The minimum number of accessory off-street parking spaces shall conform to the requirements of § 210-56 of this article, except that:
The Planning Board, in conjunction with site development plan approval as provided in Article IX of this chapter, may permit a reduction in the number of developed parking spaces where adequate accessible reserve areas are available and designated on the plan as areas for overflow parking.
The Planning Board may reduce the required number of parking spaces upon demonstration by the applicant that number exceeds the requirement for the estimated peak period and a demonstration by the applicant that such reduction would not induce parking on public ways or result in hazardous conditions for vehicles and pedestrians within or proximate to the site. This reduction by the Planning Board may not exceed 25% of the normally required amount. Further, the Board may require that the site plan leave sufficient space for additional parking should future use(s) of the site, as may be anticipated by this chapter, require it.
Location. Areas which may be considered as open or enclosed off-street parking spaces include any private garage, carport or other area available for parking, other than a street, entrance and exit lanes or a driveway, except that no vehicle shall be parked or stored in any required yard or fire lane. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to § § 210-52 and 210-53, vehicles may be parked on any portion of a legal residential driveway except per Subsection A(2) herein. All driveways which lead to a county or state highway shall include an adequate turnaround area to preclude the need for backing onto same.
In a case where temporary parking on the street is necessary for driveway repair or replacement, a parking permit for no more than seven days may be obtained from the Village building department for up to six vehicles.
No parking shall be permitted behind the front setback line or behind the front line of the residence, whichever is greater.
For road maintenance and pedestrian safety, vehicles parked in a residential driveway may park no closer than five feet from the pavement edge of a public road.
Size of spaces. Minimum parking stall width shall be nine feet, except that the Planning Board may reduce stall widths for employee parking areas to 8 1/2 feet. Minimum parking stall length shall be 19 feet and minimum aisle width shall be 24 feet.
Access. Unobstructed access to and from a street shall be provided for nonresidential uses. Such access shall consist of at least one twelve-foot lane for parking areas with 20 or fewer spaces and at least two twelve-foot lanes for parking areas with over 20 spaces. Access to roads shall include adequate turnaround area to preclude the need for backing out onto the road right-of-way.
Drainage and surfacing. All open parking areas and access drives shall be properly drained, and all such areas shall be suitably paved with concrete, asphalt, macadam or other similar paving material, except that grassed areas or a dustless surface may be used at the discretion of the Planning Board. For any residential use, a dustless surface may be used, provided any driveway access within the front setback be adequately paved with concrete, asphalt, macadam or other similar paving material.
Joint facilities. Required parking spaces, open or enclosed, may be provided in spaces designated to serve jointly two or more uses or owners, whether or not located on the same lot, provided that the number of required spaces in such joint facilities shall not be less than the total required for all such uses.
Combined uses. When any lot contains two or more uses having different parking requirements, the parking requirements for each use shall apply to the extent of that use. Where one or more such uses will be generating a demand for parking spaces primarily during periods when the other use or uses are not in operation, the Planning Board may reduce the total parking spaces required by 50% of the parking spaces required for that use with the least requirement.
Location and ownership. Required accessory parking spaces shall be provided upon the same lot as the use to which they are accessory or on a nearby lot, provided that all spaces on the second lot are located within 400 feet walking distance of the original lot along the existing road network. Parking spaces shall conform to all the requirements of the district in which the parking spaces are located. In no event shall such parking spaces be located in any residence district unless the use to which the spaces are accessory is permitted in such residence district. Such spaces shall be in the same ownership as the use to which they are accessory and shall be subject to deed restriction in a form approved by the Village Attorney, binding the owner and his heirs and assigns to maintain the required number of spaces available, either throughout the existence of the use to which they are accessory or until such spaces are provided elsewhere.
On lots divided by district boundaries. When a parking lot is located partly in one district and partly in another district, the regulations for the district requiring the greatest number of parking spaces shall apply to the entire lot. Parking spaces on such lot may be located without regard to district lines, provided that such parking spaces shall not be located in any residence district unless the use to which they are accessory is permitted in such district.
No lot within the Village of Airmont shall be used for accessory parking for a principal use that is not located in the Village.
Wherever a parking area of over five spaces abuts or is within 15 feet of a lot in any residence district, it shall be screened from such residential lot by a substantial wall, fence or thick hedge, approved by the Planning Board.
Prohibited nonresidential driveway access across land in residential districts. No driveway shall provide access to a lot located in a nonresidential district across land in a residential district.
Circular driveways. Circular driveways may be permitted in all residential districts subject to the following conditions:
The applicant shall show the location of driveway on a drawing prepared by a certified engineer or surveyor.
Driveway shall have adequate sight distance from both entrances.
Each driveway opening shall be a minimum of 15 feet from the property line as measured from the paved area closest to the lot line or from the outside curve.
Driveways shall be separated by no less than 75 feet at the inside curve.
Driveways shall slope toward the road for 20 feet at a minimum of 2%.
The dwelling on the property shall exceed the minimum front setback to allow the loop of the driveway to be placed behind the front setback line.
