[R.O. 1985 § 2-121; Ord. No. 3834, § 2 (Exh. A),[1] 5-25-2004; Ord. No. 4931, 11-27-2018[2]]
There is hereby adopted a Purchasing Policy of the City of Crestwood, to be maintained in the office of the City Clerk, to govern the expenditure of public funds by City departments. All purchases made by City departments shall be in accordance with the Purchasing Policy herein adopted, and as may be amended by the Board of Aldermen, unless such purchases are expressly exempt from the Purchasing Policy or are governed by a different provision of this Code. In the event of a conflict between the Purchasing Policy and a provision of this Code, this Code shall govern.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the repeal of former Div. 3, adopted as part of the 1965 Code, as amended.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former §§ 2-122 through 2-126.
[R.O. 1985 § 2-127; Ord. No. 4733, § 1, 2-28-2017]
Notwithstanding any provisions of the Purchasing Policy or this Code to the contrary, for any project involving the construction or improvement of buildings or public facilities, or other public works projects which the City is authorized to undertake, the City may utilize the "design-build" method and project design criteria set forth in Section 67.5060, RSMo. In accordance with Subsection 4 of Section 67.5060, RSMo., the City shall disclose, at a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, its intent to utilize the design-build method and its project design criteria at least one (1) week prior to publishing the request for proposals.
[ Ord. No. 4931, 11-27-2018]
Unless otherwise specified in the request for proposals, proposals for phases I, II, and III of a design-build project shall be evaluated by a selection committee consisting of the Director of Public Works, the City Administrator, and the department head of the using department, or representatives thereof, and at the Mayor's discretion, a member of the Board of Aldermen.
In the event that Section 67.5060, RSMo., is repealed or expires, the City may establish administrative procedures to continue to utilize the design-build method and project design criteria for the construction or improvement of buildings or public facilities, or other public works projects.