The off-street parking and off-street loading provisions of this article shall apply as follows:
Accessory off-street parking and off-street loading facilities shall be provided as required by the regulations of this article for all buildings and structures. These regulations shall apply to parking situated in an uncovered open area and to parking provided within or beneath a building.
Where the intensity of use of any building is increased through the addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, seating capacity, or other units of measurement, or where the existing use of a building is changed to a new use which requires more off-street parking than would have previously been required, such additional parking and loading facilities as required by this article shall be provided.
Where a building or structure was erected prior to the effective date of this chapter, the provision of additional parking or loading facilities is mandatory only in the event the floor area of the building or structure is increased and then only to the extent required by such added floor area.
Off-street parking facilities in existence on the effective date of this chapter and located on the same lot as the building or use served shall not hereafter be reduced below the requirements for a similar new building or use under the provisions of this article.
Required spaces.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 3604; 5-27-2020 by Ord. No. 3708; 2-28-2024 by Ord. No. 3783]
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for land uses or activities permitted by this chapter shall be as set forth in Schedule IX, which schedule is hereby adopted and made part of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: This schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Off-street parking shall not be required for uses in the Central Business District except for buildings constructed or used for residential living units as the principal land use. The Central Business District shall be defined as that area bounded by Marr Street on the east, Merrill Street on the north, the East Branch of the Fond du Lac River on the west, and Western Avenue and Fourth Street on the south.
Off-street parking for a building constructed or used for residential living units as the principal land use shall be provided as required in Article X. If any or all of the required parking cannot be provided on the same lot, the owner of the dwelling units may secure off-site parking to satisfy the requirements of Article X. Off-site parking shall be provided within a convenient distance from the dwelling unit(s), and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the dwelling unit(s) to provide leased parking space(s) on a continuing basis.
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for residential in Neighborhood Mixed Use District shall be 1.00 spaces per efficiency and one-bedroom dwelling unit and 1.75 spaces per 2+ bedroom dwelling unit.
The determination of required off-street parking shall be based on the gross square footage of a building, exclusive of basements and crawl space areas used exclusively for the operation of a building.
Location. Required off-street parking shall be located on the same lot as the use to be served, except for a residential use in the C-1 District pursuant to § 720-50. Off-street parking for a shopping center, including any outlot or satellite lot, may be provided in a shared arrangement if the total number of spaces is not less than the sum of the separate requirements for each use, site or property. A parking lot for a commercial use may extend into an adjacent property zoned for residential use when approved by special use permit.
[Amended 7-22-2015 by Ord. No. 3586]
Area and access.
[Amended 12-10-2014 by Ord. No. 3568]
The minimum size of an off-street parking space (covered or uncovered) shall be not less than nine feet by 18 feet, exclusive of drives, aisles, structural supports and columns, or similar obstructions.
An off-street parking space shall be independently accessible to a drive aisle or driveway that provides access to a street or alley. A tandem parking configuration for one parking space in a garage or carport and one uncovered parking space in front of the garage or carport within the allowable driveway area may be used to meet the on-site parking requirement for a residential use.
In addition to the allowable driveway of a one- or two-family dwelling, one uncovered parking space is permitted alongside an attached or detached garage, provided that such parking space is not located between the building and the front lot line, is at least eight feet from a side and/or rear lot line, constructed to not interfere with drainage of the property or any abutting property, and is screened with landscape plantings or fencing. For a corner lot or through lot, an uncovered parking space shall not be located in any yard area that abuts a street. The size of an uncovered parking space alongside a garage shall not exceed 12 feet in width and 18 feet in depth.
For one- or two-family dwellings located along streets where parking is prohibited on either side of the public-right-of-way and where no alley access is present, an additional off-street paved parking space may be allowed. An off-street parking space no larger than five feet wide and 18 feet long and located parallel, adjacent and contiguous to the main existing driveway, but not to include the egress and public right-of-way may be allowed, provided:
[Added 3-23-2022 by Ord. No. 3750]
An access less than nine feet wide which has a grade slope of 15% or less in slope to the rear is not available.
The parking space shall be installed behind the front building lines (extended) of the structure.
The existing driveway width is equal to or less than the width of the single-car garage, but not wider than 15 feet.
The pavement setbacks shall be at least two feet from all property lines. No minimum pavement setbacks for properties with shared driveways.
When § 720-79C(4)(a) and (b) cannot be met, then a parking space may be located between the public right-of-way and the structure in a front yard or street yard.
Landscape plantings shall be provided in all parking lot setback areas. Refer to Subsection F(2).
Front yards:
C-1 District: five feet.
C-2 District: 10 feet.
O District: 15 feet.
M-1 District: 30 feet.
M-BP District: 50 feet.
Residential districts: refer to front yard setback requirements of individual zoning districts. [Refer to Schedule III.]
Side and rear yards: minimum five feet except as may be required by this chapter for a specific use.
[Amended 11-28-2018 by Ord. No. 3680]
No setback shall be required along a public alleyway.
Where the interior (along side or rear lot lines) of a parking lot abuts the building wall of an adjacent property no side or rear yard setback shall be required, provided that curbing, wheel stops or other similar measures are employed to prevent vehicles from rolling across a property line.
Where the interior (along side or rear lot lines) of a parking lot abuts a parking lot of an adjacent property no side or rear yard setback shall be required, provided that curbing, wheel stops or other similar measures are employed to prevent vehicles from rolling across a property line.
