[Code 1993, § 1.14]
Selection. The electors of the Village, by referendum vote, have established that assessors for the Village shall be selected by appointment. The Village Board, under the options provided by law, elects not to establish a civil service system for the selection of assessors and does elect to select such assessors by appointment of the Village Board on the basis of merit, experience and general qualifications.
Application. Any person desiring to be considered for appointment as a Village assessor shall submit a written application addressed to the Village Board and filed with the Clerk-Treasurer, which application shall set forth the following information, in detail:
Applicant's name, address and date of birth.
Applicant's current employment and position held.
Employment and positions held by the applicant for the previous 10 years, with the reason for any termination of employment.
Applicant's experience in the field of real and personal property appraisals and establishment of real and personal property valuations.
Education and scholastic degrees obtained by the applicant, if any.
Extent and knowledge of state tax laws by the applicant.
Applicant's criminal record.
Whether the applicant is applying for Village assessor or assistant Village assessor.
Salary at which appointment would be accepted by the applicant.
Investigation. The Village Board may cause such investigation as it may deem necessary to verify the information submitted as provided in Subsection (a) of this section or to further inform itself on the merits, experience and general qualifications of such applicants. From among the applications submitted, the Village Board shall appoint a person as the Village assessor and as many assistant Village assessors as it may deem necessary on the basis of merit, experience and general qualifications for such offices, and fix the salaries and the terms of office, which may be of an indeterminate length. No person who holds the office of Clerk-Treasurer shall be appointed as the Village assessor or assistant Village assessor.
Certification. On or before March 15 each year, the Village Board shall certify to the Clerk-Treasurer the names of such assessor and assistants and the salaries to be paid to such persons, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall periodically issue a check on the Village treasury for the payment of such salaries on a monthly basis.