the City or authorized by the City, or on documents relating to City matters issued by a City officer.
The City Clerk shall register the City logo as a service mark with the Secretary of State of the State of Missouri and take all necessary steps to maintain such registration.
Editor's Note: R.O. 1985 § 2-3, Fiscal year, adopted by Ord. No. 3813, was repealed by the City during the 2024 recodification project. See § 2-82 of this Code for information on the City's fiscal year.
[R.O. 1985 § 2-4; Ord. No. 191, §§ 1 – 4, 7-11, 10-12-1954; Code 1965, § 4.29; Ord. No. 1262, § 1, 5-11-1971]
Contractors. It is hereby made the duty of all officials, officers and agencies of the City in making contracts for public works of any kind to be performed for the City, to require every contractor for such work to execute a bond to the City, with good and sufficient sureties and in an amount to be approved by the Board of Aldermen or such other officer or agency as the Board may direct, and such bond shall, among other conditions, provide for:
Performance in accordance with the contract;
Penalties, forfeitures or liquidated damages for delay in completing the work; and
The payment for materials, lubricants, oil, gasoline, grain, hay, feed, coal and coke, repairs on machinery, groceries and foodstuffs, equipment and tools, consumed or used in connection with the construction of such work, and all insurance premiums, both for compensation and for all other kinds of insurance, on said work, and for all labor performed in such work, whether by subcontractor or otherwise.
Future Performance. Performance bonds, with good and sufficient sureties shall be required of all contractors with the City for future delivery of goods, materials, equipment, supplies or for future rendering of service, in such amount as the Board of Aldermen shall determine, or as shall be determined by an officer or agency of the City authorized by the Board to accept bond for the City.
Advertisements For Bids. In all advertisements or requests for bids in which a bond is required under this Section, that fact shall be stated in the advertisement or other request or notice for bids.
Waiver Of Penalties. The Board of Aldermen may waive the requirements for penalties, forfeitures or liquidated damages under Subsection (a) unless such provision is required by the law of the State in a particular case.
Forms. The City Clerk shall supply forms for bonds under this Section to the contractors, upon request.
Waiver Of Bond. Except in the case of a contract for public work, the Board of Aldermen may waive performance bonds on contracts involving payment by the City of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less.
Individual Sureties. When a bond of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or less is required, the Board of Aldermen, or other officer or agency of the City authorized to accept a bond for the City, may approve a bond with at least two (2) solvent individual sureties, provided, that either the principal or one (1) of the sureties on the bond shall be a resident of the county, and provided further, that if any of the principals or sureties are married persons the bond must also be signed by the spouses of such persons. If a bond is for the principal sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less, a bond with one (1) individual surety may be accepted, provided that in such case either the principal or the surety on the bond shall be a resident of the county, and provided further, that if either the principal or surety is a married person, the spouse of such person shall also be required to sign the bond. In any case where individual sureties are accepted, both the contractor and the sureties shall make a written statement under oath as to the extent of their assets, property and holdings and liabilities.
[R.O. 1985 § 2-5; Ord. No. 191, § 6, 10-12-1954; Code 1965, § 4.30]
Amount. The principal amount of all bonds and the amount placed in escrow or in a deposit with the City as provided in this Article shall be sufficient to fully protect the City and all subcontractors, materialmen and mechanics. In the case of subdivision bonds, the amount shall be equal to the estimated cost of the subdivision improvements; in the case of performance bonds for public works and bonds of suppliers of material the amount shall be equal to the amount of the maximum amount of the bid which is the subject of the bond.
Sureties. Unless otherwise provided, all bonds must have corporate sureties unless the Board of Aldermen by resolution authorizes personal sureties on any bond.
Approval By City Official. Subdivision bonds and other bonds required under the zoning regulations shall be approved and accepted for the City by the City Planner or Director of Public Works. Bonds for public work shall be approved and accepted for the City by the Director of Public Works. All bonds for supplying of materials not covered by a public works bond shall be approved and accepted for the City by the City Administrator. All bonds to the City not covered by the foregoing shall be approved and accepted by the City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 4990, 9-24-2019]
Escrow Deposit. When any bond is required under the ordinances of the City or under the rules and regulations of any officer, board or commission authorized to require bonds, a deposit of cash with an approved escrow agent may be accepted in lieu of a bond. Funds in escrow must be held by a title company, bank or trust company, or corporate escrow agency having a place of business in the county, unless otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board of Aldermen.
Cash Deposits. The person required to furnish a bond may, in lieu thereof, and in lieu of escrow, deposit the amount of money required as the principal amount of the bond with the City Clerk under an agreement setting out the terms and conditions under which the deposit is made, and the rights and liabilities of the parties.
Approval By City Attorney. All bonds and escrow and cash deposit agreements shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney. Approval of a bond or escrow agreement as herein provided shall constitute acceptance by the City and thereupon the bond shall be binding upon the principal and surety, and in the case of escrow agreements, upon the principal and escrow agent.
[Ord. No. 4990, 9-24-2019]
[R.O. 1985 § 2-6; Code 1965, § 4.33; Ord. No. 1525, §§ 1, 2, 9-10-1974; Ord. No. 3257, § 1, 5-25-1993]
The records of the City shall be classified and retained in accordance with State law.
Destruction of such records shall be by any method approved by the City Administrator.