Notwithstanding setback requirements of this article, the more restrictive shall apply.
Single-family and two-family residences.
Driveways shall be no wider than 24 feet at the front lot line, but may increase to any width between the front lot line and the garage, not exceeding the width of the garage. In no case shall any part of the driveway exceed the width of the garage except where additional parking is located alongside the garage pursuant to Subsection C. Where the driveway width at the garage exceeds the allowable maximum width at the front lot line, the driveway shall be tapered to be no wider than 24 feet at the front lot line. Where no garage exists the maximum driveway width shall not exceed 20 feet. Said driveway shall not extend past the rear wall of the building and shall be situated so as not to create a front yard parking area.
Circular driveways. Circular, horseshoe and similar type driveways shall be permitted where the minimum lot width is at least 100 feet. The maximum width of such a driveway shall not exceed 15 feet, except for the area of allowable paving in front of or alongside of a garage. The maximum curb opening shall not exceed 17 feet. For driveways with two curb openings, the spacing shall provide a minimum dimension of 50 feet between the inside driveway edges, measured at the front lot line.
Single-family condominium residences. Refer to § 720-33D.
Multifamily. No driveway shall be wider than 24 feet at the public right-of-way line within the required front yard area, with a maximum width elsewhere of 20 feet. The twenty-foot width may be increased where the Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue Department determines a modification is necessary for public safety. Parking shall be prohibited along all common driveway area.
[Amended 1-28-2015 by Ord. No. 3570]
Commercial and industrial. Maximum driveway width shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and shall consider specific circumstances of the individual property and land use.
Design and maintenance.
Surfacing. Off-street parking areas, loading areas and driveways should be provided with a compacted base at least four inches thick and paved with four inches of concrete or three inches of asphalt. Paving is required within one year of construction of a parking area, loading area or driveway. If left unpaved for the permitted time period, a base course consisting of a minimum of four inches of gravel is required prior to occupancy.
[Amended 3-28-2018 by Ord. No. 3661]
Screening and landscaping. Off-street parking areas should be screened on all sides except when a side or rear yard abuts another parking lot, or the side or rear building wall of an adjacent property situated at or near the common property line, or a public alleyway. Any parking area accommodating more than 40 vehicles should provide landscape islands or planters at the beginning and end of each row. Landscape islands should be the approximate size of a parking stall. Screening should consist of a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubbery and, at a minimum, reflect the character of the property and of adjacent properties. Shrubs should be at least 24 inches in height at the time of planting. Plants used for screening purposes should be designed to provide an effective, dense screen within two years after the date of planting. The minimum caliper of a tree is two inches.
[Amended 3-28-2018 by Ord. No. 3661]
Lighting. A lighting plan is required whenever exterior lighting is installed or modified, or when a site undergoes site plan review pursuant to § 720-12, of this chapter. The lighting plan shall include light fixture details which depict the height, design, and method of shielding; a photometric plan shall show the proposed intensity of illumination distributed across the site in a grid-like fashion. Site illumination shall be arranged so as not to reflect direct light, glare or wash onto adjacent properties or the public right-of-way.
[Amended 3-25-2015 by Ord. No. 3575]
Site lighting shall utilize fixtures that reflect the architecture and style of the building(s) as well as the overall site design.
The height of freestanding lights shall be measured from finished grade to the top of the light fixture.
Freestanding lights shall not exceed 18 feet in height for commercial, institutional and industrial properties and uses located adjacent to residential properties and uses.
Freestanding lights shall not exceed 24 feet in height for commercial and industrial properties and uses.
Freestanding lights shall not exceed 12 feet in height for institutional, educational, and residential properties and uses.
The height of freestanding lights for an outdoor recreation facility that is designed for active recreation, whether publicly or privately owned, where the facility is not within 200 feet of property zoned for residential use or property used for residential purposes is not limited, provided:
[Added 11-28-2018 by Ord. No. 3680]
The location of the light pole(s) shall maintain a setback from a lot line not less than the mounting height of the lights.
Light pole siting shall consider existing and proposed landscape elements and topography.
Lighting may be used only for the duration of an event.
Where an outdoor recreation facility designed for active recreation, whether publicly or privately owned, is within 200 feet of property zoned for residential use or property used for residential purposes, light pole height that exceeds the maximum height as described in Subsection F(3)(c), (d) and (e) will require review and approval of the Plan Commission.
[Added 11-28-2018 by Ord. No. 3680]
Repair and service. No vehicle repair work of any kind shall be permitted in any off-street parking area, driveway or access aisle.
Prohibited parking. Parking of vehicles shall be permitted only within allowable driveway area and paved off-street parking pursuant to this article. Parking of vehicles in any yard area is prohibited.
[Added 6-25-2014 by Ord. No. 3552]
Off-street loading berths shall be provided in connection with any building or structure which is to be erected or enlarged and which requires the receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise by trucks or similar vehicles.
Location. All required off-street loading berths and access thereto shall be located entirely on the same lot as the use to be served. Suitable property area shall be provided for on-site turning and maneuvering of vehicles. No portion of any vehicle shall project into a street or alley. No loading berth shall be located in a required front yard.
M-BP District. In addition to the provisions of this subsection, loading areas and loading docks are not permitted on the side of a building adjacent to a street or a highway.
Access. Each required off-street loading berth shall be provided with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements.
Space allocation. Space allocated to any off-street loading berth shall not, while so allocated, be used to satisfy the space requirements for any off-street parking facilities or portions thereof.