When the owner has constructed and installed the streets, drainage facilities, curbs, sidewalks, street signs, monuments, sanitary sewers, and other improvements in accordance with Borough regulations, standards and specifications, and desires the Borough to accept the said improvements, he shall, in writing, addressed to the Borough Secretary, request the Borough Engineer to make a semifinal inspection of the said improvements.
The said engineer shall thereupon make such inspection and shall report, in writing, to the Borough Secretary and the owner the result thereof, specifying with particularity those items of construction, material and workmanship which do not comply with the Borough regulations, standards, specifications and construction detail.
When the corrections are made, the owner shall request, in writing to the Borough Secretary, that the Borough Engineer make a final inspection and the owner shall pay to the Borough the cost of the acceptance of the improvements upon as may be from time to time established by resolution of Council.
Thereupon, the Borough Engineer shall make a final inspection of the said streets, drainage facilities, curbs, sidewalks, monuments, sanitary sewer, and other improvements and the Borough Engineer shall, in connection with his final inspection, run the finished center-line profile grades of the completed roads or streets and furnish to the Borough Secretary his official report thereof and such elevations as approved thereafter by the Borough shall be affixed to the final profile drawing either by the Borough Engineer or by the owner's engineers pursuant to the direction of the Borough Engineer by providing such owner's engineers with the approved data, and if the Borough Engineer, on such final inspection, shall find that the streets, drainage facilities, curbs, sidewalks, monuments, sanitary sewers and other improvements have been constructed in accordance with Borough regulations, standards, specifications, and the construction detail shown on the plans, and shall be satisfied that the owner has complied fully with the provisions of this resolution, the Borough Secretary shall notify the owner to the effect and owner shall thereupon furnish the Borough with:
An escrow deposit in the amount of 15% of the contract price to cover maintenance for a period of 18 months.
Three complete sets on linen of all plans of the subdivision which will be titled "as-built" drawings, including but not limited to drainage and profile plans, showing thereon all approvals required by this resolution, and specifically approvals of "as-built" plans, and also three like sets of plans on paper.
A deed to all public property.
Upon receipt of the above three requirements, and upon performance of all obligations by the owner to be performed under the contract, the Borough Council may proceed to accept said streets, drainage facilities and other improvements in the manner provided by law.
The final profile plan drawings hereinabove referred to shall be on linen and shall show the center-line profile grades of the streets within the subdivision as originally computed and designed and shown on the plans required by these regulations, and also the final profile grades of said street after the construction thereof.