Under § 59.19, Wis. Stats., subject to Subsection (5), the Human Resources Director is hereby designated as the Administrative Coordinator of the County effective November 15, 2011.
[Amended by Ord. No. 29-2000; 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 21-2019 (Ord. No. 4-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
Under § 59.025, Wis. Stats., the County Board hereby assigns the powers and duties of overseeing, coordinating and managing the affairs of the various elected officials and department heads of the County to the County Board committee which is assigned jurisdiction. Each elected official and department head shall operate his respective department on a day-to-day basis and answer to the committee of jurisdiction over his respective department under this subsection for the administration of programs operated by his respective office or department.
Except as provided by this chapter or as authorized by the County Board or one of its committees, no administrative order of the Administrative Coordinator designated under Subsection (1) above shall be effective unless the proposed order has been submitted for review and approval by the Administration Committee. If the Administration Committee does not object to the proposed order within 30 days, the order may be issued. If the Administration Committee objects by adopting a motion to prohibit issuance of the order, the Administration Committee report shall be referred to the next County Board meeting for action by the full County Board. If the full County Board sustains the action of the Administration Committee, the proposed order may not be issued. If the full County Board adversarily disposes of the Administration Committee action, the proposed order may be issued.
[Amended 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 21-2019 (Ord. No. 4-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
The Administrative Coordinator shall have such staff, office space and supplies as are allocated by the County Board.
The County Board reserves the right to designate any other officer, appointed or elected, as Administrative Coordinator at any time.
Applicable Statutes. See § 59.17, Wis. Stats.
Duties Prescribed By Law and County Board. The County Clerk shall perform those duties prescribed by State law and by resolution of the County Board. He shall be the official agent for the County in all matters pertaining to the Wisconsin Retirement Fund and may fill any vacancy which may occur in his office. The County Clerk shall also review all resolutions and ordinance amendments to ensure that they are in proper form.
[Amended by Res. No. 72-2012]
Deputy. In the absence of the County Clerk, the Deputy Clerk shall perform the duties of the Clerk.
Destruction of Obsolete Public Records. The County Clerk shall offer the following public records to the State Historical Society under § 44.09, Wis. Stats., and if such offer is not accepted by the Historical Society within 60 days after written notice, the Clerk may destroy them provided that no assessment roll containing forest crop acreage may be destroyed without the prior approval of the Secretary of Revenue.
Original papers, resolutions and reports appearing in County Board proceedings, six years following the date of first publication of the same in the official proceedings of the County Board.
Tax rolls, after 15 years.
Nonpayment of Unauthorized Expenditures. The County Clerk, in conjunction with the County Treasurer, shall not honor for payment any voucher which would cause a line item of a departmental budget to be overexpended. The County Clerk, in conjunction with the County Treasurer, shall notify the department head and the Finance Committee in writing when payments cannot be honored in order to permit the department head to follow procedure described in this chapter.
[Added by Res. No. 101-81]
[Amended by Ord. No. 37-94; Ord. No. 2-98; Ord. No. 05-2006; Res. No. 117-2008]
Applicable Statutes. See §§ 59.62 and 59.25(1), 59.25(3) and 59.61(3), Wis. Stats.
Duties. The County Treasurer shall perform all duties required of him by law.
Bond. Oneida County shall execute and provide bond as prescribed by § 59.21(1)(b), Wis. Stats.
Property Tax Collection. The County Treasurer shall collect taxes in the manner prescribed in Ch. 74, Wis. Stats. Further, on or before the date prescribed in the chapter, the County Treasurer shall pay in full to the proper treasurer all special assessments and special charges included in the tax roll which have not previously been paid to, or retained by, the proper treasurer. Further, the County Treasurer shall administer the provisions of § 3.19 of this Code, adopting § 74.485, Wis. Stats.
Land Sold for Taxes. The County Treasurer shall proceed in the manner prescribed in Ch. 75, Wis. Stats. The County Treasurer shall foreclose tax liens in the manner prescribed in § 75.521, Wis. Stats.
Retention of Records. The County Treasurer shall comply with § 59.52(6), (7), (16), (17) and (18) and with the County records retention Ordinance, § 1.38.240.
Nonpayment of Unauthorized Expenditures. See § 1.12(5) of this chapter.
