[R.O. 1985 § 13-276; Ord. No. 4738, § 1, 3-28-2017]
As used in this Section, the terms list below shall be defined as follows:
Any building, group of buildings, structure, facility, place, or places of business where five (5) or more guest rooms are provided, which is owned, maintained, or operated by any person and which is kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public for hire which can be construed to be a hotel, motel, motor hotel, apartment hotel, tourist court, resort, cabins, tourist home, bunkhouse, dormitory, or other similar place by whatever name called, and includes all such accommodations operated for hire as lodging establishments for either transient guests, permanent guests, or for both transient and permanent guests.
A rental of any legally permitted dwelling unit, or a portion of such a legally permitted dwelling unit, other than a lodging establishment, for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days.
Any person, other than the owner who occupies a guest room, except guest rooms at a lodging establishment, for a period of less than thirty (30) continuous days.
Short-term rentals shall be prohibited within the City of Crestwood, except at lodging establishments. The owner and/or transient guest may be jointly and severally liable for violations of this Section. Pursuant to Section 1-6 of this Code, each and every day during any portion of which a violation of this Section is committed, continued or permitted, shall be a separate offense.