[R.O. 1985 § 8-1; Code 1965, § 2.01; Ord. No. 1849, § 1, 12-8-1981; Ord. No. 3482, § 1, 11-11-1997; Ord. No. 4336, § 2 (Exh. A), 1-24-2012; Ord. No. 5199, 11-9-2021]
The City is hereby divided into four (4) wards, as follows:
Ward No. 1: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Liggett Drive with the southern boundary of Big Bend Road; thence northeastwardly along the southern boundary of Big Bend Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the City of Crestwood; thence southeastwardly along the eastern City limits of the City of Crestwood to its intersection with the center line of Highway 366; thence southwestwardly along the center line of Highway 366 to its intersection with the center line of Gravois Creek; thence following the center line of Gravois Creek southeastwardly and southerly to its intersection with the center line of Mulberry Creek; thence southwestwardly along said center line of Mulberry Creek to its intersection with the prolongation of the center line of Cherry Brook Lane; thence southwestwardly along the center line of Cherry Brook Lane; thence eastwardly along the center line of Lawndale Drive; thence southwardly along the center line of Buxton Drive; thence westwardly along the center line of Garber Road to its intersection with New Sappington Road; thence northwardly along the center line of New Sappington Road to its intersection with Old Sappington Road; thence northeastwardly along the center line of Old Sappington Road, thence northwestwardly, to its intersection with Highway 366; thence westwardly along the center line of Highway 366 until its intersection with New Sappington Road; thence northwestwardly along the center line of New Sappington Road to its intersection with the prolongation of the southern property line of the Greenview Terrace Subdivision; thence along the perimeter of the Greenview Terrace Subdivision, northeastwardly then northwestwardly, to its intersection with the southeast corner of the Crestwood Elementary School; thence northwestwardly along the eastern property line of the Crestwood Elementary School to the intersection with the southern limit of the Grant's Trail right-of-way; thence northwestwardly across the right-of-way of the Grant's Trail to the intersection of the northern right-of-way line of the Grant's Trail and the boundary line between lot 25, block 1 of Elmont Park First Addition, Amended, and lot 1, block 6 of Crestwood Second Addition; thence northeastwardly along the boundary line between said lots and its northeastwardly prolongation to its intersection with the center line of Woodbine Drive; thence northeastwardly along the center line of Woodbine Drive to the intersection of Liggett Drive; thence northwestwardly along the center line of Liggett Drive to the point of beginning.
Ward No. 2: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of East Watson Road and the western boundary of the City of Crestwood; thence northwardly along the western City limits of the City of Crestwood to its intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Big Bend Road; thence eastwardly and northeastwardly along the southern right-of-way line of Big Bend Road to its intersection with the center line of Liggett Drive; thence southeastwardly along the center line of Liggett Drive to its intersection with the center line of Woodbine Drive; thence southwestwardly along the center line of Woodbine Drive to its intersection with the northeastwardly prolongation of the boundary line between lot 25, block 1 of Elmont Park, First Addition, Amended and lot 1, block 6 of Crestwood Second Addition; thence southwestwardly along said prolongation and the boundary line between said lots to its intersection with the northerly line of the Grant's Trail right-of-way; thence in a straight line across the Grant's Trail right-of-way to the most northeastern corner of the property of Crestwood Elementary School; thence following the most eastern boundary of Crestwood Elementary School property to its intersection with the Greenview Terrace Subdivision; thence southeastwardly and southwestwardly around the eastern and southern perimeter of the Greenview Terrace Subdivision to the intersection of the prolongation of its southern property line with the center line of South Sappington Road; thence southeastwardly along the center line of South Sappington Road to its intersection with the center line of Highway 366; thence southwestwardly along the center line of East Watson Road; thence westwardly along the center line of East Watson Road to the point of beginning.