How Appointed. The Medical Examiner shall be appointed by the County Board under § 59.34 (1), Wis. Stats., upon the recommendation of the Law Enforcement Committee with such position established on a part-time basis.
Powers and Duties. The Medical Examiner system is adopted under § 59.34 (1), Wis. Stats. The Medical Examiner shall have the duties, powers and responsibilities as are generally set forth in § 59.34, Wis. Stats., and such additional duties as are set forth below.
[Amended by Ord. No. 90-87]
Deputy Assistant Medical Examiners. The Medical Examiner may appoint, subject to approval by the Law Enforcement Committee, Deputy Assistant Medical Examiners to serve on a part-time basis.
Supervision. The Medical Examiner, Chief Deputy Medical Examiner and any other Deputy Assistants authorized will be under the jurisdiction of the Law Enforcement and Judiciary Committee and will be entitled to fringe benefits as may be required by the federal and State laws and as provided shall be paid every two weeks out of the County Treasury for the performance of all their official duties and in lieu of all other compensation. The Law Enforcement Committee shall make a recommendation for salary of the Medical Examiner and any deputy assistant medical examiners to the Personnel Committee a reasonable period of time prior to the annual County Board budget meeting.
Collection of Fees. The Medical Examiner and any deputy assistant shall collect all such fees which they are entitled by law to receive, as provided in § 59.351, Wis. Stats.
Office and Records. The office of the Medical Examiner shall be maintained in facilities to be provided by the County in the City of Rhinelander, where the Medical Examiner shall keep proper books containing records of all inquests, setting forth the time and place of holding such inquests, the names of jurors serving thereon, together with a brief statement of the proceedings thereof.
Medical Examiner's Bond. Before entering upon the duties of the office of Medical Examiner, the Medical Examiner shall deliver to the County Clerk a bond, subscribed by two or more sufficient sureties in the penal sum of $5,000 as provided by § 59.353, Wis. Stats.
Statutory Duties. The Medical Examiner shall perform the following duties and shall exercise the following powers as provided by law:
Take all inquests of the dead when required by Ch. 979, Wis. Stats., and testify in any court proceedings regarding his findings as required.
Perform all duties of a pathological or medicolegal nature as may be required including making physical examinations and tests incident to any matter of a criminal nature when requested to do so, all as provided in § 59.34(1), Wis. Stats.
Sign all death certificates, report deaths of all motor vehicle and snowmobile victims monthly and obtain blood samples from motor vehicle victims.
Hold in custody, report and dispose of all personal property of any deceased person whose body is taken in charge by the Medical Examiner.
Conduct personal inquiries into and determine the cause and manner of death in any case where the body of a deceased person is to be cremated, as provided in § 979.10(2), Wis. Stats.
Investigate all reports of death in which there are unexplained, unusual or suspicious circumstance, as provided in § 979.01, Wis. Stats.
Additional Duties. The Medical Examiner shall perform the following additional duties:
Manage the office of the Medical Examiner, which shall consist of the Medical Examiner and any Deputy Assistants or other staff authorized by the County Board and keep all records therein.
Supervise the work of any deputies or other staff authorized and approve for payment all salaries to same.
With the approval of the Personnel Committee, upon the recommendation of the Law Enforcement Committee, contract for secretarial and/or support services.
Complete and file in such office a case investigation report on all deaths investigated pursuant to law, furnishing copies to the District Attorney or appropriate law enforcement agencies if applicable or requested and report all homicides to the District Attorney as required by law.
Conduct or order autopsies as provided by law, keep records of all autopsies performed at his direction and approve for payment all charges for those so ordered.
With approval of the Law Enforcement Committee, contract with pathologists for autopsy services on a per case fee or annual flat fee basis.
Prepare and submit to the County Board the annual budget for the office and supervise all expenditures thereunder.
Miscellaneous Provisions. The Medical Examiner and/or the Deputy Assistant Medical Examiners are authorized to use an emergency vehicle, if available, from the County Sheriff's Department for the purpose of traveling enroute to the scene of a fatal accident or a death, such vehicle to be equipped with lights and sirens as provided by law.
Applicable Statutes. See §§ 59.23 and 59.24, Wis. Stats.