All curb cuts shall have dropped curbs.
Driveway width shall be limited to 12 feet.
First 10 feet of driveway must be paved with asphalt, concrete, or pavers.
Driveways shall exit on local roads only as designated on the Village Street Map.
Driveways shall be a minimum of 75 feet from any intersection.
The permit for road opening can only be issued in connection with a building permit application and the Building Inspector's oversight of driveway construction.
If all above conditions are met, the Village Engineer can issue a circular driveway permit. If any condition cannot be met, the applicant may apply to the Village Planning Board for site plan review and approval.
Any circular driveway that is existing prior to the adoption of this section (L.L. No. 1-2002) shall be deemed to be grandfathered and not subject to this section, provided adequate proof can be provided demonstrating that said circular driveway preexisted the adoption of this section.
No residential driveway shall exceed 20 feet in width within the designated street line or Village right-of-way.
The amendments contained herein shall be the maximum requirements for any driveways installed after the effective date of this subsection. Nothing herein is intended to create a violation for any driveway within the Village of Airmont where the dimensional width exceeds the maximum permitted width prior to the effective date of this subsection, and all such driveways are expressly relieved of any violation.
The slope of a driveway shall not exceed 12%.
Not more than one commercial vehicle, of 25 feet or less in length, may stand or be parked on a developed lot in any residence district, but not within the required yards of such lot and in no case between the street line and the principal building.
Not more than one commercial vehicle of 25 feet or less in length may be parked within a private garage in any residence district.
Commercial vehicles are permitted as accessory to a commercial farm use in any residence district but shall not be stored or parked within any required yard.
No commercial vehicle shall be parked or stored on any unimproved lot.
One house trailer, recreational vehicle or boat and boat trailer may stand, be parked or stored on any developed residential lot:
Behind the front setback line or behind the front line of the residence, whichever is greater; or
Beyond any other required yard.
All other outdoor parking, storage or use of such vehicles is prohibited.
The use of such a vehicle for dwelling purposes is prohibited.
Off-street loading berths are required for all nonresidential structures or uses. Nonresidential uses permitted in residential districts shall have one loading berth with minimum dimensions of 10 feet by 40 feet and a clear height of 15 feet for the first 20,000 square feet of gross floor area and one additional berth for each additional 40,000 square feet of gross floor area or major portion thereof. In the NS and VC Districts, there shall be one loading berth with minimum dimensions of 10 feet by 50 feet with a clear height of 15 feet for the first 10,000 square feet of gross floor area and one additional berth for each 20,000 square feet of gross floor area or major portion thereof. In the PI, PO and LO Districts, there shall be one loading berth with minimum dimensions of 10 feet by 50 feet with a clear height of 15 feet for the first 20,000 square feet of gross floor area and one additional berth for each 40,000 square feet of gross floor area or major portion thereof. Loading berths and loading doors shall not face the front yard or a public street. Where loading berths and doors face a residential district boundary, they must be screened. The Planning Board may modify the minimum requirements where necessary to ensure proper circulation and traffic safety or where such change would not create future difficulties in the event that the structures or uses are changed to any other use permitted by right in the district.
Location and access. Unobstructed access, at least 12 feet wide, to and from a street shall be provided to off-street loading berths. Such access may be combined with access to parking areas. No off-street loading berth shall be located between the street line and principal building. A loading berth shall not be located in any required yard and shall be screened where visible from any residential district boundary, residential lot, or public road.
Joint facilities. Loading berths may be provided in spaces designed to serve jointly two or more adjacent establishments, provided that the number of required berths in such joint facilities shall not be less than the aggregate of all such requirements. The provision of joint facilities shall not reduce the minimum overall yard area required.
On lots divided by district boundaries. When a lot is located partly in one district and partly in another district, the regulations for the district requiring the greater number of loading berths shall apply to the entire lot. Loading berths on such lot may not be located in any residence district unless the use to which they are accessory is permitted in such district.
Access near street intersections. No entrance or exit for any accessory off-street parking area with more than four parking spaces, nor for any loading berth, shall be located closer than 75 feet to the intersection of any two designated street lines as determined by the Official Map. This distance shall be 100 feet for any signalized intersection or an intersection providing for a designated left-turn storage lane on the same intersection leg as the proposed access drive.
Screening. Parking areas with more than four spaces in a residential district shall be screened from all property lines, including any roads bordering the property. All parking areas and loading berths shall be screened from any residential district boundary where visible. Such screening shall not obstruct sight distance. The Planning Board may require landscaping between nonresidential use parking areas to prevent massing of such areas and to protect the character and compatibility of adjacent uses.
Requirements for lighting. See § 210-87, Exterior lighting regulations.
Regulations for parking spaces. The Planning Board is empowered, subject to Article XX, § 210-180, to adopt rules and regulations providing for standard design of parking areas, including striping of stalls; provision of vehicle stops; control of traffic movements; and specifications for surfacing of required parking spaces.
At least one parking space for each unit of measurement listed or as otherwise noted below will be required for the following uses:
Schools of general and religious instruction. At least one parking space per 300 feet of floor area or 12 student seats, whichever requirement is greater, plus one space per two enrolled students over the age of 16.
