[R.O. 1985 § 13-81; Ord. No. 646, § 1, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.01]
Terms used in this Division have the following meanings:
A room operated as an incident to the major business of selling gasoline, motor oil and lubricants, in which cars are manually washed or polished as distinguished from the places properly known as "quick auto washes."
The business of selling gasoline, motor oil and lubricants, automobile accessories and tires, in connection with which lubricating racks and car washrooms may be maintained and operated, and incidental sales of merchandise may be made.
The selling of cigarettes, tobacco, cold drinks, kerosene, heating oil and small articles of merchandise other than standard automobile accessories, which may be displayed in showcases, indoor shelving or vending machines.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-82; Ord. No. 646, § 2, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.01]
No person shall operate a filling station in the City without a special permit therefor as provided in the zoning regulations. A special permit authorizing the operation of a filling station shall be limited to the conduct of the business of a filling station.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-83; Ord. No. 314, § 8, 7-24-1956; Code 1965, § 35.14]
In addition to the penalties provided for violation of this Code, the Board of Aldermen may suspend or revoke the occupancy permit of any person violating this Division and may suspend or revoke the permit of such person to do business.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-84; Ord. No. 646, §§ 3, 6, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.03]
No tires or other merchandise may be displayed at a filling station in outdoor racks, except a limited quantity of samples which must be displayed within ten (10) feet of the building. No premiums, souvenirs or sales promotion merchandise other than a limited quantity of samples may be displayed outside the building of any filling station.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-85; Ord. No. 646, § 4, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.04]
All gasoline tanks must be underground and oil, lubricant and kerosene drums or tanks of a filling station shall be inside the building. Heating oil may be sold from a small elevated outdoor tank.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-86; Ord. No. 646, §§ 5, 12, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.05]
A permit to operate a filling station does not authorize the display, leasing or selling of used or new automobiles, house or camping trailers, tractors, graders or other motor vehicles, boats, canoes or outboard motors, or the business of wrecking or dismantling automobiles or other vehicles, or repair shops.
By special permit, after hearing before the Board of Aldermen in the manner and subject to the rules provided for special permits under Section 26-11, the following additional business may be conducted under such conditions as the Board of Aldermen shall determine are necessary for the welfare and protection of the public:
The rental of small hauling trailers which are ordinarily attached to passenger cars;
The sale of diesel fuel;
The leasing or sale of other merchandise or commodities than those included in the definitions of "filling station" and "incidental sales."
The prohibition against operating a repair shop shall not be construed to prevent the removing, repair and installation of tires, spark plugs and accessories sold on the premises, or to prevent motor tuning or minor adjustments and repairs to motor vehicles as customary in the filling stations for the accommodation of customers.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-87; Ord. No. 646, § 7, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.06]
Toilets and washrooms maintained in connection with a filling station shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times and shall be thoroughly cleaned at the close of business each day.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-88; Ord. No. 646, § 9, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.07]
All filling stations shall be regularly inspected by the Fire Chief, and the owner, operator or person in charge shall comply with all lawful requirements of the Fire Chief and provisions of the fire prevention code.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-89; Ord. No. 314, § 4, 7-24-1956; Ord. No. 646, § 10, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.08]
It shall be the duty of the owner or operator of the business to thoroughly police the grounds at the close of each business day and pick up and deposit in cans or receptacles all refuse, bottles and discarded containers, which shall be promptly removed from the premises. It shall be the duty of the owner and operator of a filling station to keep and maintain their driveways and parking areas in good condition and free from dust, mud, rubbish and oil.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-90; Ord. No. 646, § 11, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.09]
No solicitation for car washing or other services or sales shall be made at a gasoline filling station by persons beckoning or calling to passersby or by loudspeakers or other noise making contrivances.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-91; Ord. No. 646, § 14, 2-21-1961; Code 1965, § 35.10]
Filling stations shall be subject to the occupational license tax under Article III of this Chapter.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-92; Ord. No. 314, § 2, 7-24-1956; Ord. No. 332, § I, 9-25-1956; Code 1965, § 35.11]
The driveways and parking areas of a filling station shall be surfaced with blacktop, asphalt or concrete according to specifications to be prepared by the Director of Public Works. Copies of the specifications shall be filed with the City Clerk.
The filling stations in the City having driveways or parking areas which are not surfaced in accordance with such specifications shall be allowed thirty (30) days after receipt of notice from the Director of Public Works setting forth the specifications, for such driveways and parking areas, in which to surface the driveways and parking areas in accordance with the specifications.
No building permit for a filling station shall be issued unless the plans call for construction of hard surfaced driveways and parking areas. No filling station constructed after September 25, 1956, shall be granted an occupancy permit or be issued a license to operate until the driveways and parking areas have been approved by the Director of Public Works.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-93; Ord. No. 816, § 1, 4-28-1964; Code 1965, § 35.12]
The driveways and parking areas of filling stations shall be used only for ingress and egress and the temporary parking of vehicles being serviced, and shall not be used for overnight parking or storage of vehicles except those temporarily disabled or out of commission.
No filling station shall permit trucks, tractors or trailers, or any combination thereof, to park more than two (2) hours upon the premises for which the license to operate filling station applies, and no such areas shall be used for overnight parking of such vehicles or as rest stops for the drivers or crews of such vehicles.
[R.O. 1985 § 13-94; Ord. No. 314, §§ 5, 6, 7-24-1956; Code 1965, § 35.13]
Filling stations maintaining electric lights after 11:00 p.m., whether the filling station is open for business or not, shall, between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the next morning, reduce the number of lights or provide shields or other means of reducing the glare from the lights between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. as aforesaid, so as to avoid disturbing nearby residents.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to investigate any complaints as to the condition of lights in filling stations after 11:00 p.m. and to specify corrective measures to be taken, if any are required. Such specifications shall be given in writing and a copy thereof shall be filed with the Board of Aldermen and shall include a time limit for compliance. It shall be the duty of all owners and operators of filling stations to comply with such specifications concerning lights within five (5) days from the date the written specifications are delivered to any person in charge of the premises.