Duties. The Sheriff shall perform such other duties as prescribed by State law and by resolution of the County Board. He may also in times of emergency, after conferring with the County Board Chairman, or in his absence, the County Board Vice-Chairman, or in his absence the Law Enforcement Committee, call on other counties and municipalities to furnish law enforcement officers and equipment to assist the County Sheriff's Department in the protection of the life and property within the County.
Bills. All bills of expense and vouchers of the Sheriff's Department shall first be submitted to the Law Enforcement Committee for initial approval before allowance.
[Amended by Ord. No. 111-2002]
Civil Fees and Exceptions.
[Civil fees.] Except as otherwise provided, the Sheriff and the members of his department may keep all civil fees but shall not receive any criminal, mental, or other fees for official County business. Matron's fees and fees to other persons not employees of the County called by the Sheriff into County service shall be paid.
Exceptions. As authorized by §§ 814.70 and 814.705, the Sheriff shall charge $20 per warrant fee.
Jail Expense Reimbursement Policy and Charges.
The Sheriff of Oneida County is authorized and directed to immediately implement a program for obtaining reimbursement of the costs of maintaining persons who have either been sentenced to jail or placed on probation and confined in jail for having committed a crime or who have been confined in jail as part of a pretrial detention order. The Sheriff is directed to recover the costs of maintaining prisoners in the Oneida County Jail pursuant to the terms and conditions of § 302.372, Wis. Stats., as presently enacted or as may be amended from time to time.
The actual per day cost of maintaining such person in the Oneida County Jail is determined to be $12 for the first day of incarceration and $7 for each day of incarceration thereafter for the entire period of time that the person is or was confined.
The Sheriff, or other "jailer" under § 302.372, Wis. Stats., shall choose, for each prisoner, whether to seek reimbursement under § 302.372, Wis. Stats., or as otherwise provided in Chapters 301 to 303, [Wis. Stats.,] but may not collect for the same expenses twice.
Special Deputy's Bond. The County shall pay the cost of bonds for special deputies of the Sheriff's Department.
Instructional Allowance. The County Board shall annually allot an amount to the Sheriff's Department for the attendance by Department personnel at schools of instruction conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Teletype Service. The Sheriff's Department budget shall include an appropriation for teletype service.
Post Office Box. The Sheriff's Department may rent a post office box for receipt of the Department's mail.
Applicable Statutes. See § 59.51, Wis. Stats.
Combining of Records. Pursuant to § 59.51, Wis. Stats., the Register of Deeds shall record deeds, mortgages, miscellaneous instruments, articles of incorporation or other recorded documents in RECORDS, provided separate indexes of each instrument are maintained.
Certified Land Corner Restoration Forms. The Register of Deeds shall accept and record all completed certified land corner restoration forms submitted by registered surveyors at no cost to the individual. The office of the County Surveyor shall provide the forms and binders with which to maintain these records.
Assistants. The Register of Deeds may, with the approval of the County Board Chairman, hire extra part-time help as needed.
Obsolete Records. The Register of Deeds is authorized to destroy all obsolete documents pertaining to chattels antedating by six years, including final books of entry under provisions of § 59.51(14), Wis. Stats.
Applicable Statutes. See §§ 59.39 and 59.395, Wis. Stats.
Selection of Jurors. Effective January 1, 1993, under § 756.03(1), Wis. Stats., the selection of jurors shall be by the Clerk of Circuit Court under law and consistent with the State policy on jury service.
[Added by Ord. No. 64-92]
[Amended by Ord. No. 37-94]
Applicable statutes. See §§ 59.88(3), 59.12, 59.60, Wis. Stats. Under the jurisdiction of the Land Records Committee, the Land Information Manager shall coordinate and administer the County's Land Information Program (59.88) and Corner Restoration and Map Filing herein and performs the duties of the County Surveyor under § 59.60 and the duties relating to the perpetuation of landmarks pursuant to § 59.635, Wis. Stats.
[Amended by Ord. No. 09-2006]
Zoning Duties. Under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Zoning Committee, the Planning and Zoning Director shall administer and manage the Countywide Comprehensive Zoning and Shorelands Protection Ordinance and make recommendations to the Committee and the County Board to update the ordinance as necessary to meet current and anticipated future conditions in the County to ensure that the purpose of the ordinance as set forth at §§ 59.969 and 59.692, Wis. Stats., thereof will continue to be met.