Ward No. 3: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Highway 366 with the eastern boundary of the City of Crestwood; thence southeastwardly, southwestwardly, northwestwardly, southerly, southeastwardly, southwestwardly, southeastwardly, and southwestwardly around the eastern City limits to the intersection of the City limits with the Grant's Trail right-of-way; thence northwestwardly along the northeastern edge of the Grant's Trail right-of-way to its intersection with the southeastern boundary of Pardee Road; thence southwestwardly along the southeastern boundary of Pardee Road to its intersection with the center line of Garber Road; thence westwardly along the center line of Garber Road to its intersection with the center line of Buxton Drive; thence northwestwardly along the center line of Buxton Drive to its intersection with the center line of Lawndale Drive; thence westwardly along the center line of Lawndale Drive to its intersection with the center line of Cherry Brook Lane; thence northwestwardly along the center line of Cherry Brook Lane; continuing northwardly along the prolongation of the center line of Cherry Brook Lane to the center line of Mulberry Creek; thence westwardly along the center line of Mulberry Creek; thence northeastwardly along the center line of Mulberry Creek to its intersection with the center line of Gravois Creek; thence northeastwardly and northwestwardly along the center line of Gravois Creek to its intersection with the center line of Highway 366; thence northeastwardly along the center line of Highway 366 to the point of beginning.
Ward No. 4: Beginning at the intersection of the western boundary of the City of Crestwood with the center line of East Watson Road; thence easterly and northeastwardly along the center line of East Watson Road; thence northeastwardly along the center line of East Watson Road to its intersection with the center line of New Sappington Road and Watson Road; thence westwardly along the center line of Highway 366 to its intersection with the center line of Old Sappington Road; thence southeastwardly along the center line of Old Sappington Road to its intersection with the center line of New Sappington Road; thence southwardly along the center line of New Sappington Road to its intersection with the center line of Garber Road; then eastwardly along the center line of Garber Road to the eastern boundary of the City of Crestwood; thence southwestwardly along the eastern boundary of the City of Crestwood; thence westwardly along the northern boundary of the Eddie & Park Road right-of-way to the intersection of the western boundary of the City of Crestwood; thence northwardly along the western boundary of the City of Crestwood to the point of beginning.
The map filed with the Board of Aldermen by the redistricting committee shall be retained as part of the permanent records of the City and such map shall be endorsed with the notation that it sets forth the ward boundaries as established by this Section.
The Board of Aldermen hereby declares that in the event of any doubt as to the descriptions of the ward boundaries as herein set forth, the boundaries shown on such map shall be used to determine such descriptions.
[R.O. 1985 § 8-2; Ord. No. 611, § 11, 9-20-1960; Ord. No. 807, § 3, 1-28-1964; Code 1965, § 2.020; Ord. No. 4669, § 1, 6-28-2016]
The City Clerk is hereby directed to comply with all of the provisions of Chapter 115, RSMo. and with all regulations of the County Board of Election Commissioners adopted pursuant thereto.
[R.O. 1985 § 8-3; Ord. No. 4, § I, 5-5-1949; Code 1965, § 2.05; Ord. No. 3424, § 1, 8-27-1996]
General Municipal Elections. The general municipal election shall be held annually, on the date provided by State law.
Special Elections. The Board of Aldermen may, by resolution, order special elections, fix the time for such elections and provide for holding such elections on any of the dates provided for elections by State law.
Conduct Of Election. All City elections shall be nonpartisan and governed by the provisions of the Crestwood Charter and applicable State law. The Board of Aldermen may further regulate elections by ordinance, subject to the provisions of the Crestwood Charter and applicable State law.
Editor's Note: Former § 8-4, which pertained to special elections and was derived from Ord. No. 4, adopted 5-5-1949, as amended, was repealed 8-27-1996 by Ord. No. 3424. For current provisions, see § 8-3.
[R.O. 1985 § 8-5; Code 1965, § 2.07; Ord. No. 1149, § 1, 10-14-1969; Ord. No. 1758, § 1, 10-9-1979; Ord. No. 1803, § 1, 11-11-1980; Ord. No. 1982, § 1, 11-27-1984; Ord. No. 3089, § 1, 10-25-1988; Ord. No. 3125, § 1, 9-12-1989; Ord. No. 3424, § 2, 8-27-1996; Ord. No. 4504, § 1, 11-25-2014; Ord. No. 4612, § 1, 1-12-2016; Ord. No. 4669, § 3, 6-28-2016]
Any person desiring to become a candidate for any elective office in the City shall file a notice of candidacy, supporting petition, a copy of the affidavit filed with the Missouri Department of Revenue related to tax payments and bonding requirements, and pay a filing fee, as herein set forth.