Buildings or open stands for display and sale of agricultural products. At least one parking space per five feet of frontage or 100 square feet of floor/sales area, whichever requirement is less.
Residential places of assembly. At least one parking space per 200 square feet of floor area or one per three seats' capacity, whichever is greater.
[Amended 2-5-2024 by L.L. No. 2-2024]
Camps, day camps, recreational facilities or stables or riding academies. At least one parking space for five persons' capacity or as determined by the Planning Board for the highest peak period, whichever is greater.
Hospitals. At least one parking space for each bed, plus one space per 250 square feet of outpatient clinic floor area, plus one per 150 square feet of separate physician office space.
Sanatoriums, nursing homes and convalescent facilities. At least one parking space per two beds.
Golf courses or other outdoor recreational facilities. At least one parking space per 1/3 hole or four persons' practical capacity.
Public utilities. At least one parking space for each employee in the maximum working shift.
Cemeteries. Minimum capacity for 40 vehicles clear of any public street.
Home professional office. At least two parking spaces for residents and such additional parking for the home professional office use as shall be required by the Planning Board.
Nursery schools. At least one parking space per employee, and at least one parking space for every five students, as defined at its maximum capacity.
Family and group care facilities. At least one parking space per 1/3 of the dwelling but not more than five spaces of which not more than two are visible to the public way.
One-family residence. At least two parking spaces per dwelling, plus two spaces for any home occupation.
Volunteer ambulance service facilities. As many parking spaces as are determined in the special permit use therefor, but not less than for the highest peak period as determined by the Planning Board.
Libraries, museums and art galleries. At least one parking space per 150 square feet in such use, plus one for each employee.
Senior citizen housing. At least one parking spaces per bedroom plus 0.5 spaces per dwelling unit for visitor/guest parking. For the purposes of calculating parking, a den shall be counted as a bedroom if, in the Planning Board's judgment, a den can be converted into a bedroom. If, in the Planning Board's judgment, the nature of a particular development will not require all spaces initially, the Planning Board may waive the paving of a portion of the spaces. However, area for all required spaces must be shown on the site plan and an amount must be placed in escrow as determined by the Planning Board to ensure the future installation of the spaces. Any such waiver must be based on documentation submitted by the applicant.
Housing for the physically handicapped. At least one parking space per 3/4 of the dwelling unit.
Congregate care housing developments. At least 1 1/2 off-street parking spaces must be provided for each dwelling unit. The Planning Board may allow the provision of fewer parking spaces, after evidence has been given regarding the availability of developer-sponsored van service or other ride-sharing for the prospective residents of the housing development.
Local convenience commercial and local convenience shopping centers. At least one parking space per 150 square feet of floor area.
Local office business. At least one parking space per 200 square feet of floor area.
Gasoline service station. At least one parking space per four dispensing nozzles, plus one per 1/4 service bay, plus two additional, but not less than five.
Automotive repairs. At least one parking space per 1/4 bay, plus one per 100 square feet of office and waiting area.
Laundromat. At least one parking space per three machines.
Neighborhood restaurants. At least one parking space per two seats' capacity.
Fast-food restaurants. At least one parking space for each 40 square feet of customer service area, plus one per two seats' capacity.
Shopping centers (VC). At least one parking space per 150 square feet of floor area for the first 5,000 square feet and one space per 200 square feet of floor area in excess of 5,000 square feet.
Automotive sales. At least one parking space per 1/2 salesman position.
Medical/dental offices and clinics. At least one parking space per 150 square feet of floor area.
Social halls, meeting rooms, convention or catering facilities. At least one parking space per two seats or one per 100 square feet, whichever is greater, plus one for each two employees.
Commercial recreation. Not less than the highest peak period as determined by the Planning Board.
Animal kennels, veterinary hospitals. At least one parking space per 1/4 practitioner, plus two additional spaces.
Automobile rental facilities. At least one parking space per employee, plus 10 spaces.
Restaurants. At least one parking space per two seats' capacity.
Automotive body shop. At least one parking space per 1/4 bay, plus one per 100 square feet of office and waiting area.
Hotels and motels. At least one parking space per accommodation unit, plus one per three employees in the maximum working shift, plus additional spaces for auxiliary uses in accordance with the schedule for each use.
Equipment and machinery rentals. At least one parking space per 150 square feet of floor area.
Funeral chapels. At least one parking space per five seats' capacity.
Banks. At least one parking space per 200 square feet of floor area.
Offices. At least one parking space per 200 square feet.
Child-care center. At least one parking space for each employee, and one space for every five children enrolled in the child-care center, as defined at it maximum capacity.
Retail sales and service. At least one parking space per 200 square feet of floor area.
Residential places of worship shall follow the parking requirements found in § 210-12.2 and freestanding places of worship shall follow the parking requirements found in § 210-12.3.
[Added 2-5-2024 by L.L. No. 2-2024]
Where parking requirements are not shown, the Planning Board will make a determination based on characteristics of the use.