Private On-Site Waste Water Treatment Program Duties. Under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Zoning Committee, the Planning and Zoning Director shall administer and manage Chapter 13 of this General Code, Private On-Site Waste Water Treatment Systems, and make recommendations to the Committee and the County Board to update the ordinance as necessary to meet current and anticipated future conditions in the County to ensure that the purpose of the ordinance and the applicable statutes will continue to be met.
Oneida County Subdivision Control Ordinance Duties. Under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Zoning Committee, the Planning and Zoning Director shall administer and manage the provisions of Chapter 15 of this General Code and make recommendations to the Committee and the County Board to update the ordinance as necessary to meet current and anticipated future conditions in the County to ensure that the purpose of the ordinance and the applicable statutes will continue to be met.
Floodplain Zoning Duties. Under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Zoning Committee, the Planning and Zoning Director shall administer and manage Chapter 20 of this General Code, Floodplain Zoning, and make recommendations to the Committee and the County Board to update the ordinance as necessary to meet current and anticipated future conditions in the County to ensure that the purpose of the ordinance and the applicable statutes will continue to be met.
[Amended by Ord. No. 54-2015]
The Veteran's Service Officer shall be under the jurisdiction of the Social Services Committee.
Duties. The Veteran's Service Officer shall:
Attend scheduled meetings of the Social Services Committee and submit monthly reports of expenditures and activities.
Submit annual reports to the County Board.
Assist the Veteran Services Commission to complete the duties prescribed in Wisconsin Statute § 45.81.
Duties. The Family Court Commissioner shall perform those duties in connection with divorce and other family matters as prescribed by State law.
Office, etc. The Family Court Commissioner shall provide his own office, office supplies and stenographic service.
[Amended by Ord. No. 35-81; Ord. No. 37-94]
Applicable Statutes. See § 59.07(44), Wis. Stats.
Duties Prescribed by County Board. The Corporation Counsel shall perform such other duties as prescribed by resolution of the County Board. He shall specifically:
Handle all civil matters which may arise, including suits, civil trials, drafting of deeds and contracts.
Handle all ordinance violations except traffic ordinance violations, which shall be handled by the District Attorney, unless a conflict arises.
Provide opinions for the County Board and its committees, including legal notes as required pursuant to § 2.03(5), and review all resolutions and ordinance amendments to ensure that they are legal to be adopted.
[Amended by Ord. No. 24-2000; Res. No. 72-2012]
Assist in drafting resolutions for the County Board and committees, individual supervisors or department heads at their request upon reasonable notice.
Meet with the various committees of the County Board at their request and upon reasonable notice.
Assist in labor and wage negotiations, as well as grievances and other union matters when requested.
Provide legal counsel and representation to the various departments and agencies of the County.
[Amended by Ord. No. 33-2008]
Provide legal representation in behalf of the County in legal proceedings initiated under the Mental Health Act of the Wisconsin Statutes.
The Corporation Counsel shall provide legal services to the Department of Social Services in administration of the IV-D Program for the County.
Appointment and Term. See § 1.02 of this General Code.
Duties. See Chapter 11 of this General Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 40-82]
Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to provide the County with a procedure by which the County Board can appoint by election a competent Highway Commissioner who meets the minimum qualifications for the position as established by the County Board.
Appointment and Term. The County Board appoints the Highway Commissioner by election and for a term as set forth in § 1.02 of this Code and § 83.01(1), Wis. Stats., pursuant to the procedures set forth in Subsection (3).
Procedures for Selection of Highway Commissioner.
The Highway Committee, with the assistance of the Personnel Director/Administrative Coordinator, shall review the position description for Highway Commissioner before recruitment for the position is initiated to determine whether revisions thereof should be made in the best interests of the County.
Except as otherwise provided below, or by provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes, the purpose, policy and administrative standards for the recruitment and selection of the Highway Commissioner shall be consistent with the purposes, policies and standards set forth in §§ 4.24, 4.25 and 4.26 of this Code.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by Res. No. 13-2021[1], effective 2-5-2021]
Editor's Note: This resolution also repealed former Subsection (3)(c), regarding the Highway Committee review of applications, and (d), regarding the Highway and Personnel Committees interviews, and redesignated former Subsection (3)(e), (f) and (g) as Subsection (3)(c), (d) and (e).