The opening date for filing for candidacy shall be 8:00 a.m. on the 17th Tuesday prior to the election, and the closing date for such filing shall be 5:00 p.m. on the 14th Tuesday prior to the election. In accordance with Section 115.124.2, RSMo., the names of candidates who file a declaration of candidacy prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first day of filing shall appear on the ballot in an order determined by a random drawing. The City Clerk shall record the number drawn with the candidate's declaration of candidacy. The names of candidates filing on the first day of filing for each office on each ballot shall be listed in ascending order of the numbers so drawn. A representative of a candidate who filed under Section 115.355.2, RSMo., may draw a number at random at the time of filing. The names of all candidates who file a declaration of candidacy after 5:00 p.m. on the first day of filing shall be listed after those filing on the first day of filing in the order in which the declarations of candidacy were filed.
[Ord. No. 4894, 8-28-2018; Ord. No. 5175, 8-24-2021]
The form of notice of candidacy shall be obtained from the City Clerk. Such notice shall be filled out in its entirety and be signed by the candidate at the time of filing same in the presence of the City Clerk. In accordance with the provisions of Section 115.355, RSMo., if a prospective candidate is unable, by reason of physical disability or active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, to appear before the City Clerk, such candidate may submit a written request for the notice form and may complete same and return the declaration of candidacy accompanied by a sworn statement.
[Ord. No. 4894, 8-28-2018]
At the time of filing the notice of candidacy, each candidate shall file a petition containing the signatures and addresses of at least twenty (20) registered and qualified voters of the City requesting that the candidate's name be placed on the ballot for the office requested. Candidates must also file, at the time of filing the notice of candidacy, a copy of his or her candidate's affidavit of tax payments and bonding requirements filed with the Missouri Department of Revenue pursuant to Section 115.306, RSMo.
A filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) shall be paid to the City Clerk at the time of the filing of the notice of candidacy and petition. Such filing fee shall be deposited to the credit of the City's general revenue fund.
[Ord. No. 5251, 3-8-2022]
At least fifteen (15) days before the opening date for filing a notice of candidacy, the City Clerk shall cause to be published in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the City and shall post such notice in City Hall, stating:
The office or offices to be filled.
The opening filing date and the closing filing date for the filing of notices of candidacy, supporting petitions, copies of affidavits, and paying the filing fee.
The place for filing the notice of candidacy, petition, copy of affidavit and paying the filing fee.
Copies of the notice of candidacy may be obtained from the City Clerk.
In addition to any penalties provided by State law, any person making a false statement on a notice of candidacy, or any affidavit or document required to be submitted to the City Clerk by this Chapter, is guilty of an ordinance violation of the City of Crestwood and shall be subject to penalties in accordance with Section 1-6 of this Code.
[R.O. 1985 § 8-6; Ord. No. 611, § 2, 9-20-1960; Ord. No. 807, § 3, 1-28-1964; Code 1965, § 2.10; Ord. No. 4612, § 2, 1-12-2016]
Posting. The City Clerk shall cause a notice of all elections to be provided on the City's website and posted at City Hall, at the Crestwood Community Center, and at any additional public areas as may be determined by the City Clerk at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of said election. Such notice shall merely give the purposes of the election, the offices to be filled and the propositions to be voted upon, with the hours that the polls are to be open and the polling places. The notice shall be headed "Notice of City Election" or "Notice of Special Election," as the case may be. If the laws of the State require additional or other notice in any matters submitted to the voters of the City, the City Clerk shall give such additional or other notice as may be required by law.
Publication. In addition to the notices to be posted, publication shall be made by the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners as required by State statute.
[R.O. 1985 § 8-7; Ord. No. 611, § 1, 9-20-1960; Code 1965, § 2.08]
All elections in the City shall be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated and passed by the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners.
[R.O. 1985 § 8-8; Ord. No. 611, § 6, 9-20-1960; Ord. No. 726, § 1, 5-1-1962; Ord. No. 807, § 3, 1-28-1964; Code 1965, § 2.14; Ord. No. 4669, § 2, 6-28-2016]
Form. The form of the ballot at all City elections shall conform to all applicable regulations of the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners. In the event that the language or syntax of a ballot proposition approved by the Board of Aldermen does not comply with the regulations of the Board of Election Commissioners, the City Clerk is authorized to make non-substantive revisions to the ballot language to ensure compliance with State law, the Charter, and/or the regulations of the Board of Election Commissioners. Any revision which affects the substance of the ballot proposition shall be made by ordinance by the Board of Aldermen.
Position Of Names. The City Clerk shall list the candidates for each office on the ballot in the chronological order in which they completed all of their requirements for having their names printed on the ballot.