[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Douglass as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 4-1-1969 by Ord. No. 29 (Ch. 1, Part 3A, of the 1986 Code of Ordinances); amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
A Planning Commission, also referred to as the "Planning Agency" or the "Agency," consisting of seven members is hereby created and established for the Township of Douglass, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, pursuant to the provisions of Article II, Section 201 et seq., of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as established by the Act of July 31, 1968, P.L. 805, No. 247, as amended and reenacted (53 P.S. § 10201 et seq.).
The term of each of the members of the Agency shall be for four years, or until his successor is appointed and qualified, except that the terms of the members first appointed pursuant to this article shall be so fixed that no more than two shall be so reappointed or replaced during any calendar year.
The Planning Agency shall have all the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon it as set forth in Article II of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, established by the Act of July 31, 1968, P.L. 805, No. 247, as amended and reenacted (53 P.S. § 10201 et seq.).
[Adopted 2-5-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. II, Emergency Services Board, adopted 12-1-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-06, as amended.
There is hereby established the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board, whose membership shall consist of representation from local volunteer emergency service agencies, Municipal Public Safety Departments, Building and Zoning Code Officials, the Fire Marshal, a representative from the Douglass Township Board of Supervisors and citizens from the Township.
The Douglass Township Emergency Services Board shall establish appropriate procedures to ensure the prompt and organized delivery of emergency services throughout the Township and shall, when it deems necessary, recommend policy-making decisions to the Board of Supervisors regarding improvement of emergency services to better facilitate the protection of persons and property located within the Township.
The Douglass Township Emergency Services Board shall have the authority to adopt rules, regulations, bylaws, plans of action and procedures governing emergency services within the Township. Such rules, regulations, bylaws, plans of action and procedures shall not be effective until they have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The Douglass Township Emergency Services Board shall hold a meeting once every other month or six times per year at the Douglass Township Administration Building at a time to be determined by the Board. Additional meetings may be scheduled if deemed necessary by a majority vote of the Board.
In the event that any member of the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board believes that a situation requires an emergency meeting of the Emergency Services Board, he or she shall contact all other Emergency Services Board members and establish the time for an emergency meeting at the Douglass Township Administration Building. A quorum of the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board must be established to constitute an official emergency meeting.
At the conclusion of each meeting, the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board Secretary shall prepare a report containing the discussions of that meeting and any policy-making recommendations determined at that meeting. This report shall be presented to the Douglass Township Board of Supervisors at least one business day before the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting.
Membership in the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board shall consist of a representative from each of the following groups, organizations, or agencies, as may from time to time be authorized by resolution of the Board of Supervisors:
Board of Supervisors. One member appointed from the Douglass Township Board of Supervisors. The appointed Douglass Township Board of Supervisor shall serve as a Board member of the Gilbertsville Area Community Ambulance Service or current recognized emergency medical service provider and have voting power on that respective board;
Police services. One member of the Douglass Township Police Department as appointed by the Chief of Police;
Fire services. One member of the recognized Fire and Rescue Department(s) in the Township as appointed by its Chief;
Emergency medical services. One member from each emergency medical service provider that holds primary response coverage in the Township as appointed by its President;
Building/zoning services. One member to be selected from the Douglass Township Building Code Official, Zoning Officer, Code Enforcement Officer or Building Inspector as appointed by the Township;
Emergency management coordinator. The appointed Douglass Township Emergency Management Coordinator or the Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator;
Fire marshal. The appointed Douglass Township Fire Marshal;
Private citizens. One resident from each of the four Douglass Township voting districts, two of which will be appointed by the Douglass Township Board of Supervisors to serve on the Gilbertsville Area Community Ambulance Service Board or current recognized emergency medical service provider.
Members of the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board shall serve for a one-year term of office for their respective position or, in the event that the member is an elected official, until a successor has been duly elected and taken office.
The Chairman, Vice Chair and Secretary of the Emergency Services Board shall be selected by vote of the membership annually at the first meeting of the year.
Each fire department, police department and emergency medical service department that provides a service in Douglass Township must submit and present its fiscal budget for the upcoming year to the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board for review no later than the final Emergency Services Board meeting of the preceding year.
The fiscal year for the member organizations of the Douglass Township Emergency Services Board will run from January 1 to December 31.