The Public Works Committee shall forward to the Oneida County Board a resolution nominating the top finalist as determined by the final interview. The names of the finalists who were interviewed shall also be provided to the County Board. Other nominations by County Board Supervisors from the list of finalists who were interviewed will be entertained and considered pursuant to the normal procedures for amending a resolution.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by Res. No. 13-2021, effective 2-5-2021]
Following the close of nominations, the County Board shall vote on the resolution. A majority vote is required to pass the resolution.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by Res. No. 13-2021, effective 2-5-2021]
The person elected to/holding the office of Highway Commissioner shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors for an indefinite period pursuant to Oneida County Code § 1.02.
[Amended 1-19-2021 by Res. No. 13-2021, effective 2-5-2021]
[Added 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 21-2019 (Ord. No. 4-2019), effective 3-2-2019[1]; amended 2-20-2024 by Res. No. 32-2024, effective 4-16-2024]
The Human Resources Director is responsible for personnel and labor relations duties as established by the Executive Committee and County Board and under the supervision of the Executive Committee shall administer the personnel policies as set forth in Chapter 4 of this Code, the Employee Handbook and any association contracts. The Human Resources Director shall also perform the duties of Loss Control Coordinator as set forth in Chapter 1 of this Code.
Editor’s Note: This resolution also repealed former § 1.25, County Coordinator, as amended.
[Added by Ord. No. 37-94]
Community Resource Development Agent. Under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural & Extension Education Committee, serve as University of Wisconsin-Extension faculty to provide education programs focusing on community, natural resources, and economic development.
Family Living Agent. Under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural & Extension Education Committee, serve as University of Wisconsin-Extension faculty to provide education programs focusing on family development.
4-H Youth Agent. Under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural & Extension Education Committee, serve as University of Wisconsin-Extension faculty to provide education programs focusing on family and youth development.
[Added by Ord. No. 37-94; amended by Res. No. 117-2008]
The County Auditor/Finance Director is responsible for overall financial management, accounting, reporting, budgeting and internal auditing of the County. This position provides financial reports, analysis and advice to the County Board and employees. The department is responsible for processing accounting records, accounts payable, central purchasing, payroll and fringe benefits payments. The County Auditor/Finance Director is one of the team of Risk Managers. In addition, the Auditor/Finance Director is charged with reviewing all resolutions/ordinance amendments that are submitted to the County Clerk to ensure that a proper fiscal impact report is attached when necessary.
[Amended Res. No. 72-2012]
Investment Authority. Under § 59.62, Wis. Stats., the County Board hereby delegates to the County Auditor/Finance Director the authority to invest County funds, § 66.04(2), Wis. Stats., and § 3.18 of this General Code, with the following restrictions:
The County Board shall review the County Auditor/Finance Director's exercise of this authority annually at the November meeting of the Board.
The report shall be presented to the Committee periodically at a meeting frequency as determined by the committee chair.
Deposit of Public Monies. To comply with § 59.61, the County Auditor/Finance Director shall prepare an ordinance, to be acted upon by the County Board at their annual November meeting, designating public depositories. The County Auditor/Finance Director shall proceed in the manner prescribed in § 34.05, Wis. Stats., and shall be limited as to liability as defined in § 34.06, Wis. Stats.
[Added by Ord. No. 37-94; amended by Ord. No. 03-2001]
The Information Technology Services Director is responsible for the computer functions of the County. Duties include budgeting, testing, planning, trouble shooting, evaluating, staffing and designing applications for any County computer related activity.
[Added by Ord. No. 09-2006]
Under the jurisdiction of the Solid Waste Committee, the Solid Waste Administrator shall administer and manage Chapter 8 of this General Code, Solid Waste Management, and make recommendations to the Committee and the County Board to update the ordinance as necessary to meet current and anticipated future conditions in the County to ensure that the purpose of the ordinance and the applicable statutes will continue to be met.
[Added by Res. No. 79-2018; amended 1-15-2019 by Res. No. 17-2019, effective 2-7-2019; 4-20-2021 by Res. No. 47-2021, effective 5-7-2021]
As part of the Social Services Department, administers all services as an aging unit, § 46.82(5), Wis. Stats., and a resource center, § 46.283, Wis. Stats., under the jurisdiction of the ADRC Committee.
[Added by Res. No. 79-2018]
Appointment and Term: Refer to § 1.02 of the General Code of Oneida County.
Duties: See § 11.09 of this General Code.